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65 Hysterical Moth Jokes

65 Hysterical Moth Jokes

Moth Puns

1. What do you call a moth who loves listening to music? A moth aficionado!

2. Why was the moth teacher angry at her students? They were being little mothtraplings!

3. What did the baby moth say to its mom? I love you a mothful!

4. Why don’t moths eat clothes with holes in them? Because they prefer moth-to-moth combat.

5. What do you call a moth who just can’t get enough sugar? A sweet-moth!

6. Why did the moth feel cold? It was without its fur coat!

7. How does a moth party? It dresses to the nines!

8. Why can’t you trust a moth? It will spread rumors just for the mothballs!

9. What do you call a moth who loves winter sports? A moth skier!

10. Why are moths bad at keeping secrets? They spread rumors like wildfire!

Moth One-Liners

11. Moths sure know how to party hardy.

12. A moth’s favorite dance? The flutterbye.

13. What do moths study in school? Mothematics.

14. Moths may be attracted to the light, but their true love is darkness.

15. Moths don’t need fancy clothes, their wings are glamorous enough.

16. A moth can’t see in the dark, but it can party all night long.

17. Moths don’t bug people, they just want to make more little moths.

18. A moth goes wherever the night takes it.

19. Moths thrive under the cover of darkness.

20. A moth doesn’t worry about the light, it brings its own glow to the party.

Best Moth Jokes

21. What do you call a moth who loves entrepreneurship? A moth-preneur!

22. A moth flew into a podiatrist’s office. The podiatrist said “What seems to be the problem moth?”

The moth said “What’s the problem? Where do I begin, man? I go to work for Gregory Illinivich, and all day long I work and honestly doc, I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. I don’t even know if Gregory Illinivich knows. He only knows that he has power over me and that seems to bring him happiness. But I don’t know. I wake up in a malaise and I walk here and there.”

The podiatrist says “Oh yeah?”

The moth goes “Yes. At night I sometimes wake up and I turn to some old lady, in my bed, on my arm. A lady that I once loved. Doc, I don’t even know where that is anymore. I mean, I have her number. I could call her. She might even take my call. But that…that wouldn’t be fair to her. Something seems to be calling me in the middle of the night, telling me to fly miles and miles, to drawn in lakes and dance romantically on beaches. Man, I used to blame Gregory Illinivich, but I’m starting to think the problem is with me, not him.”

The podiatrist says “Moth, you’re troubled. But you should be seeing a psychiatrist. Why on earth did you come in here?”

The moth says “Because the light was on.”

23. What did the baby corn say to the mama corn? Where is pop corn?

24. Why don’t moths eat pants with holes in them? Because they prefer moth to moth combat.

25. What’s a moth’s favorite hobby? Getting plastered around light bulbs.

26. Why can’t moths become comedians? Because they take everything so literally!

27. What did the mama moth say to her baby before bedtime? Time to hit the cocoon!

28. Why are moths so attracted to flames? They want to get fired up!

29. Why do moths feel so zen? Because they Ommmm.

30. What’s a moth’s favorite lunch? A flutter and jam sandwich.

31. How do moths stay connected? With a webinar.

32. Why can’t you tell a moth a secret? It will spread like wildfire!

33. What’s a moth’s favorite outdoor activity? Having a picnic around the lampost.

34. Why are moths so optimistic? They always look on the bright side!

35. Why do moths have trouble sleeping? They are too bright eyed and bushy tailed.

36. What do you call a moth who loves music? Mothart.

37. Why don’t moths need maps? They already know the way to the flame.

38. Why did the moth get glasses? It was having night vision problems.

39. Why don’t moths tell jokes? They always take things so literally!

40. What’s a moth’s favorite dessert? Moth mellows.

41. Why do moths love raves? They are attracted to the glow sticks!

42. Why do moths make good therapists? They are great listeners in the night.

43. How does a moth party? It dresses to the nines.

44. What do you call a moth who loves winter sports? A moth skier!

45. How do moths stick together? With moth balls.

46. What do you call a moth who loves to read? A bookworm!

47. Why do moths hate rainy days? It dampens their spirits.

48. Why don’t moths need to go to school? They are wise beyond their years.

49. What’s a moth’s favorite TV show? The Moth Wing.

50. Why do moths make great detectives? They always find the source of the flame.

51. Why don’t moths go camping? They prefer lamping.

52. What’s a moth’s favorite sport? Flutterby.

53. What do you call a moth who flies into a chicken coop? Coo-Coo for Coco Puffs.

54. Why are moths so eco-friendly? They always carpool to the light.

55. Why do moths love high fashion? For the runway lights.

56. What’s a moth’s favorite movie genre? Flickers.

57. Why do moths make great activists? They spread their message far and wide.

58. What’s a moth’s favorite dance? The macarena.

59. Why are moths so motivated? They have a clear vision of their goals.

60. Why do moths love karaoke? They were born to be stars!

61. What’s a moth’s favorite song? “Come on baby light my fire!”

62. How does a moth party? It dresses to the nines.

63. Why did the moth cross the road? To get to the bright side!

64. What’s a moth’s favorite Nursery Rhyme? Twinkle Twinkle Little Moth.

65. What do you call a moth who loves to camp? A happy mothmore!