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75 Funny Mole Day Jokes

75 Funny Mole Day Jokes

Mole Day Puns

1. I tried calculating Avogadro’s number but I kept losing count. My work was so mole-esting!

2. My chemistry teacher told us that today is Mole Day. I said, “Don’t you mean guaca-mole day?”

3. I entered a competition to see who could balance the most moles on their face. It ended in a tie.

4. I was going to make hummus for Mole Day but I chickpea’d out.

5. Why was Avogadro afraid of the mole on his face? Because it had abnormal growth!

6. Why do moles make bad gardeners? They dig too many holes!

7. What do you call a little mole that went rogue? A guerilla mole!

8. How did the mole travel from Los Angeles to Las Vegas? Through a mole tunnel!

9. Why don’t moles live alone? They get lonely!

10. What do you get when you cross a mole with a batttery? Mole-ectricity!

11. Why don’t moles like haircuts? Because they dig their natural style.

12. Did you hear about the mole who got lost in the garden? Poor guy was really dis-mole-yed.

13. I was going to tell a chemistry joke, but all the good ones Argon.

14. Why was Avogadro sad on Mole Day? He felt his number was being taken for granted!

15. What did one mole say to the other? “Don’t worry, we mole-culate together!”

Mole Day One-Liners

16. I identi-mole people by their weird markings.

17. Moles – bringing families closer one blind tunnel at a time.

18. Moles may be ugly but their tunnels are beautiful.

19. Mole removal: ruining perfectly good claws since 1900.

20. Moles: experts at digging, bad at eye surgery.

21. Need an underground highway? Call a mole, we dig it.

22. Moles – if we build it, worms will come.

23. Moles do it in the dirt.

24. Support your local mole, buy a shovel today.

25. Moles – blindly digging holes for centuries.

26. Don’t whack a mole, befriend one today.

27. Moles: bringing you closer to China one clawful at a time.

28. Get rich quick – sell mole repellent to gardeners.

29. Moles have a heart even if they don’t have eyes.

30. Moles: WE DIG IT!

Best Mole Day Jokes

31. What do you call a cold mole? A chill mole!

32. Why don’t moles need maps? They have a good sense of tunnel vision.

33. What kind of shoes do moles wear? Open-toad sandals!

34. How does Avogadro organize his closet? By mole-ecules!

35. What did Avogadro teach in school? Molectures!

36. Why do moles make great chemists? They are well versed in mole-ecular formulas!

37. Why was the mole student confused on Mole Day? He was having an identity crises over Avogadro’s number!

38. What did one mole say to the other mole? “I dig you!”

39. Why don’t moles eat guacamole? Because they prefer hummus!

40. Why are moles never lonely? They always have dig-nity!

41. Why do moles love counting games? They are good at mole-tiplication!

42. What kind of calculator does a mole use? A solar-powered dig-it-al calculator!

43. Why don’t moles get sunburned? They live underground and avoid the solar mole-cules!

44. Why was Avogadro so attached to his number? It defined his mole-ecular identity!

45. What did Avogadro say when he won the lottery? “I can’t believe my lucky mole-cule!”

46. Why was Avogadro’s classroom very crowded? It was full of mole-ecules!

47. Why was Avogadro’s house so clean? He used a mole-ecule sweeper!

48. How did Avogadro count his money? By mole-ecules of course!

49. Why was Avogadro good at basketball? He had a mole-cular grasp of the game!

50. What is a mole’s favorite game? Whack-a-mole!

51. Why did the mole cross the road? To get to the other hole.

52. What do you call a mole with great vision? A sight mole!

53. Why do moles wear jackets underground? Because they dig the cold!

54. Why do moles make bad drivers? They can’t see where they’re going!

55. What do you call a mole who works out? A swole!

56. Why are moles terrible ballerinas? They have two left feet!

57. How do moles party? They turn up the soil volume!

58. Why did the mole go to the doctor? He needed a claw-nic!

59. What’s a mole’s favorite emoji? The digging one!

60. How does a mole send a letter? By dig-ital mail!

61. Why do moles love dirt? It grounds them!

62. What do you call a mole who roams free? An outlaw!

63. Why do moles make great criminals? They know how to diguise themselves!

64. Why are moles rarely sun burnt? They avoid getting mole-ested by the sun’s rays!

65. Why do moles have expensive phone bills? Long dig-tance charges!

66. What’s a mole’s favorite sport? Dig racing!

67. Why did the mole cross the playground? To get to the other slide!

68. How does a mole keep its fur clean? With mole-cular detergent!

69. Why can’t you tell a mole jokes? Because they digress too much!

70. Why do moles wear miner hats? For better night dig-ion!

71. How does a mole cook dinner? On a dig-ital stove!

72. Why are moles good secret keepers? They keep things underground!

73. Why do moles love dirt so much? It’s ex-soil-ent!

74. What’s a mole’s favorite dessert? Dirt pudding with gummy worms!

75. Why was the mole late for dinner? It took too long to dig out of its hole!