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64 Funny Burger Puns

64 Funny Burger Puns

Burger Puns

1. I relish a good burger pun!

2. Let’s meat up and swap burger puns.

3. Burger puns are a rare medium well done.

4. What kind of shoes do burgers wear? Loafers!

5. I came for the buns but stayed for the burgers.

6. Don’t have a cow, man, these are just burger puns.

7. These burger puns are so cheesy!

8. I’m bunless without you – my favorite burger.

9. Orange you glad I didn’t say burger pun?

10. Quit Russian me – let’s hear those burger puns!

11. I’m one funky dude with a bunch of burger puns.

12. Time to meat up and discuss these burger puns.

13. I relish these clever burger puns – they’re the wurst!

14. Burger puns give me life – I’m lovin’ it!

15. Let’s taco ’bout how awesome these burger puns are.

16. I came for the buns but stayed for the burgers.

17. What do you call a frozen burger? A brrrrger!

18. What do you call an arrogant burger? A huburger!

19. What do you call a burger with a degree? A Dr. Burger!

20. Why can’t burgers tell jokes? They always get roasted!

21. How does a burger introduce itself? Patty to meet you!

22. Why did the burger go to medical school? To become a Doctor Pepper!

Burger One-Liners

23. I’m so obsessed with burgers I relish the thought of them.

24. I mustard the courage to share my love of burgers.

25. Burgers always meat my expectations.

26. I’ve bean waiting all day for a good burger.

27. On a burger diet? You can have it your weigh!

28. Eating burgers is my life’s true condiment.

29. Burgers give me strength to ketchup with my work.

30. I love burgers from my head tomatoes.

31. Burgers make me feel warm and bready inside.

32. I’d be lost without burgers, they keep me grounded!

33. Burgers make me so hoppy.

34. I relish the day I get to have a great burger again.

35. I love burgers, even the crumby ones!

36. A burger a day keeps the sadness away.

37. I pray one day burgers will lettuce live in peace.

38. Without burgers, I’d be in a pickle.

39. Burgers always know how to butter me up.

40. I’d bungee jump for a great burger right now.

Best Burger Jokes

41. What did the burger name his daughter? Patty!

A man went into a burger restaurant and ordered a cheeseburger with no cheese. The waiter brought him a hamburger. “I ordered a cheeseburger with no cheese!” yelled the man. “Isn’t that just a hamburger?” asked the waiter. “Oh, just forget it,” grumbled the man. “I’ll have a milkshake with no milk.”

42. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up.

Two eggs were sitting in a frying pan. One egg said “Wow it’s getting hot in here!” The other egg said “Holy smokes a talking egg!”

43. How do you fix a damaged burger? With burger patches!

A man walks into a burger restaurant and orders a deluxe burger with everything on it. The waiter brings him the burger and the man takes one bite. “Ugh, this burger tastes terrible,” he says. “It tastes like it’s made of cardboard!” The waiter apologizes and takes it back to the kitchen. A minute later, he returns with another deluxe burger. The man takes a bite and makes a disgusted face. “This one is even worse! It tastes like rubber.” Once again, the waiter apologizes and returns to the kitchen. When he comes back with a third burger, the man waves him away angrily. “Forget it, just bring me a cheese pizza instead.”

44. What do you call a burger that graduated top of its class? An honor roll!

A man went to a burger restaurant and ordered a deluxe cheeseburger. When his food arrived, he took one look at the tiny patty and wilted lettuce sticking out from the bun and called over the waiter. “Excuse me, but I ordered a deluxe cheeseburger. This looks nothing like the picture on your menu.” The waiter leaned in close and whispered apologetically: “Oh I’m so sorry sir, we’re all out of fake plastic prop food.”

45. Why can’t you ever run out of burgers? There’s always more in steak!

A cowboy rode into town hungry for a burger. He walked into the saloon and asked the bartender: “I’ll take the biggest, juiciest burger ya got.” The bartender nodded and disappeared into the kitchen. 30 minutes later he returned with an enormous burger stacked a foot tall with all the fixins. The cowboy’s eyes went wide and his mouth watered. He picked up the burger with both hands, opened wide, and took a giant bite. A moment later the burger collapsed into a pile of playing cards soaked in ketchup.

46. Which burger topping got promoted? Colonel Mustard!

A man ordered a cheeseburger at a diner. When his food arrived, it was missing the cheese. He flagged down the waiter and said, “Excuse me, but I ordered a cheeseburger and there’s no cheese on this burger.” The waiter rolled his eyes and replied, “Oh, so you want me to go all the way back to the kitchen just to get a slice of cheese?” The man nodded. The waiter shrugged and went back, returning a minute later with a big grin. “Here’s your cheese…” he said, slapping a slice onto the man’s forehead.

47. What did the burger name his autobiography? The Patty of My Life.

A woman sat down in a diner and ordered a cheeseburger. When it arrived, she took one look at the pathetic patty dwarfed by a giant bun and called over the waitress. “Uh, I ordered a cheeseburger but this patty is tiny,” she said. The waitress frowned and replied, “Oh, sorry about that. Here, let me take it back.” She picked up the plate and headed to the kitchen. A minute later, she returned with the exact same burger but a bigger smile. “There you go! I made the bun smaller.”

48. Don’t interrupt someone when they’re eating a burger. It’s rude to patty-rupt them.

A man flagged down his waiter and pointed to his cheeseburger with disgust. “Excuse me, but I specifically asked for no onions on my burger. This thing is smothered in them!” The waiter peered closely at the burger and said, “Oh no sir, those aren’t onions. Those are the seeds from the buns.”

49. What do you call someone who steals burgers? A patty thief!

A woman was disgusted when her burger arrived with no patty inside. She called over the waiter and demanded to see the manager. When the manager came over, she showed him the empty burger bun and said angrily, “I ordered a burger but there is clearly no patty in here. What kind of ripoff is this?” The manager took one look and said, “Ma’am, you ordered a veggie burger.”

50. Why did the burger get detention? It was a bad patty!

A man ordered a cheeseburger and was surprised when it arrived with no patty at all! He waved over his waiter and said, “Excuse me, but I seem to be missing the actual burger patty on my cheeseburger.” The waiter smacked his forehead. “Oh no, I’m so sorry sir. It looks like the chef cooked the cheese and forgot the burger.”

Burger Puns

51. Don’t have a cow, I’m just making burger puns.

52. My friend got tired of burger puns, but I reassured him they were well done.

53. I relish these burger puns, but my friends say I’m too cheesy.

54. I mustard up the courage to share my burger puns.

55. Lettuce turnip the beet on these burger puns!

56. Olive my friends hate these corny burger puns.

57. Onion know I try too hard with these burger puns.

58. Quit Russian me – I’m just getting warmed up with these burger puns!

59. I’m one funky dude when it comes to burger puns.

60. My burger puns are rare, but always well done.

Burger One-Liners

61. I meat my match with these clever burger puns.

62. Without burgers, I’d be lost – they keep me grounded!

63. I’ll relish the day I run out of burger puns.

64. If my burger puns go too far, just lettuce know!