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Jennifer Martinez

Pocket Watch Puns (15) 1. I was running late to my watchmaker class, but I managed to make up for lost time. 2. My pocket watch collection is very valuable. You could say it’s priceless…unlike my regular watch collection. 3. I brought my broken pocket watch to get fixed, but the repairman said he didn’t …

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Candle Puns 1. Why was the candle so tired after a long day? It was burnt out! 2. What did the French candle say to the other candle? I wax, you wax, we all wax for candles! 3. Why do candles make the best listeners? They illuminate what you have to say! 4. Why did …

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Sock Puns 1. I tried to come up with a sock pun, but couldn’t foot the bill. 2. What did one sock say to the other sock? I’ve got you covered! 3. I asked my sock if it was feeling sad. It said, “Yeah, I’m feeling a little down today.” 4. Want to hear a …

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Poop Puns (10) 1. I’m feeling pretty crappy today. My stomach is in turdmoil. 2. The plumber was having a crappy day. All he wanted to do was drop the kids off at the pool, but he kept getting called for toilet emergencies. 3. I ate some bad Mexican food last night. Now I’m in …

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May Puns Every May 1st, I get up with the day and show my enthusiasm. You could say I’m an early May person. I asked my friend if he wanted to celebrate May Day with me. He said, “Mayday! Mayday! Abort mission!” My wife told me not to drink too much at the May Day …

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