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47 Jokes About Pianos

47 Jokes About Pianos

Piano Puns (12)

  1. What do you call a piano that fell down the stairs? A flat minor.
  2. Why was the piano teacher arrested? For fingering minors.
  3. My friend can play piano by ear. Unfortunately, he has no arms or hands.
  4. I tried to sell my old piano but couldn’t get more than a few bucks.
  5. I accidentally sat on a piano and hit a bunch of keys. It was wrong on so many levels.
  6. Did you hear about the pianist who kept banging his head on the keys? He was going through a lot of treble.
  7. What do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft? A flat minor.
  8. Why are pianos hard to open? Because the keys are inside.
  9. My piano teacher tells me I’m not playing the right notes. I think she’s just being melodramatic.
  10. I used to play the piano, but I got tired of it. Now I just wing it.
  11. What do you call someone who tunes pianos? A pianist.
  12. Working as a piano mover requires a strong forte.

Piano One-Liners (12)

  1. I can play the piano by ear, which is tricky because I don’t actually have any ears.
  2. My piano teacher said I had potential, I just needed to practice my scales – apparently learning the C major scale isn’t enough to impress her.
  3. I wanted an upright piano but I didn’t have the space, so I got a flat one instead.
  4. I failed my piano recital when I got to a forte section and played it softly.
  5. Don’t worry if your child is struggling with piano lessons – stay positive and B sharp.
  6. My piano is out of tune, but I can’t afford to get it fixed so I’ll just have to face the music.
  7. I’m no Mozart but I did manage to stay in tune for my entire piano recital, so I’ve got that going for me.
  8. I played piano as a kid but I was only ever mediocre – I excelled at the scales but struggled with the chords.
  9. My piano is covered in so many sticky notes for learning new pieces, it looks like a fruit roll up.
  10. I wanted to learn piano, but I struggled to focus during lessons and eventually hit the wrong keys with my teacher.
  11. I played piano as a kid but I lost interest when classical songs couldn’t hold my attention span anymore.
  12. My aunt loves playing piano and bought one for her house, but got frustrated when her skills were rusty after years without practicing.

Best Piano Jokes (23)

  1. What do you call a pianist who keeps banging his head on the keys? A headbanger.
  2. My friend can play the piano by ear. Which is so annoying when he does it while I’m trying to sleep.
  3. I took piano lessons as a kid but could never get the hang of playing with both hands. My teacher said I lacked coordination. But I think I just wasn’t ambidextrous enough.
  4. What’s the difference between a piano and a fish? You can tune a piano but you can’t tuna fish!
  5. Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a piano? He was completely stunned.
  6. I wanted to learn how to play piano, but I kept hitting the wrong chords with my teacher.
  7. Why does a piano have 88 keys, but a normal keyboard only has like 50? Midlife crisis.
  8. My friend can play the piano by ear. Now that’s what I call talent, considering he was born without ears.
  9. What’s the difference between a piano and a tuna? You can tune a piano, but you can’t piano a tuna!
  10. Want to hear a pizza joke? Nevermind, it’s pretty cheesy.
  11. I took piano lessons for years but I still can’t play a single song perfectly. I always end up tickling the ivories.
  12. My piano teacher made me practice scales so much as a kid that now whenever I hear a scale, I break out in hives. It’s my piano trauma response.
  13. What concert costs just 45 cents? 50 Cent featuring Nickelback!
  14. Why is a piano so hard to open? Because the keys are on the inside!
  15. I wanted to learn piano as an adult but then discovered chopsticks was the only song I could play with any skill. Back to the drawing board.
  16. My friend can play the piano by ear. Now that’s what I call talent, considering he was born without ears.
  17. I wanted to learn piano, but couldn’t afford lessons. So I just went to the music store and picked the teacher’s brains.
  18. What do you call someone who likes to make music? A melomaniac.
  19. I was going to make a piano joke, but I’m not in the mood to tickle the ivories.
  20. Did you hear about the pianist who fell into the orchestra pit? He hit a few wrong notes on the way down.
  21. I played the piano as a kid but was only mediocre at it. I excelled at scales and exercises but struggled with actual songs. Story of my life.
  22. My piano teacher could tell I hated practicing. She said I constantly played the wrong notes just to push her buttons.
  23. Knock knock! Who’s there? Piano tuna. Piano tuna who? You can tune a piano but you can’t tuna fish!
  24. Why do pianos have 88 keys? Because they can’t afford the down payment on the other 12.