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65 Hysterical Snickers Jokes

65 Hysterical Snickers Jokes

Snickers Puns

1. Why did the candy bar get sent to jail? It was a Snickers bar!

2. What do you call an angry candy bar? A fuming Snickers!

3. Why was the Snickers bar so noisy in class? It was being a chatter box!

4. How did the Snickers bar know exactly what to wear? It had a good sense of peanut butter and nougat!

5. Why are Snickers bars bad at keeping secrets? They’re always getting themselves into sticky situations!

6. Why do Snickers bars make good builders? They’re packed full of nuts and nougat mortar!

7. What do you call a Snickers bar that graduated top of its class? A smartie pants!

8. Why did the Snickers get an award? It had outstanding chocolate achievements!

9. Why did the Snickers bar cross the road? It was nuts!

10. What do you call a Snickers bar that gets angry easily? A chocolate Hulk!

11. Why can’t you trust a Snickers bar? It’s always up to some nougaty business!

12. Why do Snickers bars make the best baseball players? They know how to crack nuts!

13. How does a Snickers bar rock climb? Very caramel-fully!

14. Why are Snickers bars the most fashionable candy? They always look so chic!

15. What did the Snickers say to the hungry man? I got your back, Jack!

Snickers One-Liners

16. I’d make a Snickers joke but it would satisfy you.

17. Don’t have a Mars about it, Snickers satisfies.

18. Snickers really satisfies my funny bone.

19. Go ahead, laugh it up, Snickers are hilarious.

20. What do you call a comedy show full of Snickers? Satisfying!

21. Laugh now, satisfy hunger later with Snickers.

22. A Snickers a day keeps the doctor away…if you throw it hard enough.

23. Snickers: putting the HA in chocolate.

24. Don’t be a Milky Way hater, Snickers humor is delicious.

25. Snickers – hilarious, satisfying, nutritious…ish.

Best Snickers Jokes

26. A man was starving after being stranded on a deserted island for weeks. Finally, a candy bar floated ashore. The man joyfully peeled off the wrapper and took a big bite. “Ugh, coconut,” he groaned. “If only it was a Snickers!”

27. What did the hungry comedian say when his friend offered him a Snickers bar? “Thanks, this really satisfies my craving for comedy!”

28. A Snickers bar walked into a comedy club. The bartender said “We don’t serve food here!”

29. A boy asked his dad for money to buy a Snickers bar. His dad replied “Do you think I’m made of money? Snickers cost an arm and a leg!” The boy said “Well in that case, better get me a Milky Way too!”

30. Why did the Snickers cross the road? It wanted to see the nuts on the other side!

31. What do you get if you cross a hilarious comedian with a Snickers bar? A ton of laughs and satisfaction!

32. Why don’t hungry vampires bite into Snickers bars? They satisfy their thirst for blood, not hunger!

33. How are comedy and Snickers bars alike? They both get a good laugh out of people!

34. What’s the best way to make someone laugh and satisfy their hunger? Give them a Snickers!

35. Why did the man start throwing Snickers bars in the comedy club? He was trying to satisfy the audience!

36. Why did the Snickers cross the comedy stage? To try and get more laughs than the comedian!

37. What happens when you tell a hilarious joke to a Snickers bar? It satisfies your funny bone!

38. How do you make a Snickers bar laugh? Tickle its nougatty bits!

39. Why are Snickers bars so down to earth? They have no airs and nuttiness!

40. What did the comedian say to the heckler throwing Snickers bars? “Hey, stop satisfying the audience!”

41. Two Snickers walk into a bar…one was nuts, the other was choco-late!

42. Why can’t you tell a joke to a Snickers? It will satisfy you instead of laughing!

43. What do you get when you cross a Snickers bar with a laugh track? A hilarious, satisfying candy treat!

44. Why was the Snickers bar embarrassed? It was caught snickering at someone!

45. A Snickers bar, Milky Way and Hershey’s walked into a bar. The Snickers satisfied the crowd with its humor.

46. What’s the chewiest way to laugh? With a mouthful of Snickers!

47. Why did the Snickers get an A on its comedy exam? It had the write stuff…and nuts!

48. Why did the comedian quit his job? He didn’t find rolling on the floor laughing as satisfying as eating a Snickers.

49. How do you muffle a Snickers’ laugh? Put it in the freezer – cold bars can’t crack up!

50. Which candy bar is the most comical? Snickers – it’s always laughing at its own nutty jokes!

51. How do you know when you’ve told a really funny joke? When even the Snickers bars are cracking up!

52. What did the Snickers say to the cashew? You’re nuts, but I’m nuts-er!

53. Why did the comedian start throwing Snickers bars into the audience? He wanted more applause!

54. What did one Snickers bar say to the other? Boy, this comedy club is full of nuts!

55. Why can’t you tell jokes to a Snickers? It will just laugh at you instead!

56. How do you make a Snickers bar laugh on demand? Poke it in the ribs and yell “Tickle spot!”

57. What’s a candy bar’s favorite type of humor? Slap-Snickers!

58. Why do Snickers make such great comedians? They have lots of funny nuts and jokes inside!

59. What do you get when you cross a Snickers bar with a laugh track? Hilarious satisfaction in every bite!

60. Why don’t Snickers bars ever seem to age? Because laughter keeps them young!

61. How can you tell when a Snickers bar is really cracking up? When its nuts start rolling on the floor!

62. What happens when two hilarious Snickers bars walk into each other? A satis-fying collision!

63. Why was the Snickers bar chosen as judge for the comedy competition? It knew funny when it heard it!

64. What’s a candy bar’s favorite comedy prop? A joy Snickers!

65. Which candy bar is voted most likely to crack up? Snickers – no joke!