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93 Hilarious Warehouse Jokes

93 Hilarious Warehouse Jokes

Warehouse Puns (15)

1. I heard the warehouse employees formed a band. They call themselves The Store-age Rockers.

2. The warehouse manager was feeling down so I told him some jokes to lift his spirits. You could say I tried to warehouse his blues.

3. The warehouse employees were excited when the boss brought in donuts. The pastries gave them a sugar rush and they started working twice as fast. You could say the donuts were a real warehouse motivator.

4. I heard there was some drama between two warehouse workers who both had a crush on the same person. You could say there was romantic warehouse tension.

5. The warehouse has a rodent problem but the manager doesn’t want to pay for pest control. Instead, he got a cat to take care of it. I’d say that’s a warehouse mouser.

6. The warehouse manager called a meeting first thing in the morning to discuss the day’s tasks. You could say he scheduled a warehouse briefing.

7. The warehouse has been having electrical issues lately. The manager hopes an electrician can come warehouse the current problem.

8. The warehouse workers were excited to take inventory this year – apparently their warehouse counters were looking forward to it.

9. The warehouse recently started stocking bulk packs of batteries. They take up a lot of shelf space but provide good warehouse voltage.

10. The warehouse workers decided to organize a talent show. There’s a lot of warehouse performers amongst the staff.

11. The warehouse acquired a new forklift to help optimize storage space. It provides good warehouse lifting capacity.

12. The staff spends a lot of time carefully shelving inventory. You could say they do a lot of warehouse stacking.

13. The warehouse manager hired his nephew even though he isn’t qualified. I guess it’s an example of warehouse nepotism.

14. The warehouse workers always meet up for breakfast before their shift. It’s their daily warehouse briefing.

15. The warehouse staff takes teamwork very seriously. They have excellent warehouse bonding.

Warehouse One-Liners (15)

16. I started a support group for warehouse workers. We discuss our issues over storage.

17. Working in a warehouse has its ups and downs – quite literally if you’re on a forklift.

18. My friend got a job at the warehouse but was fired after two days for sitting down too much. They really frown upon warehouse lounging.

19. Make sure you fill out your warehouse paperwork properly. Dot your I’s and cross your pallet jack.

20. Warehouse workers have to master spatial geometry. It’s an important skill for optimal box stacking.

21. Becoming a warehouse manager is no easy feat. The interview is an intense game of shelf ware.

22. I tried to liven up the warehouse atmosphere by playing music. Apparently warehouse raving is strictly prohibited.

23. The warehouse hired a new custodian who sweeps instead of mops. He puts the broom before the floor.

24. Make sure to stretch before your warehouse shifts. You don’t want to pull a box-lifting muscle.

25. My friend got fired from the warehouse for taking too many bathroom breaks. I guess his warehouse bladder was problematic.

26. Working night shifts at the warehouse can be creepy. Especially if you hear warehouse ghost murmurs.

27. Make sure to be polite to the forklift operators. You don’t want to get on the bad side of a lift jockey.

28. I got reprimanded for telling too many jokes at the warehouse. Apparently the manager has a strict no warehouse kidding policy.

29. My warehouse training consisted of memorizing a 500 page manual. They really put me through the warehouse ringer.

30. Make sure to lift boxes with proper form. You don’t want to cause warehouse disk problems.

Best Warehouse Jokes (28)

31. What do you call a warehouse full of bobbleheads? A box stock.

32. How do you organize a space-themed party for warehouse workers? You planet.

33. Why do forklift operators get stressed when driving down narrow aisles? They’re afraid they might sideswipe something.

34. How does a warehouse worker ensure the inventory records are accurate? They double-Czech.

35. Did you hear about the guy who dropped a huge box of drinking glasses at the warehouse? It was a real shattered shipment.

36. Why was the new warehouse employee already tired on his first day of work? He was pre-exhausted from orientation.

37. Did you hear about the warehouse worker who was jumping on the boxes during his lunch break? His supervisor gave him a packing slip.

38. Why do warehouse workers make bad DJs? Because they’re always dropping the base (bass).

39. How do you lift someone’s spirits at the warehouse? With high praise.

40. Why did the warehouse assistant manager get demoted? He rubbed the general manager the wrong weigh.

41. Why are warehouse workers so good at solving problems? They know how to think outside the box.

42. How do you describe an upbeat warehouse worker? They have a positive palette.

43. Why was the lazy warehouse worker scolded by his supervisor? He was caught napping on the delivery job.

44. Why do warehouse workers get stressed when the inventory counts are off? It keeps them up with worry.

45. Did you hear about the warehouse manager who stepped down to spend more time with his family? He resigned to warehouse domesticity.

46. Why was the new warehouse worried about fitting in? He felt out of his shipment.

47. Why was the warehouse worker sweating so much? His job was very taxing.

48. Did you hear the joke about the empty warehouse? Nevermind, it’s vacant.

49. Why are warehouse workers so good at conflict resolution? They know how to handle shipping disputes.

50. What do you call a rowdy warehouse employee? A trouble freight.

51. How did the warehouse motivate their workers during the busy season? They ran an incentive forklift.

52. How do you keep stored goods safe from burglars? Bolt everything down.

53. Why do warehouse workers get along so well? There’s strength in numbers.

54. Why did the warehouse ban radios? They didn’t want employees tuning out.

55. How does a forklift operator prepare for promotion? They work on elevating their skills.

56. Why was the warehouse manager so stressed? They were under a lot of shipping pressure.

57. How do you fix a broken pallet? With re-ply-wood.

58. Why was the warehouse worker sweating so much on the job? Long shifts caused him to work up a lather.

93 Hilarious Warehouse Jokes