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85 Hilarious Shrimp Jokes

85 Hilarious Shrimp Jokes

Shrimp Puns (25)

1. Why don’t shrimp share their toys? They’re shellfish.

2. What do you call a shrimp that loans money? A prawn broker.

3. Why did the shrimp cross the road? To get to the other tide.

4. What do you call a shrimp that skips church? A Hindu.

5. I shrimply love a good pun.

6. What do you call a shrimp from outer space? An alien prawn.

7. Why can’t you trust shrimp? They’re known to be shellfish.

8. How do shrimp keep in touch? With prawn calls.

9. Why are shrimp so fit? They never miss a prawn workout.

10. What did the shrimp say when his friend stepped on him? Hey, watch where you prawn!

11. Why was the shrimp so excited? His son was starting college at Prawn U!

12. Why was the shrimp voted off the island? He was too shellfish.

13. What’s a shrimp’s favorite movie? Forrest Gump.

14. How do shrimp stay connected? With prawn cords.

15. Why do shrimp make bad lifeguards? They’re too shellfish.

16. What do you call a shrimp who loves music? Prawn Marley.

17. Why don’t shrimp need blogs? They have their own prawnsite.

18. Why can’t you take shrimp to church? Because they use prawnfanity.

19. What do you call a shrimp from Texas? A pra-y’all.

20. Why do shrimp make great lawyers? They know all the prawns and crabs.

21. How do shrimp stay warm in winter? Central prawning.

22. Why did the shrimp get a promotion? He made VP at his comprawny.

23. Why are shrimp so lucky? They were born with a prawn spoon in their mouth.

24. What do you call shrimp that protest? Prawn rights activists.

25. Why did the shrimp cross the road? To get to the shell station.

Shrimp One-Liners (25)

26. I’m not shrimply in love with you, I’m prawnfully smitten.

27. They see me rollin’, they hatin’: the life of a shrimp.

28. Shrimp Kabobs, Shrimp Creole, Shrimp Gumbo – Bubba had the right idea.

29. Shrimp, the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There’s uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo.

30. Eat shrimp, get swole – it’s just science.

31. Shrimp so fresh the boat is still looking for them.

32. I don’t actually care for shrimp, I’m just prawn to party.

33. All I’m shrimply saying is give prawns a chance.

34. Shrimp: pink on the outside, white on the inside – sounds familiar.

35. Shrimp for breakfast, shrimp for lunch, and shrimp for dinner – my cardiologist loves me.

36. Shrimp: it’s what’s for dinner…again.

37. A shrimp a day keeps the doctor at bay. Unless you have a shellfish allergy.

38. Shrimp – tailor made for dipping in cocktail sauce.

39. Shrimp scampi? More like scamper back into the sea, am I right?

40. Shrimps and giggles – that’s my kind of night.

41. Come for the shrimp, stay for the cholesterol spike.

42. When life gives you shrimp, make shrimp cocktails.

43. Shrimp: the only food that looks bigger before it’s cooked.

44. Shrimp: pink, curled up, and juicy – kinda like my toes.

45. If shrimp could talk, would we feel bad eating them? Nah, pass the cocktail sauce.

46. Shrimp heads: also edible, but not advisable.

47. The shrimp that smiles back: soon to be delicious.

48. Shrimply irrresistible!

49. Eat shrimp, be merry.

50. Shrimp – the potato chip of the sea.

Best Shrimp Jokes (35)

51. Why did the shrimp get thrown out of the restaurant? He was being shellfish and kept prawning on the other customers.

52. What did the shrimp say when his son graduated from college? I’m so prawnd of you!

53. How do you communicate with a shrimp? You drop it a line!

54. My friend invited me to a shrimp themed party. It was a bit shellfish if you ask me.

55. I was going to tell a joke about a shrimp cocktail, but it was too spicy.

56. Did you hear about the shrimp that went to jail? He was a hardened crustacean.

57. What did the baby shrimp say to its mom? Stop being so shellfish!

58. Why don’t shrimp ever donate to charity? They prefer to be shellfish.

59. How do shrimp stay in shape? They do shrimp-ups every day.

60. I wanted to dress up as a shrimp for Halloween but couldn’t find a good prawn costume.

61. Why don’t shrimp make good drivers? They tailgate too much.

62. What do you call a shrimp that’s also a wannabe musician? A prawn star.

63. Why did the shrimp get a job as a chef? He wanted to achieve his prawn potential.

64. Why are shrimp terrible bank robbers? They make easy catch and release.

65. Did you hear about the shrimp that went on a road trip across the country? He had a prawnographic adventure.

66. What did one shrimp say to the other? Don’t be shellfish, share your food!

67. Why do shrimp always win stare downs? They refuse to prawn blink.

68. What’s a shrimp’s favorite Disney movie? The Little Merprawn.

69. Why do shrimp make great comedians? They know how to dish the prawns.

70. How did the shrimp get ripped? By doing 100 praWNouts a day.

71. Why don’t shrimp ever pay full price? They always shrimp and save.

72. What did the shrimp say when his best friend moved away? I’ll miss you my prawn!

73. How do shrimp keep their breath fresh? With prawnmint gum of course.

74. Why don’t shrimp ever interrupt? It’s rude to prawn in on conversations.

75. What’s a shrimp’s favorite emoji? The praWN of course.

76. Why was the shrimp voted off of the island? He couldn’t compete with the prawnsome lobster.

77. Why did the shrimp’s baseball team keep losing? Their prawn fielding was terrible.

78. What’s a shrimp’s favorite TV show? Keeping Up With The Prawn Dashians.

79. Why do shrimp make terrible Uber drivers? They tailgate and prawn all over the road.

80. Why do shrimp hate playing board games? They always get boardwalks and prawns.

81. How does a shrimp spy on his friends? He plants a praWN cam.

82. Why was the shrimp’s comedy act cancelled? It was too shellfish.

83. What do you call a shrimp that can predict the future? A praWN psychic.

84. Why did the shrimp’s dance team keep losing? Their moves were shrimply terrible.

85. I entered my pet shrimp in a dance competition but he couldn’t compete, he pulled a mussel.