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60 Hilarious Factory Jokes

60 Hilarious Factory Jokes

Factory Puns (10)

1. I heard the factory down the street makes great products. I bet they have a good process of elimination.

2. The factory wasn’t very eco-friendly. They had a lot of toxic assets.

3. The factory was struggling financially. They had to work round the clock to make ends meet.

4. The old factory couldn’t compete with newer ones. You could say it was past its production date.

5. The factory was very loud and disruptive to the town. You could say it made a lot of racket.

6. The factory foreman was very demanding. He really cracked the whip to increase output.

7. The factory was shut down for renovations. I heard they’re making some structural adjustments.

8. The factory had state of the art equipment. You could say it was well tooled up.

9. The factory was dusty and grimy. The workers tried to filter out the pollutants.

10. The old factory was converted into luxury lofts. I heard the units are selling for a premium price.

Factory One-liners (10)

11. The factory was very productive thanks to cells of dedicated workers.

12. The factory foreman inspected for defects by sampling – he performed a lot of quality control.

13. The factory increased output but couldn’t keep up with demand – they were victims of their own success.

14. The industrial revolution changed manufacturing forever – the factories really delivered.

15. The automated factory of the future will be worker-free – everything will be made by bots.

16. The old factory was dirty and unsafe, we’re lucky no one was badly injured on the job.

17. The factory tried to increase efficiency but it backfired and production stalled – too much tinkering caused breakdown.

18. The factory was very hot inside with molten metal and hot machines – you could say it was a furnace of activity.

19. The factory whistle signaled the start and end of shifts – it really blew the workers away.

20. The factory dumped waste into the river for years before getting caught – talk about toxic runoff.

Best Factory Jokes (20)

21. One day a worker got his arm stuck in a machine at the button factory. He couldn’t push the emergency stop button because his arm was stuck. It was a very bad situation that required outside the box thinking. Luckily his quick witted coworker rushed over and pushed the button using his nose!

22. Did you hear about the accident at the cheese factory? There was a huge grater spill on aisle brie! Luckily no one was seriously injured, just a bit crusty and blue.

23. How do you organize a space party? You planet! Said one factory foreman to another as they were planning the annual employee mixer. Lots of groans were heard that day on the assembly line.

24. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up! Laughingly told a factory worker to his buddy during their lunch break. All the guys sitting nearby chuckled at the funny yolk.

25. Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert? Because she was stuffed! Shared a supervisor, trying to get a laugh out of the line workers. Most smiled politely while admiring her bear shaped brooch.

26. Which factory shift is the spookiest? The grave-yard shift! The workers shook their heads and chuckled at the foreman’s corny ghost joke. But they all agreed third shift can be a bit eerie.

27. Why don’t factories have elevators? Because they lift production! Groaned the factory manager during his orientation speech. New hires tittered nervously, not sure if laughing was appropriate.

28. Why was the steel factory so tidy? It had a rolling mill! Quipped a plant manager, showing guests around. Eye rolls abounded at the cringeworthy pun.

29. Did you hear about the fire at the shoe factory? It was extinguished immediately – good thing all the workers evacuated on the double! The safety inspector revealed during a training drill, trying to keep spirits high.

30. Why did the smelly cheese say the factory was too dirty? Because it was really munsterous! Told the janitor to his cleaning crew, trying to add some levity to the job. A few begrudging chuckles were heard over the din of vacuums.

31. Why was the cookie factory shut down? It was crumbling under pressure! Joked the inspector with the manager during an emergency inspection. The factory quickly resolved the issues and resumed production.

32. How does a train eat? It goes chew, chew! Shared a machine operator, explaining the noisy engine sounds to the new guy. Plenty of groans echoed across the factory floor at the corny joke.

33. What did the femur say to the patella? I kneed you! wisecracked a worker with an anatomy poster pinned in his station to lighten the mood. Nearby coworkers shook their heads and chuckled.

34. Why does a Moon-pie cost more? It’s astronomical! The supervisor joked over the line noise, trying to get laughs from workers. A few pity chuckles were heard between the machinery clanks.

35. What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear! Yelled the floor manager to the crew on break, hoping for a few smiles. The workers groaned loudly at the cheesy joke.

36. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up! Quipped a forklift driver to the loading crew, trying to inject humor into the job. The team chuckled politely as they continued stacking pallets.

37. Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts! Shared an HR rep during a team building exercise, eliciting some reluctant giggles from participants.

38. Why did the cookie go to the hospital? Because he felt crummy! Cracked the safety manager during a pre-shift meeting, attempting humor before a somber talk. A few stifled laughs came from the weary crew.

39. How do you stop a rhino from charging? You take away its credit card! Ribbed the accountant, trying to get finance folks to laugh. A few chuckles were heard between the clicking calculators.

40. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels! Wisecracked the supply chain manager, amusing herself. Employees smiled politely before redirecting the conversation.

41. What do you call a pile of cats? A meowntain! Quipped the maintenance guy, eliciting eye rolls from staff with the silly pun. A few giggles emerged from the collective groan.

42. Why did the belt get arrested? It held up a pair of pants! Joked the HR manager during a training session, trying to break the ice with an icebreaker. Pained laughter rumbled through the conference room.

43. Why was the baby strawberry crying? Its parents were in a jam! Cracked the receptionist on the phone, causing the caller to chuckle at the fruity joke.

44. What happens when you eat yeast and shoe polish? Every morning you’ll rise and shine! The foreman bantered with workers while making the rounds. A few grimaces and smiles met the punny joke.

45. Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7, 8, 9! Quipped the accountant, eliciting chuckles from the break roomcrowd. The classic joke helped lighten the payroll tension.

46. What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta! The line cook cracked to the waitress, getting laughs all around. The Italian pun spread smiles during the dinner rush.

47. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up? It was two tired! Joked the warehouse manager, earning a few pity laughs from the staff. The groaner gave workers a chuckle amidst the inventory counting.

48. Did you hear the rumor about butter? Nevermind, I shouldn’t spread it! The janitor bantered, making the cleaning crew giggle as they whisked away grime.

49. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho cheese! The machinist quipped, getting chuckles from nearby operators. The corny joke helped lighten the repetitive work.

50. Why do bees stay in their hives during winter? Swarm! Cracked the HVAC tech, entertaining himself while fixing a heating unit. His goofy pun echoed down the empty factory.

51. What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? Supplies! The supervisor joked over the walkie talkie while making rounds. A chorus of groans greeted the corny punchline.

52. Want to hear a joke about paper? Nevermind, it’s tearable. The receptionist bantered with guests, getting a few polite laughs. The office pun tickled the funny bone now and then.

53. Why did the cookie cry? It was feeling crumby. Shared the manager, trying to get chuckles from the burnt-out crew. A few pity laughs broke the tensions of a long shift.

54. How does Moses make tea? Hebrews it! The maintenance man joked in the break room, getting eye rolls all around. A couple folks sputtered laughs at the silly pun.

55. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up! The egg farmer repeated to guests touring the coops. A few courtesy laughs greeted the corny joke.

56. Did you hear about the fire at the circus? It was in tents! The safety inspector warned staff solemnly before reviewing drills. A couple giggles eased the serious mood.

57. What did one plate say to the other? Lunch is on me! The cafe cook jested with servers during the midday rush. Groans and chuckles floated through the kitchen.

58. Why don’t oysters share their pearls? Because they’re shellfish! The fisherman joked on the dock, getting a few laughs from his crew. The punchline gave them a smile after a long haul.

59. What did the sweater say to the hat? You go on ahead and I’ll give you a cap! The factory seamstress quipped while sewing. Her coworkers groaned and grinned at the fluffy joke.

60. What’s the best thing about Switzerland? I don’t know, but the flag is a big plus! The manager joked at the company retreat, getting eye rolls and laughs. The silly geography pun was a highlight of the team building.