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58 Funny Sushi Puns

58 Funny Sushi Puns

Sushi Puns

1. I’m really tuna-ing in to this sushi – it’s reel-y good!

2. These sushi rolls are on a roll tonight – they’re looking mighty fishy and delicious.

3. My friends say I’m a bit crabby, but I don’t seafood that way – I just have a shell of a good time with sushi.

4. I was feeling a little eel this morning, but some sushi really perked me up – it was just what the doctor ordered.

5. I’m really not one to carp about food, but this sushi is ab-sole-utely flounderful!

6. This sushi is the perfect meal for me to kelp up my energy.

7. I salmon-ly love these sushi tacos – they’re fin-tastic!

8. We’re having a whale of a time with this sushi boat tonight – it’s o-fish-ally awesome.

9. I’m just wrapped up in this sushi – it’s maki me oh so happy!

10. My friends think I’m roe-d rage for loving sushi so much, but I just shrimp-ly adore it.

11. I’m having a reel-y great time with this sushi, even though I’m just a shell of my former self tonight.

12. This sushi is just prawn to be delicious – it’s the roe deal!

Sushi One-Liners

13. I’m just a sucker for sushi.

14. Sushi just hits the spot.

15. You had me at sushi.

16. Sushi, sushi, sushi – where have you been all my life?

17. Sushi is sea-licious.

18. Sushi is my love language.

19. Sushi just gets me.

20. I sushi you a Merry Christmas!

21. Sushi and I have some unfin-ished business.

22. Sushi is my vice.

23. Sushi completes me.

24. I only have sushi for you.

25. Sushi knows the waifu my heart.

26. Sushi had me at hello.

Best Sushi Jokes

27. What did the fish say when it hit a concrete wall? “Dam!”

28. Why are fish so smart? Because they live in schools!

29. What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie? Sofishticated.

30. What do you call a parade of fish? A school play!

31. Why don’t oysters share their pearls? Because they’re shellfish!

32. What do you call a fish that only eats meat? A piscivore!

33. Why don’t fish play tennis? Because they’re afraid of the net!

34. How do fish go into business? The start-up koi!

35. Did you hear the joke about the clam? It was a little shellfish.

36. What did the sushi say to the bee? Wasa-bee!

37. Why did the fish blush? It saw the ocean’s bottom!

38. What do you call a big pile of kittens? A meowntain!

39. Why don’t oysters give to charity? Because they are shellfish!

40. What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fshhh!

41. What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still no eye deer!

42. Two fish are in a tank. One looks at the other and says, “Do you know how to drive this thing?”

43. What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college? Bison!

44. Why can’t you tell a joke while standing on ice? Because it might crack up!

45. Why did the soccer player take so long to eat dinner? They were dribbling!

46. What did the shark say when he ate the clownfish? This tastes a little funny.

47. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up.

48. Did you hear the joke about the roof? Never mind, it’s over your head!

49. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels!

50. What do you call cheese that’s not yours? Nacho cheese!

51. Why did the tomato turn red? It saw the salad dressing!

52. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!

53. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up? It was two tired!

54. What did one wall say to the other? I’ll meet you at the corner!

55. What did the 0 say to the 8? Nice belt!

56. Why was the broom late for work? It overswept!

57. What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador!

58. Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long? Then it would be a foot!