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53 Funny Spider Jokes

53 Funny Spider Jokes

Spider Puns (15)

  1. What do you call a spider who loves to read? A bookweb!
  2. Why are spiders so smart? They can find everything on the web.
  3. What did the spider do on the computer? Made a website!
  4. My friend called me freaking out about a spider in her house. I told her to look on the bright side—at least the spider probably pays rent.
  5. What do you call a spider that plays the guitar? A lead guitarist!
  6. I asked the spider how business was going. He said, “Oh, I’m just hanging in there.”
  7. Did you hear about the spider who got a job as a bartender? Apparently he was fantastic at mixology.
  8. What do you call a spider who saves the day? Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!
  9. What did the spider say to the computer? Thanks for the web!
  10. My friend saw a spider while rock climbing and freaked out. I said, don’t worry—it’s just a little cliffhanger.
  11. What did the spider chef cook for dinner? Web bolognese.
  12. My pet spider loves playing chess. He’s always trying to spin a web to trap me.
  13. Why are spiders so good at videogames? They have lots of experience with web design.
  14. I saw a spider using a little web tablet. I guess he was just browsing the internet.
  15. What’s a spider’s favorite outdoor activity? Going on web hikes!

Spider One-Liners (18)

  1. Spiders see everything as a net positive.
  2. The spider caught a fly right in its web – talk about an online order.
  3. Ever wonder how spiders reproduce? It’s all done via the world wide web.
  4. Spiders get the latest buzz by surfing the web.
  5. Spiders work hard spinning webs all day – they’re real web developers.
  6. That spider doesn’t scare me, he’s more afraid of me than I am of his web.
  7. Spiders are master web designers…they live for the thrill of the spin.
  8. Spiders stick to a strict web diet to stay fit.
  9. Ever seen a spider office? It’s filled with web meetings.
  10. Spiders love crafting – their especiality is yarn weaving.
  11. Spiders may bug some people but they don’t bug me.
  12. That spider just wanted to hang out on his web, not hang out with you!
  13. Spiders work hard to build trust and good web reputation.
  14. Spiders weave small webs hoping to eventually go viral.
  15. Spiders search the web for good niche web building spots.
  16. Spiders don’t bug people, they just want to spin their webs in peace.
  17. Spiders search the darkest corners of the web looking for web traffic.
  18. That spider’s not laughing at you, he’s laughing at funny web videos.

Best Spider Jokes (20)

  1. What did the spider do when he lost his web? He made a new one from scratch!
  2. Why was the spider angry? Because someone broke his website!
  3. What did the baby spider say to its mom? “You’re the best web spinner in the whole world!”
  4. How do spiders communicate? Through the World Wide Web!
  5. My friend saw a huge spider and freaked out. I told him, “Relax, it’s just a little web developer.”
  6. I saw a spider knitting a web. I asked her what she was making. She said, “Just browsing the internet.”
  7. Why don’t spiders get caught in their own webs? They can log out whenever they want.
  8. What do you call a nervous spider? Anxious on the web.
  9. Why are spiders so good at viral marketing? Because they know how to spread the web.
  10. A spider got a job as a web developer. His boss said he was fantastic at debugging.
  11. My friend called in a panic about a spider. I said, “Relax, it just wants to check your Wi-Fi network.”
  12. What did the spider say when someone stepped on his web? “Hey! I spent a lot of time spinning that!”
  13. I saw a spider trapped in a web. I guess he got caught browsing some shady websites!
  14. Why was the spider hired as a web designer? He had a real talent for spinning code.
  15. What do you call a spider who loves doughnuts? A crawler with a sweet tooth!
  16. I saw a spider climbing a wall. I guess it was working on its rock climbing web skills.
  17. Why do spiders make such great web developers? Because they’re pros at CSS – Creative Spinning Skills!
  18. My friend saw a spider and screamed. I said, “Don’t worry, he just wants to check his webmail.”
  19. What’s a spider’s favorite music? Anything from the world wide webcast!
  20. Why do spiders like websites so much? Because there’s lots of traffic to catch!
  21. What do you call a spider who loves swimming? An online web surfer!
  22. Why do spiders like the internet? Because of the endless possibilities on the world wide web!