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65 Funny Letter Jokes

65 Funny Letter Jokes

Here are 65 funny letter jokes for your listicle “65 Funny Letter Jokes”:

Letter Puns

  1. What kind of letter won’t you find in the post office? A love letter!
  2. Why did the letter Q beat up the letter R? Because R ticked Q off!
  3. Why was the letter H so excited to go to the post office? It had been waiting all day to meet its match!
  4. What do you call a very small letter? A micro-b!
  5. Which letter is never alone? The letter C!
  6. I asked my friend to name a letter that makes her laugh. She said X!
  7. What did the stamp say to the envelope? Stick with me and we’ll go places!
  8. Why was the lowercase i trying to get taller? It was having short man’s syndrome!
  9. What do you call a letter that makes you cry? A tear jerker!
  10. Which letter sounds like it’s in debt? The letter Owe!

Letter One-Liners

  1. I sent a letter to my friend but he said he never got it. I guess it just didn’t register.
  2. I was going to make a joke about letters, but I decided to keep it short.
  3. I tried mailing myself to my friend as a prank. The postal service didn’t find it very funny.
  4. I entered a competition for letter writing and tried to cheat by tracing. Apparently they have ways to tell if your entry wasn’t original.
  5. I recently joined a pen pal club. We write letters back and forth anonymously as a way to practice our handwriting.
  6. I was hoping to attend a calligraphy class, but sadly they don’t offer a cursive.
  7. I wanted to write a love letter to my crush, but I didn’t want to seem too forward so I just sent her a friendship L.
  8. Someone wrote me an anonymous letter, but I figured out who it was because I recognized their handwriting. Next time they should really disguise it better.
  9. I tried to mail a loaf of bread to my friend as a joke. The post office said letters only!
  10. I prefer sending letters over emails. There’s something so nostalgic about licking the stamps.

Best Letter Jokes

My friend was running late so she sent me a text saying she’d be there in 5 m. I had to politely tell her that I don’t do hieroglyphics.

I was trying to mail a package and asked the postal worker if it would arrive by Tuesday. He said he couldn’t give me a letter of guarantee.

I tried to mail myself to my grandmother’s house as a kid. I made it all the way into the mailbox before my parents caught me.

My pen pal ghosted me after I accidentally spilled ink all over the letter I was writing her. I knew I should’ve drafted it first!

I was entering an ugly handwriting contest but got disqualified. The judges said my chicken scratch was too advanced and gave me an unfair advantage.

I wrote a strongly worded letter to the dictionary makers complaining about the order of the letters. Needless to say, they weren’t very receptive to my suggestions.

I wrote a song about the letter L titled “Elbow.” It’s not very good but it’s growing on me.

Did you hear about the angry letter that started throwing punches? Apparently it hit below the belt.

I tried to write a romantic message in the sand for my girlfriend but the tide washed the letters away. Message in a bottle next time.

My doctor told me I need to avoid anything that starts with the letter C. No cookies, no cake, no chips. It’s been torture.

When I was a kid I wrote a letter to Santa asking him to stop using cursive because I couldn’t read it. He sent a reply saying “No can do, just keep practicing your abc’s!”

I entered a competition for most artistic handwriting, but lost to someone whose letters looked like they were printed. I guess my cursive was too cursory.

I wrote a song about the letter V called “The Peace Sign Song.” Turns out Two V or not Two V really is the question.

I told my friend I was discontinuing our letter correspondence. He took it pretty hard and said I should give him closure, but I refuse to put anything in writing.