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32 Funny June Jokes

32 Funny June Jokes

June Puns (10)

1. I heard June was going to get married soon. I guess she wanted to be a June bride!

2. My friend got married in June. When I asked him why, he said “I wanted to start the marriage off right and get married in the Junes of our lives.”

3. Someone told me a June pun the other day. It was pretty cheesy, so I told him not to quit his day job.

4. What did June say to her sister July when she wouldn’t stop singing? “June stop it already!”

5. Why was June so exhausted after her wedding? Because she just got through with an intense June Moon!

6. June got mad when someone called her June Bug. She said, “My name’s not June Bug, it’s June!”

7. I asked June if she was ready for summer. She said, “You bet June!”

8. June started telling everyone she was going to dye her hair red for summer. I told her that’s a pretty drastic June Do!

9. The weather was so nice in June, she started writing a song about it. Her sister May said, “Here we go again with another June Tune.”

10. June’s favorite month is obviously June. She just loves everything about being a June bug!

June One-Liners (10)

11. June showers bring May flowers…and also June flowers!

12. They say April showers bring May flowers, but June showers bring awesome summer weather!

13. Roses are red, violets are blue, June is awesome, and so are you!

14. June comes before July, followed by August until we cry.

15. June may be the last day of spring, but it’s the first day of summer vacation!

16. June is short for Junetastic.

17. June: the gateway month to paradise.

18. June in bloom, summer coming soon!

19. June is the Friday of months – last day of school, first of summer!

20. June: when spring ends and the fun begins!

Best June Jokes (12)

21. One June day, a dad was barbecuing burgers in the backyard. His daughter came outside and said, “Hey June, can you flip me a burger?” The dad replied, “June’s my name, burgers are my game!”

22. In June, a woman walked into an ice cream shop and ordered a sundae. “What a lovely June day!” she said to the server. He replied, “Yeah, the June shine always brings a smile to my face.” As he handed her the ice cream he said, “Here’s your June sundae, enjoy!”

23. On the first day of June, a man woke up and looked at his calendar. “Wow, it’s June 1st already. I can’t believe summer is here!” He called his friend Julie. “Hey Julie, June has arrived! I’m so egg-cited, let’s go out for brunch to celebrate.” Julie laughed and said, “A June-themed brunch sounds egg-cellent!”

24. One June morning, Jeff walked outside and took a deep breath of the summer air. “Ah, I just love the smell of June,” he said happily. Just then, his neighbor Bill came around the corner. “Did you say you love the smell of June?” Bill asked. “Yeah, there’s just something about the fresh summer air in June,” said Jeff. “Oh, sorry man,” said Bill. “I thought you said you love the smell of tunes!” They both had a good laugh about the misunderstanding.

25. In mid-June, a woman went for a morning jog in the park. She bumped into a friend of hers, who was also out for exercise. “Beautiful June day for a run, eh?” she said to her friend. He replied, “Yeah, just taking advantage of these long June days before it gets too hot!” As they stopped to take a water break, the woman’s friend said, “I don’t mean to pry, but is that a June bump I see?” pointing to her slightly rounded belly. “Yes, the baby is due in September!” she responded happily.

26. One June evening, a father was putting his young son to bed. As he tucked him in, the boy said, “Daddy, this June has been so fun!” The dad said, “It sure has been. We’ve done so many fun June activities together!” The boy replied, “Yeah, like going camping, playing baseball, and having water balloon fights!” The dad laughed and said, “Yep, it’s been a June-tastic month alright. Sweet dreams kiddo.” He kissed his son goodnight, glad they had shared so many special June moments.

27. Samantha was so excited that June had arrived. For her birthday she got an adorable June Beetle costume. On June 1st, she put on the bug eyed antennae headband, wings, and polka dotted outfit. Samantha buzzed around the house saying “June Bug coming through!” Her family chuckled and said “Samantha, you make the cutest June Bug we’ve ever seen!” It was definitely going to be a June-tastic birthday.

28. In June, Kayla and Tyler were thrilled summer vacation had started. One hot June afternoon, they sat under a shady tree sipping ice cold lemonade. Just then, a juicy June Bug flew down and landed on Tyler’s arm. “Hey little guy, welcome to our June party!” Kayla said to the insect. The kids giggled as the June Bug crawled around before flying off. It was a magical start to the summer.

29. One day in June, Paul was taking a peaceful stroll when he spotted a June Bug on a flower. “Hey there little buddy,” Paul said. “Beautiful June day isn’t it?” The June Bug buzzed and fluttered its wings in agreement. Paul laughed. “You June Bugs sure know how to enjoy summer!” The June Bug flew off and Paul continued walking, feeling grateful to share the lovely June weather with all the creatures.

30. June 1st was the first annual June Day parade in town. People dressed up in costumes and outfits themed around the month of June. There were June Bugs, June Brides, flowers, and bumblebees. A local marching band played June tunes as the parade floats went by. Families lined the streets waving and enjoying the cheery June Day festivities. It was a joyful way to usher in the month of June and the summer.

31. One June weekend, the Lee family went camping at a lake. As Kim Lee and her daughter Julie paddled their canoe, suddenly water splashed over them. They laughed as dad and son John and Joey mischievously rocked their canoe nearby. Later at the campfire making s’mores, John said “Let’s do this every June, I love our Lee family camping trips.” Everyone agreed it was the best kickoff to an amazing summer month.

32. In June, Derek asked his girlfriend Jess out for a nice dinner. At the restaurant, he made small talk about the lovely June weather before reaching into his pocket. “I have something for the both of us” Derek said, revealing a small opened ring box containing a diamond ring. “Jess, you would make me the happiest man in the world if you’d be my wife.” Jess gasped and happily said yes. The proposal was a wonderful start to June and forever.