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65 Funny Henway Jokes

65 Funny Henway Jokes

Henway Puns

1. What do you call a hen that lays eggs on the farm but also works a 9 to 5 job in the city? A hen-commuter!

2. Why did the hen cross the road? To prove she wasn’t chicken!

3. What do you call a hen that stars in blockbuster action movies? A hen-diesel!

4. Why don’t hens wear pants? Because their peckers are on their faces!

5. Why did the hen install a metal detector at her front door? She wanted to stop the cock coming in!

6. What do you call a hen who loves math? A mathemachicken!

7. Why did the hen stop laying eggs? She was eggs-hausted!

8. What do you call a hen who does magic tricks? Houdini Hen!

9. Why did the hen wear one boot? She didn’t want to get talon her foot!

10. What do you call a hen that cleans up crime scenes? A CSI Hen!

Henway One-Liners

11. They tried to make the hen go to rehab, but she said “No, no, no.”

12. The hen wasn’t looking for commitment, she just wanted to play the field.

13. The hen crossed the road and boy was she mad, no one would stop to let her pass!

14. The hen loved to sing but she was always a little pitchy.

15. The hen was no spring chicken but she could still ruffle some feathers.

16. The hen was caught trying to sneak into the farmer’s house – she claimed she was just gathering intelligence.

17. The hen laid golden eggs but sadly no one wanted to go into business with her.

18. The hen was a social butterfly, you could always find her chatting with the other birds.

19. The hen loved thrilling rides at the amusement park, she was a real adrenaline junkie.

20. The hen was a bit crabby that day, she woke up on the wrong side of the coop.

Best Henway Jokes

21. A hen walked into a library and said to the librarian, “Book, book!” The librarian gave the hen two books. The hen balanced them on her wings, walked out, returned them an hour later and said “Book, book!” again. This went on for days until one day the librarian got curious and decided to follow the hen. She followed the hen out the door, down the street, through a park and to a pond where a frog was sitting on a lily pad. The hen called out “Book, book!” The frog looked over at her, chuckled and said “Reddit, reddit.”

22. A hen decided to go vegetarian for health reasons. Her rooster boyfriend was totally against it, he loved his chicken and thought she was being silly. After a few weeks of her new diet the rooster had to admit the hen looked great, her feathers were shinier and her egg production was way up. “I have to admit you look amazing,” the rooster told her. “It’s the soy,” the hen replied. “It’s high in protein.” The rooster shook his head and said “Soy nonsense!”

23. Why did the hen cross the road? To get to the chicks’ house!

Knock knock (who’s there?)
The hen (the hen who?)
The hen who crossed the road to get to the chicks’ house!

24. A hen driving a bus filled with passengers lost control on a icy road. The bus went off the road, down a hill and into a field where it crashed into a barn. Luckily no one was seriously hurt but the passengers were very shaken up. The police officer who came to investigate the crash made his report: “There were no fatalities but it remains to be seen whether the hen has legal grounds to sue the bus company for egregious negligence.”

25. A hen decided to try speed dating to meet a nice rooster. At the speed dating event, she had mini dates with a bunch of roosters but didn’t really hit it off with any of them. At the last bell, a shy rooster who had been quiet all evening stood up to leave. Their eyes met, there were sparks and the hen knew this was the one! She excitedly asked him “Did you feel that connection too?” The rooster nodded. “Great!” said the hen. “Then let’s skip all this and go make beautiful music together!” The rooster looked confused. “Don’t you mean make beautiful chicks together?” He asked. “No,” said the hen. “I’m a DJ on weekends.”

26. Why did the hen cross the playground? To get to the other slide!

27. What do you call a crazy hen? A cuckoo cluck!

28. How do hens stay fit? By egg-cercising!

29. What do you call a hen who counts her eggs? A mathemachicken!

30. Why did the hen go to KFC? To see a chicken strip!

31. What do you call a hen who eats her eggs? A cannibal!

32. Why did the hen cross the road twice? Because she was a double crosser!

33. Why did the hipster hen wear thick glasses? She was too chicken to wear contacts!

34. What do you call a hen that crosses the road over and over? A road rage chicken!

35. Why does a hen coop have two doors? Because if it had four doors it would be a chicken sedan!

36. Why did the hen stop laying eggs? Because she was eggs-hausted!

37. How does a hen greet her friends? “Peck, peck!”

38. Why did the hen go to the gym? She wanted to work on her pecks!

39. Why did the hen fly south for the winter? It’s too cold to lay eggs up north!

40. What do you call a hen who does magic tricks? Houdini Hen!

41. Why did the hen cross the road? To get to the other side!

42. What do you get if you cross a hen with a centipede? Drumsticks for everyone!

43. Why did the hen go on a diet? She wanted to get crack-a-lackin’!

44. How do chickens stay in shape? By doing eggs-ercises!

45. How do you know if there’s a rooster in your fridge? There’s a cock in there!

46. Why couldn’t the hen find her eggs? She mislaid them!

47. What do you call a crazy chicken? A cuckoo cluck!

48. Why did the chicken stop crossing the road? He wanted to retire and collect his feathered pension!

49. How do hens stay fit? They egg-cerise!

50. Why did the hen cross to the other side of the road? To show the rooster she’s not chicken!

51. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up!

52. What do you call a hen with a machine gun? Chuck.

53. Why do mother hens count their eggs? They like to do chick math!

54. What do you get when you cross a hen and a hedgehog? An egg and chips!

55. What do you call a hen that crosses the road, lays eggs and then crosses back again? Bi-chick-le!

56. Did you hear about the hen who could only lay square eggs? It was egre-juss!

57. Why did the hen throw butter out of the window? She wanted to see a butterfly!

58. What do you call a hen staring at lettuce? A chicken sees a salad!

59. Why did the hen buy lipstick? Because she wanted to make herself up!

60. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side!

61. What do you get if you cross a hen with a radio? A walkie bawkie!

62. Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide!

63. Where do you learn to make ice cream? Sunday school!

64. What do you call a sleeping hen? A napping chick!

65. Why did the rooster cross the road? To cock-a-doodle-do something!