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27 Funny Fairy Jokes

27 Funny Fairy Jokes

Fairy Puns

1. What do you call a fairy who never showers? A fairie filthy!

2. Why don’t fairies like riding bicycles? They prefer to use their own two fairy feet!

3. What kind of music do fairies listen to? Anything they can fairy dance to!

4. Why don’t fairies ever pay full price when they go shopping? Because they always look for fairy discounts!

5. What’s a fairy’s favorite fruit? Fairyberries!

6. Where do fairies buy their groceries? At the fairy market!

7. Why do fairies make bad firefighters? They only know how to fairy extinguish fires!

8. Why don’t fairies play tennis? They prefer fairy badminton!

9. What’s a fairy’s favorite exercise? Fairyrobics!

10. Why do fairies have trouble telling time? They have no fairy sense of minutes and hours!

Fairy One-Liners

11. I saw a fairy flying around with a roll of duct tape yesterday…apparently she was on a fairy mission to fix something!

12. I heard fairies are opening up a new Italian restaurant called “Fairy Alfredo’s”.

13. Did you hear about the fairy who was arrested for stealing books? She’s looking at some fairy serious charges now!

14. I just met a fairy who said she recently graduated from Fairyversity with a degree in Fairyology.

15. A fairy told me the other day that her dream job is to become a professional fairyball player.

16. Don’t ever try to shortchange a fairy – they always know if you’re trying to pull a fairy fast one on them!

17. I heard about a fairy who somehow got elected mayor – apparently she ran on a platform of fairy promises and fairy tales.

18. A fairy walked into my house yesterday then quickly flew away – I guess she mistook it for a fairy B&B!

19. I saw a help wanted ad for “Fairy Assistant” – sounds like it could be a fairy fun job!

20. Overheard a fairy say she was exhausted from working three fairy shifts in a row.

Best Fairy Jokes

21. A fairy named Flora was feeling lonely, so she decided to join a dating site for fairies called FairyHarmony. She went on a few dates but none of the male fairies she met seemed like her type. Finally, Flora met a handsome fairy named Lucas on the site. They really hit it off and ended up dating exclusively. After a fairy whirlwind romance, Lucas proposed to Flora under a fairy oak tree on a moonlit night. A year later, they tied the knot in a beautiful fairy tale wedding in an enchanted forest clearing. All the fairies in the kingdom came out to celebrate their fairy wedding and cheer as the happy couple flew off on a fairy honeymoon. Flora and Lucas lived fairy happily ever after in their cozy little fairy cottage.

22. Once upon a time there was a young fairy named Petal who loved exploring the human world. One day while flying around a big city, Petal accidentally flew straight into a human’s apartment window and got stuck inside! The human was surprised to see a real life fairy stuck on her window. Petal explained to the kind woman that she had gotten lost and needed help getting back to the forest. The woman said she would be glad to help the little fairy and gently carried her outside. She gave Petal some fruit snacks to restore her fairy energy for the long flight home. Petal thanked the nice woman for her fairy kindness and waved goodbye as she flew happily back to the flower fields and forests she knew so well.

23. Nixa the fairy lived deep in a forest surrounded by tall ancient trees. The other fairies were always teasing her for being a bookworm who spent all her time reading instead of having fairy fun. But Nixa loved poring over the human books she found on forest adventures. One night she was reading a book of fairy tales by lantern light when the evil gnome Blodgar emerged from the shadows. He snatched the book from her hands and ran away cackling. Nixa leapt up on the back of her loyal deer friend Breja and galloped after the gnome. They chased him through the dark trees until Nixa jumped forward and grabbed the book back from Blodgar. All the forest creatures emerged cheering for brave Nixa. She smiled knowing that she had proven books and reading were valuable fairy skills after all.

24. Serena was a nature fairy who loved taking care of plants and animals. She would wake at dawn each morning and sprinkle dew drops on flowers to help them bloom. At dusk she would build cozy homes for small forest creatures to keep them safe at night. But Serena’s favorite time was sunset when she would do a fairy dance while flitting around the trees. One evening while Serena was fairy dancing at sunset, she noticed smoke in the distance. She quickly flew closer and realized part of the forest was on fire! Serena summoned all the fairies and animals to help put out the fire and save their fairy forest home. They worked together through the night and by morning the fire was out. The forest creatures cheered for Serena and her bravery. From that night on, she was known as the fairy guardian of the forest.

25. Alexa was a tech savvy fairy who loved gadgets and electronics. While other fairies used old fashioned fairy dust to do magic, Alexa would whip out her smartphone or tablet. She could control all the fairy technology with her devices like remotely turning fairy lights on and off or raising the temperature in fairy greenhouses. Alexa even created a fairy social network app called Fairybook so fairies could stay connected. Although some of the older fairies didn’t understand her interest in human technology, the younger ones thought Alexa was so cool. She taught them how to text on their fairy phones and play videos on fairy Pods. Thanks to Alexa, the fairy villages were soon just as wired and techy as the human world! Her passion for fairy tech led to easier lives and connected generations.

26. Reverie was the daydreaming, whimsical fairy who always had her head in the clouds. While other fairies in her village were busy buzzing around completing their fairy chores and tasks, you could always find Reverie relaxing contentedly on a giant mushroom with a blissful smile on her face. She would stare up at the clouds for hours imagining they were fluffy sheep or faerie castles in the sky. Sometimes Reverie would even fall asleep right there on her giant mushroom in the middle of the afternoon! The other fairies loved Reverie dearly but were often frustrated by her lackadaisical, languid lifestyle. However Reverie didn’t mind their annoyance – she continued merrily drifting through each day in her own happy, hazy fairy world.

27. Farrah was a beautiful fairy with glittering wings who brought joy to all who crossed her path. She would flutter around leaving trails of fairy sparkle dust everywhere she flew which made humans smile when they saw the dazzling glitter in the air. Farrah’s melodious fairy laugh sounded like playful jingling bells. Whenever someone was sad, she would land gracefully on their shoulder and whisper silly jokes to make them giggle. At night, Farrah liked visiting sleeping children and sprinkling sweet fairy dreams over their heads. She even occasionally left treats by their beds as a surprise for when they woke up. Farrah spent her days spreading fairy magic with her infectious smile, tinkling laugh, and sparkling wings. She truly lived to bring happiness to others every day.

The end.