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22 Funny Crystal Puns

22 Funny Crystal Puns

Crystal Puns

1. I tried to make a crystal ball to see the future, but I just ended up with a glass sphere of quartz-tions.

2. Did you hear about the geologist who was crystal clear about her love of minerals? She was a quartz-struck girl.

3. I was hoping to buy my friend a nice crystal for her birthday, but all the good ones were taken so I had to settle for a semi-precious gem.

4. The crystal healer started selling homemade candles to make some extra quartz.

5. I went to a fortuneteller who used crystals to predict the future, but I’m taking her predictions with a grain of quartz.

6. I bought my girlfriend a diamond ring, but she returned it because apparently her birthstone is quartz.

7. I tried holding a crystal up to the light to see if it would have any healing effects, but it just made me feel amethyst.

8. Did you hear about the fight between the two geodes? It was quite the mineral confrontation.

9. Why was the crystal feeling down? Because it had a fractured facet.

10. The wedding venue decorator really quartzed up the place with all those hanging crystals.

11. If crystals had jobs, quartz would be a motivational speaker – it’s always giving pep talks!

12. I took my crystals to get cleaned, but when I got them back they were still a quartz dirty.

Crystal One-Liners

13. Meditating with crystals really rocks.

14. That psychic must be using cheap crystals – her predictions are flawed.

15. My crystal ball predicts that in the future, mineral humor will be all the rage.

16. Crystal healing is just a gem of an idea.

17. Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but crystals are a spiritualist’s best friend.

18. I wanted to buy more crystals for my collection, but my wife said not one quartz more!

19. Working as a crystallographer really has its facets.

20. I tried using crystals in my skincare routine, but it just made my skin feel quartz coarse.

21. That spiritual shop is really pushing their crystals – talk about hard sell gem-ology!

22. Studying crystals is a real gem of a science.

Best Crystal Jokes

23. I went crystal shopping but got overwhelmed by all the options. The salesperson could sense my frustration and said: “Don’t worry, it’s hard to pick the quartz one sometimes.”

24. My friend thinks crystals have magical powers, but I’m skeptical. I think she’s just trying to quartz my chain.

25. I accidentally knocked over my friend’s crystal collection. Let’s just say the damage was amethyst-erable and she was not happy with me.

26. I bought a crystal growing kit for my kids thinking it would be an educational science project. Turns out they just used the crystals for pretend magical spells and potions. Not exactly the lesson I had in quartz.

27. I tried to use crystals to help me make an important life decision. I meditated with them, slept with them under my pillow, even talked to them asking for guidance. In the end I realized the crystals weren’t doing anything, so I had to trust my own intuition. The moral: crystals won’t solve your problems, only quartz-tions.

28. My new age aunt is really into crystals. She came to visit and put them all over the house – on windowsills, under beds, even tucked into bookshelves. She said they “cleanse energy” but all they did was get in the way of cleaning and make the place look quartz cluttered.

29. I went to a new age fair and there was a guy claiming to be a crystal expert doing readings. He said my aura was cloudy and I needed to buy his special quartz crystals to clear away negative energy. When I asked for evidence on the crystals’ mystical powers, he quickly changed the subject. A likely quartz story if you ask me.

30. I decided to add some crystals to my daily routine like my yoga teacher suggested. I carried them in my pocket, stashed them in my car and put them under my pillow. After a few weeks, I hadn’t noticed any difference except for finding bits of quartz all over the house. So much for the magic crystals!

31. My friend thinks keeping crystals in her water bottle infuses it with healing properties. I told her that’s just a silicon-y idea unless she can show me the science behind it. She said I was just being a quartz-ymistic. I told her she needed to take a critical thinking crystals.