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104 Funny Corn Puns

104 Funny Corn Puns

Corn Puns

1. What do you call an ear of corn that joined the army? Kernel.

2. Why was the ear of corn so popular? It had a-peel.

3. How did the corn know exactly when to pop? It just had a corn-sense.

4. Why was the corn cob upset? Because it was missing an ear.

5. What do you call corn that is shocked about something? A-maized.

6. Why did the corn get detention? It was caught stalking.

7. What do you call stolen corn? Corn-napped.

8. Why do corny people make such good farmers? They have an ear for it.

9. How does corn get buff? By corn-stalking at the gym.

10. Why was the corn nominated for an Oscar? It had an outstanding performance in the field.

11. What do you call a fake ear of corn? An impasta.

12. Why don’t ears of corn ever share secrets? They’re too corny.

13. What’s a corn cob’s favorite dance? The hustle.

14. Why did the corn get married in the summer? June is the harvest month!

15. What do you call an ear of corn that works as a psychiatrist? A therapist.

16. Why do corns make great therapists? They’re such good ears.

17. What did the daddy corn say to the baby corn? You’re a-maiz-ing!

18. What’s a corn cob’s favorite sport? Cobs-ketball.

19. How does corn go on vacation? Kernel First Class!

20. Why was the corn voted prom king? Because it was so pop-ular.

Corny One-Liners

21. I’m just here for the corny jokes.

22. This listicle is a-maize-ing!

23. These puns are pretty corny.

24. My friends ears perk up when I make corny jokes.

25. People don’t appreciate my husk for comedy.

26. I’m so corny my head could be a maze.

27. Don’t get me started or I’ll go on an earful.

28. Writing corny jokes makes me feel a-maize-ing.

29. My corn puns make people’s eyes roll.

30. I can’t help it, corny jokes just pop into my head.

31. Corny jokes really get me fired up.

32. My sense of humor is pretty corny.

33. I’m having the time of my corn life writing these jokes.

34. People call me corny but I can’t help it, it’s in my genes.

35. Corny jokes make me laugh until I’m red in the ears.

36. My corn puns ear-ritate some but I think they’re a-maize-ing.

37. I’m so corny I could be a farmer.

38. Corny jokes make me grin from ear to ear.

39. My brain is filled with corny puns just waiting to pop out.

40. I just spout out corny jokes whenever the mood corn-strikes.

Best Corn Jokes

41. Why was the corn field so rowdy? They had a major ear-eak.

42. What did the cobbler say when the farmer brought his favorite boots in to be repaired? It looks like your roots got stomped by corn!

43. A group of corn cobs walk into a bar. The bartender looks up and says, “Hey, I don’t serve corn in here.” The head cob looks taken aback and asks, “Why stalk us?”

44. A farmer is checking on her corn field when she notices every ear has the name Chuck written on it in black marker. She’s bewildered and thinks someone must be playing a trick on her. The next day, the names are still there. After the third day, she decides she needs to get to the root of the problem. That night she hides and sees a corn stalker sneak into her field. He shucks an ear of corn and writes Chuck on it with a marker before disappearing back into the night.

45. A group of corny cobs got tired of all the jokes people made about them. So they hatched a plan to get back at everyone by stealing the town’s supply of butter. They stocked it all in the corn silo. When the townspeople found out, they couldn’t believe such a corny heist had occurred… it was utterly un-butter-lievable.

46. What’s a scarecrow’s favorite food? Stop corn and listen to me!

47. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!

48. Why couldn’t the farmer find any corn? The stalk got up and walked away.

49. Why are corn fields so prone to gossip? They have so many ears!

50. Why did the corn cross the road? To get to the other side.

51. A farmer walks into her field one morning and finds the corn stalks spelling out a message. She can’t believe her ears when she reads: “Quit corn-taminating our field with pesticides!”

52. What did the corn say when it got complimented? Aww, shucks!

53. Why was everyone disappointed after the big corn festival? They thought it would be more a-maize-ing.

54. Why did the farmer plow corn circles in his field? He wanted to start a corn-spiracy.

55. How can you use corn to predict the weather? Listen to the stalk market!

56. Why did the corn cob blush? It saw the salad dressing!

57. What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit? Straw-berries!

58. How do you fix a broken corn cob? With a corn-cast!

59. Why was corn thrown off the baseball team? It kept dropping the pop flies!

60. How do corn fields stay connected? With corn-munication!

61. Why do corn cobs make great detectives? They always get to the root of the problem!

62. What’s a corn cob’s favorite movie genre? Horror – they love a good stalker film!

63. Why was the corn sitting by itself? It couldn’t find an ear to talk to!

64. How do corn ears stay up-to-date? They read the corn-icles!

65. What’s a corn cob’s least favorite music? Heavy metal – it hurts their ears!

66. Why was the corn stressed? Because its job was un-kernel-ing by the day!

67. What do you call a pile of corn that solved a mystery? An earful of clues!

68. Why do corn like hot days? So they can pop in the heat!

69. How did the corn feel waking up early? It was an ear-ly riser!

70. Why was the corn crying? It had popped a cob!

71. Why did the corn have beef with the potatoes? They had their eyes on the same stalk!

72. What’s a corn cob’s idea of a perfect vacation? Corn-cun!

73. Why was the corn so grumpy? It had a chip on its shoulder!

74. What do you call a corn that goes rogue? Corn gone bad!

75. Why did the corn cross the road? It wanted to cause a traffic corn-jam.

76. What did the farmer get when he crossed popcorn with manure? Corn-crap!

77. What do you call a corn cob in winter? Snow-covered ears!

78. What’s a corn cob’s favorite breakfast? Corn flakes!

79. Why are corn fields the loudest? They’re full of ears that love to talk!

80. How did the farmer find his missing corn? He stalked it down!

81. What did the corn say when it got lost? I’m so corn-fused!

82. Why was the corn hesitant to propose? The cob didn’t want to be a-maiz-ed yet!

83. What did the corn say on its wedding day? I’m so husk-cited!

84. How does corn pop the big question? Will you a-maiz me by becoming my popping corn-panion?

85. Why was the corn jealous of the potatoes? They got to mash without being creamed!

86. What was the corn’s favorite song? “Can’t Help Corn-ing In Love”

87. Why did the corn make for a lousy house guest? It was always kernels-popping in on conversations!

88. Why did the corn win the science fair? It had the most a-maize-ing experiment!

89. What’s a corn cob’s worst fear? The harvester!

90. What was the corn cob’s New Year’s Resolution? To be a-maize-ing in every way!

91. Why did the corn have trouble making friends? It was too stalk-erish.

92. Why was corn the cool kid in school? It really popped in crowds!

93. How did Billy like his new corn costume? He thought it was a-maize-ing!

94. What did the corn say to console its sad friend? There’s no use crying over creamed corn!

95. Why did the chef undercook the corn? He didn’t want it to be too corny!

96. What did the corn say when it stubbed its toe? Shucking stalks!

97. Why didn’t anyone believe the corn farmer? His stories were too corny to be real!

98. Why was the corn farmer so fit? All that husking really worked his ears off!

99. What did the baby corn call his dad? Pop corn!

100. Why was the corn so sarcastic? It just had a dry kernel of humor!

101. How did the corn win first place? It swept the corn-petition!

102. What do corn do when they retire? They kernel down!

103. Why was the corn so popular on social media? It had great corn-tent!

104. What’s a corn cob’s motto? Ears to you!