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43 Funny Circus Jokes

43 Funny Circus Jokes

Circus Puns

1. What do you call a funny circus performer? A comical.

2. Why did the circus clown go see a therapist? He was having an emotional jester crisis.

3. How do circus elephants stay connected? They use trunk calls.

4. Why do circus elephants never forget? Because they have good mammaries.

5. What do you call a creepy circus clown? A stalker jester.

6. Why don’t circus horses ever win races? They’re always horsing around.

7. What do you call a cold animal trainer? A brr-tamer.

8. Why was the bear tired after his circus act? He was pooped from all the gyrating.

9. Why did the circus tiger join a dating app? To find his purr-fect match.

10. How do circus dogs stay in shape? Lots of jumping hula hoops.

11. Why are circus elephants so wrinkly? They never iron their trunks.

12. What do you call bears who juggle? Paw formers.

Circus One-Liners

13. I went to the circus and all I saw was tents.

14. The circus wasn’t very impressive, it was in tents.

15. I got fired from the circus for not cotton candy fast enough.

16. Working at the circus was nuts but it pops my corn.

17. The circus had a lot of funny clowns but no laughs, it was in tents.

18. The circus elephant act was irrelephant.

19. I wanted to join the circus but they said I wasn’t in tents enough.

20. The circus fortune teller charged me $50 and then told me to “come again”. What a ripoff.

21. I went to clown college but dropped out, it was too intents.

22. I joined the circus to feed the animals but it turned out the trainer was lion.

Best Circus Jokes

23. A family goes to the circus every year and their favorite act is the clown with his trained dog act. The dad absolutely loves the act and laughs so hard every time. One year, the clown comes out and starts performing his usual routine when suddenly the dog jumps off the platform, runs underneath the tent, and out into the nearby woods. The clown runs after him screaming “FIFI COME BACK!!” The dad, seeing all this thinks it’s hysterical and is laughing uncontrollably. After a few minutes, the clown and dog don’t return and the circus master has to announce the next act. After the show, the dad decides he wants to find the clown and see if the dog was ever found. He finds the clown sobbing heavily in the parking lot. He approaches and says “Hey I saw your act and I thought it was hilarious when your dog ran off, is he going to be ok?” The clown looks up slowly and between sobs says “FIFI?! Fifi was a giraffe!!”

24. A circus owner was having trouble finding entertainers for his show. He had most of the acts lined up except he was missing a strongman. He decides to put an ad in the local paper looking for a strongman. The next day, a man shows up claiming he is the strongest man alive. The owner is delighted! He asks “What is your act?” The man responds “I squeeze oranges until they turn into orange juice!” The owner tells him he’s hired and to come back the next day for his first show. The next day the strongman comes back and gets ready for his act. The ringmaster announces him and he walks out into the middle of the tent. He has a table set up with a basket of oranges. The strongman rolls up his sleeves, grabs an orange, squeezes it as hard as he can and…nothing happens. He tries again and again but can’t get a single drop of juice out of any of the oranges. Eventually he walks off stage red faced in embarrassment. The owner storming over to him screaming “Hey! What was that?! You said you could squeeze oranges into juice!” The strongman responds “Boss, can I be honest? I probably exaggerated my abilities a bit on my resume. The truth is, I’ve only been able to squeeze 3 oranges over the past few years and even then I’ve only ever gotten 2 drops out of them.” The owner yells “You idiot! Why would you claim you could do that?!” The strongman says “Hey, do you know how hard it is for a circus to find a good paper reader these days?”

25. Jack wanted excitement, so he decided to go to the circus. After the show, the circus clown asked, “Did you enjoy the show?” Jack said, “Actually, I thought it was pretty boring. The only thing I liked was the lion tamer act, but he kept dropping his whip.” The clown looked shocked and said, “Dropping his whip means the lion could have eaten him!” Jack replied, “That’s what I’m saying – it would have made the show so much better.”

26. A circus had a human cannonball act with an interesting twist. Instead of being shot out of an actual cannon, the performer was propelled across the tent by a giant rubber band. One day, during rehearsal, the rubber band snapped suddenly, shooting the performer across the room and through the circus tent roof. As he lay moaning on the ground with numerous broken bones, the circus owner rushed over yelling “Oh no! The hu-man rubber band broke!”

27. What has 4 legs, 16 knees but can’t walk? The front row at the circus!

28. Did you hear about the circus that blew away? Yeah, it was in tents!

29. Why don’t mimes do well in circus acts? They’re terrible at juggling and can’t seem to get the timing right on the trapeze. I guess you could say they’re always dropping the ball!

30. My friend tried out for a job at the circus, but he couldn’t master juggling on the unicycle while playing the accordion. The ringmaster told him: “Sorry, but you’re not our type.”

31. I used to date a girl that ran away to join the circus. I guess she always did like a showman.

32. Why don’t pandas ever join the circus? They don’t meet the koala-fications.

Circus Puns

33. What do you call two birds in a circus act? Aerialists.

34. Why was the circus magician so good at card tricks? Because she had a few good sleights up her sleeve.

35. Why couldn’t the circus performer return to work after surgery? The doctor said no strenuous trapeze activities.

36. Did you hear about the goat who got fired from the circus? Apparently he was caught buttting in on the trapeze act.

37. How does a circus lion stay clean? By taking bafarium baths.

38. Why was the circus elephant crying? She had a trunk full of emotional baggage.

39. What’s a horses favorite circus act? The mane event.

40. Why are circus bears never afraid of heights? They’ve been trained not to falcorinaphobia.

41. How does a circus horse say thank you? Neigh.

42. Why don’t elephants ever perform in circus high wire acts? They aren’t qualified for that treetrunk of entertainment.

43. What do you call a lazy circus performer? An acro-bat.

Circus One-Liners

44. I wanted to join the circus, but apparently I don’t have enough skills to fulfill that in-tents career.

45. I got fired from the circus for dropping the juggling balls. Guess I’m not cut out for that line of work.

46. I saw an advertisement for a circus fire eater. The ad said no experience required, just a burning passion to join the circus.

47. Working at the circus popcorn stand isn’t my dream job, but it pops the bills.

48. The circus trapeze artists invited me to hang out, but I felt like I’d just be dangling around awkwardly.

49. When the circus tent started leaking, I offered to help but they said it was none of my business. Back to clowning around I guess!

50. The circus cancelled their main act when the lead performers got injured. I guess you could say they really dropped the ball there.

51. I wanted to see the circus but all the shows were sold out. I guess I’ll have to wait until they pitch the tent again.

52. I was excited to join the circus until I found out how in-tents the training was.

53. Working at the circus cotton candy stand is sweet, but it isn’t my main aspiration. I’ve got bigger dreams than that.

54. I wish I could join the circus acrobatics team, but I can barely touch my toes, let alone do flips in the air.