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58 Funny Clown Jokes

58 Funny Clown Jokes

Clown Puns

1. What do you call a clown who’s late to everything? A clowntard.

2. Why did the clown bring extra socks to the circus? In case they got holes in them!

3. How do clowns get around town? In clown cars.

4. What do you call a sad clown? Blue.

5. Why can’t clowns tell good jokes while ice-skating? They’re always cracking up!

6. Why did the clown wear loud, oversized shoes? He had no common cents.

7. What do you call a clown who does martial arts? A karate clown.

8. How do clowns stay connected while apart? With their clown phones.

9. What do you get if you cross a clown with a monster? Laughs from out of this world!

10. Why did the clown bring a ladder to the circus? He was hoping to get a raise!

11. Why are clowns such bad drivers? They’re always clowning around.

12. How do clowns party? They boogie down with clown beats.

Clown One-Liners

13. I wanted to hire a clown for my son’s party but they were all busy – it was an all out clown war.

14. I asked the clown if he could make balloon animals, he said “No, I’m a clown not a magician!”

15. I saw a clown at the grocery store but didn’t say hi, I didn’t want to make idle clown chit chat.

16. I saw a sad clown walking down the street crying, I asked him what’s wrong, he said “I have a hole in my pocket!”

17. Don’t worry about the crazy clown, he’s just clowning around.

18. I wanted to pie the clown in the face but he was too fast, slippery as an eel!

19. The clown brought his A-game to the circus, he was determined to clown around.

20. The clown lost his funny bone and couldn’t tell jokes, it was a real clown bummer.

21. The clown kept dropping his props, he was having an off clowning day.

22. I saw a clown riding a tiny bike, I asked him aren’t you too big for that? He said “It’s just my clown cycle!”

Best Clown Jokes

23. A family hired a clown for their kid’s birthday party. The clown came in with a big box and several balloons. He started blowing up the balloons and shaping them into animals. The kids loved his balloon animals! Next, he did some silly magic tricks that made the kids laugh. Then he opened the big box and pulled out a tiny car. He squeezed himself into the tiny car and drove it around honking the horn. All the kids cracked up laughing. For his final act, the clown made balloon animals while riding around in the tiny car. It was the funniest clown act they had ever seen!

24. Billy was afraid of clowns ever since he went to the circus as a kid. One day his friend talked him into going to the circus again to try and get over his fear. When the clown car pulled into the ring, Billy started shaking. The clowns piled out of the tiny car one after another. Billy was about to run away when the cutest clown with pink hair smiled and waved at him. She did a silly dance over to Billy and handed him a flower. Billy couldn’t help but laugh. The cute clown made him a balloon animal dog and brought it over on her nose like a seal. By the end of the show, Billy wasn’t afraid of clowns anymore.

25. Jake loved dressing up as a clown to entertain at children’s parties. One day he got a call asking if he could perform at the children’s hospital cancer ward. When Jake arrived at the hospital in full clown costume, the kids’ faces lit up. He went room to room doing magic tricks and making balloon animals. In one room he came across a boy who wouldn’t crack a smile no matter what Jake did. Jake sat down next to the boy’s bed and started poking fun at all his clown props until the boy giggled. Then Jake pulled out a kazoo and they had an impromptu kazoo concert. Soon the whole room was laughing and singing along. As Jake left, the boy grinned and said it was the best day ever.

26. Margie was looking for a fun new hobby so she signed up for clown college. On her first day of class, she learned how to do goofy clown walks, falls, and gestures. The teacher showed them how to apply crazy clown make-up and experiment with colorful wigs. Next, they practiced juggling, making balloon animals, and doing tricks with the clown car prop. Margie had a blast learning the art of being a comedic clown. For her final exam, she had to create a clown character and perform a short routine. Margie decided to be Clarabelle the Clown. She bumbled in tripping over her big shoes and squirting the audience with her trick flower. By the end, she had the whole class belly laughing. Margie couldn’t wait to bring joy at children’s parties as Clarabelle.

27. Bozo the clown was the star of the circus. He had big red hair, a white face, and a polka dot suit. The kids would roar with delight when Bozo came out driving his tiny clown car. He would stumble out of the car with his oversized shoes getting tangled. Bozo kept the audience laughing with his silly slapstick humor and goofy magic. His favorite trick was the never-ending handkerchief. He would pull colorful hankie after hankie out of his pocket to the kids’ amazement. At the end of his act, Bozo always invited the children down for games and photos. He made sure each child felt special. To this day, Bozo is beloved for bringing joy and laughter to generations of kids.

28. Sue came from a long line of circus clowns in her family. She learned to walk on stilts, juggle, and do acrobatics at a young age. When Sue turned 16, she was allowed to join her parents in the clown act. She had to wait until she perfected the balance of humor, timing, and developing a clown character. On Sue’s first night performing, she strutted out in a polka dot leotard with green hair. The spotlight hit and she froze momentarily before launching into the act. Sue tumbled, told jokes, squirted flowers, and rode a tiny bike in circles to the crowd’s delight. She felt exhilarated hearing the audience laugh wildly at her clowning around. Sue waved as she made her exit to thundering applause. She was glowing with pride at becoming the newest clown in the family legacy.

29. Sammy joined the clown alley at the circus hoping to spread joy and laughter. In clown training, he devised a mischievous clown persona named Fantastic Frankie. Sammy dressed as Frankie with a two-toned clown suit and crazy orange wig. During the show, Fantastic Frankie burst into the ring riding an imaginary motorcycle. He pretended to lose control crashing into the wall and falling flat on his face. Frankie attempted all sorts of gags with goofy props like a dancing flower and trick umbrella. The grand finale had him shot out of a faux cannon! The audience howled as he soared through the air and landed in a bucket of confetti. Fantastic Frankie took a final bow covered head to toe in shiny specks of paper.

Clown Puns

30. Why did the clown buy new shoes? His old ones were worn out from clowning around so much.

31. Why was the clown upset before the circus? He had lost his funny bone but then found it in the clown car.

32. Why are clowns the worst gardeners? They’re always dropping their tools!

33. Did you hear the one about the clown chef? He really knew how to clown around in the kitchen!

34. Why did the clown get fired from the circus? He wasn’t putting enough thought into his clowning around.

35. Why was the clown acting nervous before his act? He had a case of stage clown fright!

36. I can’t believe the clown got arrested, he was just clowning around with those balloons!

37. Why did the clown bring cycling gear to the circus? He thought it would enhance his clown cycling bit!

38. Did you hear about the clown who took up painting? Now he’s a coloring clown!

Clown One-Liners

39. The clown slipped on a banana peel and fell right on his rear, what a sight to see!

40. Don’t worry about the clown, he’s just goofing around as usual.

41. The clown got a standing ovation for riding that tiny tricycle around the ring.

42. I can’t believe the clown got his face stuck in that pie, silly willy!

43. That clown is going to hurt himself if he keeps clowning around on the tightrope.

44. The clown got the crowd roaring by squirting that trick flower right at the lion tamer!

45. That silly clown cracked us up juggling flaming torches on the unicycle.

46. The clown knows how to work the room, getting big laughs with his bumbling antics.

Best Clown Jokes

47. Gary was a class clown growing up, always pulling pranks and telling jokes. In college, Gary decided to take his humor to the next level by joining a clown troupe called the Giggle Gang. He developed a clown persona named Jingles, complete with face paint, a rainbow wig, and outfit with polka dots and pom poms. Jingles became known for outlandish stunts and zany physical comedy. His signature bit involved cramming 20 clowns into a tiny prop car, then stumbling out in a massive clown pile-up. Another gag had Jingles try to perform ill-fated magic tricks that resulted in very messy fails. While some of his humor was considered low-brow by a few critics, children adored Jingles and his willingness to act the fool for their amusement. For Gary, bringing belly laughs through clowning around was the greatest joy of all.

48. Everyone at the circus said Bingo the clown was a man of few words, so the crowd was stunned when he arrived in the ring on an elephant loudly announcing, “Make way, make way, for Bingo’s one-of-a-kind musical extravaganza!” Bingo then proceeded to play 10 instruments simultaneously while balancing on a rolling globe. He went from trumpeting the horn to banging the drums without missing a beat. For the finale, Bingo played the tuba while standing on his hands atop the elephant. The audience leapt up with thunderous applause and cheers. Bingo took his bows and quietly shuffled out of the ring, getting the last laugh at his secret musical talents.

49. JoJo was down on his luck and struggling to get work as a clown. With just a few coins left in his pocket, JoJo walked past a pet store and had an idea. He bought a rainbow wig, face paint and a red nose. Then JoJo headed to the park with his props and a sign that said “Photos with Clowny JoJo $1.”Within minutes a few curious kids approached wanting their picture taken. Word spread and soon there was a line of families waiting for silly snapshots with Clowny JoJo. His goofy poses and games of peek-a-boo made the kids erupt in giggles. By the end of the day, JoJo had earned more money than he ever did at the circus. He realized bringing impromptu joy to kids was his true calling.

50. Clarabelle was the only female clown in the clown alley at Bartini Brothers Circus. She endured endless teasing from the male clowns who said women weren’t funny. They claimed she only got the job because her father was part of the Bartini family. Determined to prove them wrong, Clarabelle secretly practiced a daring trapeze act with intricate flips, spins, and hangs by her knees. On opening night, the audience gasped when they saw Clarabelle unexpectedly swing onto the high platform in full clown attire. She performed stunning aerial feats with spot-on comic timing, slipping and pretending to nearly fall. The crowd leapt up with wild applause when she took her bow. Clarabelle smiled proudly as her fellow clowns finally welcomed her with newfound respect.

51. Everyone hates Ploppy the clown because his acts are so awful. He tells lame jokes that make no sense, attempts disastrous magic tricks, and can barely ride a unicycle without toppling over every two seconds. The crowds boo and throw peanuts at Ploppy, desperately waiting for his act to end. But Ploppy just keeps on performing with boundless enthusiasm, impervious to the heckling. He lives for those rare moments when his utter failure makes a child laugh. That one kid getting joy from his inept clowning makes all the difference in the world. Ploppy takes defeat in stride, always bouncing back believing today will be the day he gets it right. There’s something admirable about his optimism in the face of perpetual humiliation.

Clown One-Liners

52. The clown tried to juggle six bowling pins and they all came crashing down on his head!

53. Don’t be surprised if that clown comes out driving a car that’s smaller than a shoebox.

54. Someone better catch that clown before he pedals his tiny tricycle right off the platform!

55. We better get more pies ready, this clown is a master at pieing himself in the face.

56. Uh oh, looks like the clown got his oversized shoes tied together again, what a klutz!

57. I have a feeling this clown is going to split his suspenders wide open doing that crazy bowing dance move.

58. Watch out below – I predict that teetering clown is going to take a tumble from the high wire!