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22 Funny Cinnamon Jokes

22 Funny Cinnamon Jokes

Cinnamon Puns

1. I tried to think of a pun about cinnamon, but it was pretty spiceless.

2. What do you call a sad cinnamon roll? A melan-choly!

3. Why was the cinnamon so expensive at the bake sale? It was priceless!

4. My friend got fired from the cinnamon factory. It was totally uncalled for and out of the cinnamon blue!

5. I entered my cat in a cinnamon lookalike contest. He won by a whisker!

6. What do you call a nervous cinnamon stick? A cinna-mon wreck!

7. Why did the baker stop using cinnamon? It was just a phase!

8. What do you call a happy cinnamon bun? A cinnamon of fun!

9. Why did the cinnamon roll blush? It saw the buns in the oven!

10. How does Moses make his cinnamon tea? Hebrews it!

Cinnamon One-Liners

11. I tried to come up with a cinnamon pun, but it was pretty vapid.

12. Cinnamon buns? More like cinnamon funs!

13. What do you call a cinnamon roll with a degree? A cake-ademic!

14. Bread and cinnamon sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

15. Cinnamon is a spice, sugar is nice, but I prefer trouble and rice.

16. They fired me from the cinnamon factory, but I took the news in stride!

17. Cinnamon, more like cinnam-fun!

18. Cinnamon rolls are my jam!

19. Cinnamon? More like cinn-a-WIN!

20. Sugar and spice and everything nice…that’s what cinnamon is made of!

Best Cinnamon Jokes

21. A cinnamon bun walked into a bakery and said “Hey, give me a roll!” The baker replied “Sorry, we don’t do puns here.”

A customer then walked in and said “I’ll take that cinnamon bun to go please!” The cinnamon bun looked shocked and said “Oh my goodness, a talking cinnamon bun!”

22. Why was the cinnamon chewing gum so popular? It had spicy appeal!

23. What do you call a sad cup of cinnamon tea? De-cinnamonated!

24. My friend couldn’t pay his rent, so I let him cinnamon to my apartment.

25. Why do bakers like using cinnamon in their recipes? It’s just so appealing!

26. What do you call a lazy cinnamon roll? Unmotivated dough!

27. Why was the cinnamon so expensive at the store? It had a hefty price tag!

28. Did you hear about the new celebrity diet? It’s called Cinnamighty and it has you eating cinnamon rolls all day!

29. How do you fix a broken cinnamon roll? With icing and glue!

30. A cinnamon bun walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve food here!”

31. What sits besides a cinnamon roll? Its neigh-bruh!

32. Why was the cinnamon teacher so strict? She took her class’ grades very seriously!