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27 Funny Bubble Tea Puns

27 Funny Bubble Tea Puns

Bubble Tea Puns

1. I’m so addicted to bubble tea, it’s become a bubblem.

2. What do you call a bubble tea with extra tapioca pearls? Pearls before swine.

3. Why was the bubble tea sad? It was feeling blueberry.

4. I asked my friend if she wanted to get bubble tea, she said “boba not.”

5. What do you call a cheap bubble tea? Cut-rate boba.

6. Why couldn’t the barista find a job at the bubble tea shop? She didn’t have enough boba fide work experience.

7. What do you call a bubble tea with no tapioca pearls? An impearls before swine situation.

8. Why was the mango bubble tea nervous about performing? It had stage fright.

9. What do you call a bubble tea made with fruit juice? A fruitboba smoothie.

10. Why was the taro bubble tea so purple? It was boba-sic.

11. What do you call a bubble tea shop run by gophers? Boba tunnel.

12. How does a bubble tea get WiFi? It connects to the boba spot.

Bubble Tea One-Liners

13. I’m so addicted to bubble tea I should open a bobaholics anonymous meeting.

14. I love bubble tea so matcha I should marry it.

15. Bubble tea is so delicious, it’s tapi-oca the charts.

16. Bubble tea is my cup of tea.

17. Bubble tea has me bursting with flavor.

18. Bubble tea really seals the meal.

19. Bubble tea? Yes peas.

20. My bubble tea addiction is out of con-tapioca.

21. Bubble tea completes me.

22. Bubble tea is the tea’s knees.

Best Bubble Tea Jokes

23. I went to get my usual boba milk tea order but accidentally got a taro bubble tea instead. It was an honest mistea-ko.

24. My friend challenged me to go a month without drinking any bubble tea. After just two days I was already suffering from boba withdrawal. The cravings were unbearable until finally I snapped. I grabbed my keys and wallet and rushed out the door saying, “That’s it! I can’t go oolong without my boba!”

25. I decided to apply for a job at the new bubble tea shop in town even though I had no experience. To my surprise, I got called in for an interview. Things were going well until the manager asked me to demonstrate how I would prepare a black milk tea with boba. I panicked and just threw a bunch of random ingredients into a cup. Needless to say, I didn’t get the job. I guess I really boba’d that interview.

26. My friend always takes forever when ordering bubble tea. She hems and haws while scrutinizing the menu like it’s some life changing decision. Finally, after ten whole minutes, the exasperated cashier asked if she was ready to order. My friend sighed and said, “Hmm, actually I’m still not sure, maybe I’ll just get a water instead.” We apologized profusely to the cashier and left the shop empty-handed. Moral of the story: don’t be a boba-ther.

27. I was running late to meet my friend so I decided to take a shortcut through the park. In my hurry, I accidentally tripped over a tree root and went flying forward – right into a huge decorative fountain. I emerged completely drenched from head to toe. As if my day couldn’t get any worse, when I finally met up with my friend, she took one look at me and burst out laughing. “What happened to you?? Haha, did you go for a swim in the boba pool or something?” Ugh, I’ll never drink tea in the park again!