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Thomas Moore

Passport Puns 1. I wanted to travel to Italy, but I pasta-ported my trip. 2. The expiration date on my passport is just a stamp-of-disapproval. 3. My friend had to re-new his passport. I said, “Good thing you’re not a chicken, or else it would be a re-hen-ewal.” 4. I stamped my passport with an …

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Jam Puns 1. I wanted to make jam with berries, but it ended up being a preserves, not a jam. Guess I didn’t read the fruit fine print. 2. The band was pretty good, but the guitar solo was just jammed in there. 3. My friend got stuck in traffic because there was a jam …

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Gravy Puns 1. I wanted to add some extra flavor to my mashed potatoes, so I decided to pour on the gravy train! 2. My friend was bragging about his fancy new car. I told him not to get too cocky or he’ll end up in hot water. He said he could handle the heat …

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Lettuce Puns 1. Lettuce turnip the beet! This silly pun definitely takes the cake when it comes to funny lettuce jokes. 2. What do you call a sad piece of lettuce? Blue-tuce! The color blue is often associated with sadness, making this pun funny and clever. 3. Why was the lettuce sitting by itself at …

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Golf Puns 1. I went to the driving range to work on my golf swing. It was tee-riffic! 2. My friend was bragging that he could drive the ball 400 yards. I told him to stop with the fore play. 3. I entered a contest for the worst golf pun. I was hoping to win …

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