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43 Sidesplitting Refrigerator Jokes

43 Sidesplitting Refrigerator Jokes

Refrigerator Puns

  1. What do you call a refrigerator that likes to rap? A cool MC.
  2. My refrigerator got sick and had to go to the hospital. Now it’s in the ER.
  3. I entered my refrigerator in a race. It was neck and neck but in the end, the fridge won by a nose.
  4. I heard Samsung is coming out with a new smart refrigerator that has Wi-Fi. I guess you could say it’s very modem.
  5. My refrigerator is an avid reader. It’s always going through books and magazines.
  6. I was going to tell a joke about refrigerators, but it wouldn’t open.
  7. What did the refrigerator say to the other appliance? I’m cooler than you.
  8. My refrigerator likes dancing so much, it’s always doing the fridge.
  9. What do you call cheese that’s not yours? Nacho cheese! Sorry, I had to make at least one bad fridge joke.
  10. My refrigerator is so pale it really needs to get out more. It never leaves the kitchen.
  11. What did one fridge say to the other fridge? “I’m really craving ice cream right now.”
  12. My refrigerator is so messy, it really needs to clean itself up. There’s mold everywhere!
  13. What did the policeman say when he opened the refrigerator? Freeze! Don’t move!
  14. My refrigerator is so ornery. It’s always giving me the cold shoulder.
  15. What do you call a sad refrigerator? A down in the dumps-ter!

Refrigerator One-Liners

  1. My fridge is so empty inside, it’s practically a philosopher.
  2. My fridge is like my family – constantly demanding food and attention.
  3. My fridge broke down last week, now I truly understand the meaning of hunger games.
  4. They say you are what you eat, so my fridge must be made of leftovers and regret.
  5. My fridge light has witnessed more midnight snacking than my therapist.
  6. My fridge hums louder than a choir of monks.
  7. My fridge is like a grumpy old man, constantly groaning and reluctant to open up.
  8. My fridge: where vegetables go to die a slow, moldy death.
  9. My fridge has better food in it than my local supermarket.
  10. If my fridge was a movie character, it would be Bruce Willis in Die Hard – battered but still kicking.

Best Refrigerator Jokes

  1. Last night I was hungry and opened up my refrigerator. To my horror, there was a head inside! I slammed the door shut and called the police. When they arrived, I slowly opened the fridge again, trembling. There sat a head of cabbage. I felt like such an idiot!

  2. My toddler loves playing hide and seek, so one day he climbed into the refrigerator while I was making lunch. I didn’t notice and closed the door, walking away. Thirty minutes later I heard faint banging from the fridge and opened it to find my son grinning widely. He shouted “My turn to hide!” Kids really do the darndest things!

  3. During the pandemic, my wife and I were bored out of our minds stuck at home. We decided to take up ballroom dancing to pass the time. We pushed aside the kitchen table and practiced the tango, waltz, and foxtrot. Our refrigerator applauded us the whole time – the icemaker went wild! The eggs however, threw tomatoes, unimpressed by our dancing skills.

  4. Last week I decided to enter an amateur stand up comedy competition at a local club. I practiced my routine in front of the refrigerator to get comfortable with the material. Unfortunately, the fridge laughed so hard at all my jokes, it blew a fuse and broke down! Now I have to drink lukewarm beer. Stupid refrigerator.

  5. During the pandemic lockdowns, I was so bored I started talking to my refrigerator and pretending it was my buddy. I’d tell it jokes, ask for relationship advice, you name it. One day I opened the door to grab some leftovers and the fridge light was out. I said “Come on man, I tell you jokes and this is how you repay me?” Suddenly the light flickered back on and I swear I heard it laugh.

  6. Last year my refrigerator broke down right before Thanksgiving. I had a freezer full of food that was thawing rápidamente. In a panic, I packed everything into coolers and drove around with the A/C blasting to keep the turkey cold. I got so many weird looks stopped at red lights with the coolers riding shotgun. Luckily I was able to save Thanksgiving dinner!

  7. Growing up, we had an old rickety refrigerator from the 1950s that would shock you if you touched it while barefoot. One Thanksgiving my cousin challenged me to lick the fridge while touching it with my hand. I did it and got quite the energetic jolt! My hair stood on end for hours. Mom said I deserved it for trying something so foolish.

  8. One night I woke up at 3am starving and went downstairs to grab a midnight snack. I opened the refrigerator and shrieked – my roommate was fast asleep on the bottom shelf! He sleepwalks sometimes but this took it to the next level. At least he kept the refrigerator cool.

  9. When I first moved into my apartment, there was an old refrigerator left behind on the curb for trash pickup. I decided to take it and use it for extra storage in the garage. As soon as I plugged it in, the motor roared to life and black slime started pouring out of the vents. I never ran so fast in my life!

  10. During the summer heat waves, my elderly neighbor always complains about her ancient refrigerator not cooling properly. I keep telling her to just buy a new one but she refuses to part with Ol’ Bessy. I popped by last week to check on her and found her sitting inside the fridge eating a popsicle. That woman is crazy!

  11. My first apartment was a dump. The refrigerator door wouldn’t stay closed so I had to use bungee cords wrapped around the handles to keep it sealed. One day I was in a hurry and opened the door too fast, and the boomerang effect sent me flying backwards into the opposite wall! The fridge won that battle.

  12. When I was 10 years old, I got into a fight with my brother and ended up with a bloody nose. My mom took me into the kitchen, opened the freezer, and stuck my whole face into the icy cold abyss. “Cool off!” she yelled. Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.

  13. One Halloween I decided to prank my roommate and hide inside the refrigerator when he came home late from work. As soon as he opened the door, I leaped out screaming bloody murder in my scariest mask. Turns out pranking a former Special Ops veteran is a BAD idea – I’m just glad he didn’t shoot me!

  14. During college, my roommates and I had an ongoing prank war. I woke up one morning and went to grab some OJ from the fridge, but it was filled to the brim with ping pong balls! It took me over an hour to empty it – they really got me good. Luckily I got my revenge later.

  15. When I was little, I was convinced there were tiny tiny people who lived inside our refrigerator and made it work. I even tried leaving them little notes thanking them for keeping the food cold. Years later, I realize how silly that was. Or was it?

  16. Last week my refrigerator started talking to me! I was making breakfast when I heard a voice say “Hey! Can I get some bacon too?” I screamed and ran out of the kitchen. Turns out my son hid a Bluetooth speaker inside as a prank. That little stinker!

  17. During the pandemic I was so bored, I held full-on conversations with my refrigerator. I’d ask it about its day and tell it jokes – I was going stir crazy! One day my wife walked into the kitchen during my chat. Let’s just say she worries about me now.

  18. When I was 8 years old, I got trapped inside our old refrigerator while playing hide and seek. Somehow the latch closed and I couldn’t get out! Thankfully mom found me 15 minutes later, but I still shudder remembering how cold and dark it was inside.

  19. Last year our refrigerator broke down right before my wife’s 40th birthday party. In a panic I loaded up coolers with ice to keep the cake cold and ended up taking them through the McDonald’s drive-thru because the ice was melting too fast. Nothing like fast food parking lot cake!

  20. My toddler loves playing hide and seek with the refrigerator. I’ll count to 20 then dramatically open the door, saying “Found you!” He’ll laugh hysterically like it’s the funniest game ever. Kids have such wild imaginations. At least he’s easy to entertain!

  21. One morning I stumbled downstairs, half awake, and asked the refrigerator what it thought I should have for breakfast. I grabbed some OJ and was halfway through chugging it before I realized…I was talking to a refrigerator. Maybe coffee first next time.

  22. When I was 8, I wrote an entire 15 page comic book about a superhero refrigerator named Fridgiator who fought crime and saved leftover food from evil villains. I still have it somewhere in my childhood memento box. It makes me smile reading my silly imagination as a kid.

  23. Last year on Thanksgiving, our ancient refrigerator from the 1950s finally bit the dust. The turkey was starting to thaw so we packed it in ice chests and drove to every store we could find to save the bird. We ended up having an icy cold Thanksgiving dinner thanks to our old reliable cooler!