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68 Sidesplitting Puzzle Jokes

68 Sidesplitting Puzzle Jokes

Puzzle Puns – 18 Jokes

1. I was trying to finish a puzzle, but I was missing a piece. It was a very perplexing problem.

2. My friend got frustrated trying to solve a puzzle, so he ripped it apart. I guess he didn’t have the patience to piece it together.

3. I bought a 3D puzzle but it didn’t come with any instructions. Trying to put it together has been quite a conundrum.

4. I told my daughter we were going to work on puzzles today. She asked if there was a catch. I said no, it’s just for the fun of it!

5. My puzzle loving friend got a job at the post office sorting mail. I guess she’s found her perfect fit!

6. I was trying to find the missing piece for my puzzle, but my dog ate it. Now I’m completely stumped.

7. I bought a puzzle claiming it had 10,000 pieces, but when I opened it, there were only 9,999. Now my efforts to complete it feel totally incomplete.

8. My friend asked to borrow a puzzle, but he lost a piece and couldn’t find it. Now I have a friend with a missing puzzle piece.

9. I tried to donate some of my old jigsaw puzzles to charity, but they didn’t want incomplete ones. They said they only wanted donations that fit their needs.

10. I tried to return an unopened puzzle to the store, but they wouldn’t take it back because the seal was broken. I was completely puzzled.

11. My puzzle loving aunt finally completed a 10,000 piece puzzle after working on it for months. When asked what she would do next, she said “I’m torn.”

12. I was putting together a puzzle and accidentally dropped the box, mixing up all the pieces. It was a real mess I had to re-sort out.

13. I wanted to frame a puzzle I completed, but then realized the picture would be incomplete. Quite the puzzling predicament.

14. My puzzle obsessed brother got frustrated when I lost a piece of his new puzzle. He blew up saying “This isn’t a game!”

15. I was working on a puzzle but got stuck. My friend saw me struggling and said “Let me give you a few clues.”

16. My puzzle loving mom gets frustrated when the grandkids mess up the puzzles she’s working on. But she says it keeps her mind active.

17. My coworker loves doing puzzles on her lunch break. She says it’s a nice mental breather from the daily office grind.

18. My friend bought a used puzzle at a yard sale, but later realized it was missing pieces. I told him, “Well, that’s puzzling!”

Puzzle One-Liners – 18 Jokes

19. I’m tenacious at solving puzzles, you could say I’m very persistent.

20. My puzzle obsessed brother takes them very seriously, he’s quite intense.

21. Puzzles relax me, they’re my zen.

22. Puzzle solving requires logical thinking, it keeps the mind sharp.

23. Puzzles teach patience and attention to detail, useful skills.

24. I love the feeling of accomplishment when finishing a puzzle.

25. My sheltered puzzle life was forever changed when I discoveredPuzzle solving requires logical thinking, it keeps the mind sharp.

26. Doing puzzles improves critical thinking and problem solving abilities.

27. Puzzle solving provides a sense of order in a chaotic world.

28. The hours spent hunched over puzzles will one day give me the dowager’s hump I’ve always dreamed of.

29. Puzzles keep me off the streets…and on the couch.

30. Doing the same puzzle over and over is meditative for me.

31. Puzzle therapy should be covered by health insurance.

32. Working puzzles gives my brain a sense of accomplishment.

33. The puzzle pieces of my life fit together seamlessly.

34. Doing puzzles requires patience…which I don’t have.

35. My puzzles provide a sense of control in an uncertain world.

36. I pretend I do puzzles for intellectual stimulation, but it’s really to avoid human interaction.

Best Puzzle Jokes – 32 Jokes

37. My friend was struggling to finish a puzzle so I decided to help out. I took a piece from the box and jammed it into a random spot. My friend glared at me and said “That piece doesn’t go there!” I shrugged and replied “It does now.”

38. I was working on a 5,000 piece puzzle and noticed my wife staring at the box. I asked what she was doing and she said “Looking for the picture to help guide me.” I chuckled and said “Honey, that’s not how puzzles work.”

39. I accidentally knocked over my dad’s puzzle that he had been working on for weeks. He yelled “Do you have any idea how long it took me to get this far?!” I calmly responded “A couple of weeks?”

40. My puzzle obsessed coworker yelled across the office “Has anyone seen a piece that’s mostly blue sky with a little red in the corner?” We all just silently shook our heads.

41. I spent six months completing a 10,000 piece puzzle only to realize the last piece was missing. After searching everywhere, I finally found it in the vacuum cleaner bag. The moral of the story – always check the vacuum if puzzle pieces go missing!

42. My puzzle obsessed sister insisted that we stop celebrating Thanksgiving until she finished her 5,000 piece turkey puzzle. My mom had to hide pieces to get her to leave her room.

43. My friend claims he finished a 32,000 piece puzzle in a week. I asked if he slept at all during that time. He said “Who needs sleep when you’ve got puzzles to solve!”

44. I was almost done with a puzzle when my cat knocked the whole thing onto the floor. Lesson learned – never trust a cat around intricate puzzles.

45. My grandpa takes puzzle solving very seriously. Once I accidentally coughed and blew puzzle pieces across the room. He scolded “This is why I don’t let children help with my puzzles!”

46. My mom was midway through a 5,000 piece puzzle when she sneezed violently, sending pieces flying everywhere. We found puzzle pieces under the fridge weeks later.

47. My puzzle obsessed aunt refused to leave her seat at Thanksgiving dinner until she found the missing piece she needed. The turkey got cold while we all searched under the couch.

48. I was helping my puzzle loving friend and jokingly said “Let’s trade puzzles pieces to make it more challenging.” He got very defensive and said “Don’t even joke about that!”

49. My sister threatened anyone who breathed near her 10,000 piece puzzle. She said “No coughing, no sneezing, no living!”

50. I accidentally spilled coffee on my dad’s puzzle in progress. Let’s just say the puzzle wasn’t the only thing in pieces after that.

51. My puzzle obsessed coworker got fired for refusing to leave her desk while piecing together a 5,000 piece puzzle. She said her life’s purpose was more important than the job.

52. My friend brought her puzzle to the beach thinking the sea breeze would inspire her. A gust of wind sent the whole thing flying across the sand. Lesson learned.

53. My mom was almost done with her 10,000 piece puzzle of the Eiffel Tower when the cat knocked the whole table over. I’ve never heard such foul language come out of my mother.

54. I surprised my puzzle obsessed dad for his birthday by framing one of his finished puzzles. He flipped out because one piece was missing from the frame. Perfectionist!

55. My fiend was working on a 5,000 piece solid white puzzle. After months of effort, she excitedly called to tell me it was finally finished. I didn’t have the heart to tell her all the pieces were blank.

56. My extremely competitive coworkers had an epic puzzle contest to see who could finish first. Things got ugly when someone got accused of stealing pieces.

57. I was almost done with my 10,000 piece puzzle when I realized my toddler had been snackings on random pieces. Explains why the puzzle made no sense once completed.

58. My puzzle obsessed mom only shops at specialty puzzle stores. She once drove 5 hours to get a limited edition 30,000 piece puzzle.

59. For my dad’s 70th birthday, we hid 70 of the pieces from his 10,000 piece puzzle. We’ve never seen him so stressed out.

60. My friend claims she “accidentally” spilled water over her husband’s puzzle when he ignored her. I call that puzzling sabotage.

61. My coworker tried smuggling a 10,000 puzzle piece onto a plane to work on during his flight. Airport security was not amused.

62. My mom prioritizes her puzzles over everything – she even missed my high school graduation to complete a 10,000 piece puzzle!

63. My sister only dates men who enjoy puzzles as much as she does. She gave one guy a 500 piece puzzle on the first date to test his interest.

64. My friend got dumped for spending more time piecing together puzzles than with his girlfriend. She said he was married to his puzzles.

65. My neighbor stole my dad’s newspaper every morning just so she could do the crossword puzzle before him. Talk about puzzling sabotage!

66. I surprised my dad by framing his 10,000 piece puzzle. Let’s just say the one missing piece in the frame almost gave him a heart attack.

67. My sister brought a puzzle on our family vacation and spent the whole time in her room piecing it together rather than spending time with us.

68. I knew my friend’s puzzle obsession was out of control when her 1000 piece puzzle took up our entire kitchen table for a month straight.