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69 Jokes About Oranges

69 Jokes About Oranges

Orange Puns (20)

  1. What do you call an orange who is also a talented singer? A juicy fruit.
  2. Want to hear a joke about oranges? You’ll get a real kick out of it.
  3. Why did the orange lose the race? It ran out of juice.
  4. My friend told me a joke about oranges, but I didn’t find it very a-peel-ing.
  5. What did the orange say when his friend told a bad joke? “Zest try harder next time.”
  6. How does an orange stop itself from rolling down a hill? It uses its emergency brake.
  7. Why are oranges the smartest pieces of fruit? They’re full of vitamin C!
  8. What did the orange say to the banana? “Orange you glad I didn’t say banana again?”
  9. Why couldn’t the orange answer the phone? It was on orange!
  10. How does an orange greet its friends? Orange you glad to see me!
  11. What do you call two oranges who get married? A pair of mandarins!
  12. My friend told me a joke about oranges, but I didn’t get it. It must have gone over my head.
  13. Want to hear a joke about paper? Never mind, it’s tearable.
  14. What happens when you tell a joke to an orange? You get a peel of laughter!
  15. What’s an orange’s favorite Disney movie? The Juice Book!
  16. Why did the orange bring a napkin to dinner? It was a little juicy.
  17. What do you call a funny orange? A hilarious citrus!
  18. Why was the orange angry at its friend? It felt betrayed.
  19. Why couldn’t the orange finish the race? It ran out of juice.
  20. Why do oranges make good professors? They’re full of wisdom and wit!

Orange One-Liners (15)

  1. Orange you glad I didn’t say banana again?
  2. Orange you going to tell another fruit joke?
  3. Knock knock! Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad I told this knock knock joke?
  4. What’s an orange’s favorite hobby? Squash!
  5. How does an orange stop a bullet? With its thick peel.
  6. How do you fix a broken orange? With orange aid.
  7. What’s an orange’s least favorite day? Peel day.
  8. Why did the orange cross the road? To get to the juice bar.
  9. How does an orange win a fight? It throws vitamin punches.
  10. Orange you excited to hear another fruit joke?
  11. What do you call two oranges in love? Sweetheart fruits.
  12. Where does an orange go on vacation? Mandarin!
  13. Orange you glad I have more fruit jokes up my sleeve?
  14. Why was the orange hungry after lunch? It didn’t get enough peelings.
  15. What’s an orange’s favorite workout move? Peel-ups!

Best Orange Jokes (34)

  1. One day, an orange rolled down a hill and started rolling faster and faster. Another orange saw it whizzing by and shouted, “Hey, what’s the hurry?” The rolling orange said, “I’m having a juicy day!”
  1. A family of oranges went on vacation to Florida. The baby orange was so excited to see oranges growing on trees for the first time! But sadly, they had rented a car and the baby orange wasn’t tall enough to see out the window. The family kept driving by grove after grove as the little orange sighed. Finally, they drove past one with a low fence and the baby excitedly shouted, “Orange Grove! Orange Grove!”
  1. One day an orange was late for work at the juice factory. Rushing out the door, he tripped over his peel and tumbled down the front steps. His orange neighbor saw him fall and called out, “Are you okay? That looked like quite a spill!” The orange pulled himself together and sighed, “Yeah, I’m fine. I guess I’m just a little clumsy today.”
  1. Why don’t oranges play piano in a band? They can only hit the citrus chords.
  1. What happens when you tell an orange a joke? It cracks up!
  1. How does an orange stop itself from rolling down a hill? It uses its emergency brake.
  1. What do you get when you cross an orange with a lemon? A sour-puss.
  1. Why did the orange lose the race? It ran out of juice!
  1. Two oranges walk into a bar. One orange says to the other, “You know, we make quite a good pear sometimes!”
  1. Why did the little orange cry? Because his peels were hurt!
  1. How does the orange family spend quality time together? They go on juicy road trips.
  1. What do you call an orange who works at a gym? A protein fruit!
  1. Why was the orange such a good baseball player? It always hit citrus runs.
  1. Why was the orange the most popular kid in school? It was so peel-ar.
  1. Why did the orange get sent to his room? His dad told him to concentrate on his studies, not on citrus juice!
  1. Why are oranges the most optimistic fruits? Because they always look on the sunny side!
  1. What did one orange say to comfort his crying friend? “Hey, don’t cry. Orange you glad I’m here for you?”
  1. Why are oranges considered so motivational? They really know how to inspire-citrus!
  1. Why did the orange get in trouble at work? He was caught squeezing another employee!
  1. Why did the orange turn red? It was embarrassed!
  1. Why couldn’t the orange make it up the mountain? He ran out of zest!
  1. Why did the oranges get married in autumn? They found their perfect peels!
  1. How does an orange judge a talent show? On peel!
  1. Why are oranges such good dancers? They know how to do the citrus slide.
  1. Why did the orange bring flowers to his date? He wanted to make a good first im-peel-sion!
  1. Why was the orange so messy? It just couldn’t seem to keep its peelings together!
  1. Why was the orange down in the dumps? He was feeling a little fruitless.
  1. Why was the orange excited to start school? He couldn’t wait to join clubs and make new zests!
  1. What’s an orange’s favorite hobby? Squash!
  1. Why do oranges make great authors? They really know how to craft citrus plots.
  1. How does an orange win an argument? It states its case peel and clear.
  1. Why did the orange get detention at school? For being a little too sassy in class.
  1. Why was the orange the most popular kid at summer camp? It really knew how to get the juices flowing!
  1. Why did the oranges get kicked off the soccer team? They couldn’t stop throwing citrus fouls!