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104 Jokes About Hot Dogs

104 Jokes About Hot Dogs

Hot Dogs Puns (15)

  1. I relish a good hot dog with mustard and ketchup. It’s the wienerful thing to do.
  2. Q: Why don’t hot dogs like jazz music? A: Because they prefer the classic meat and buncombo.
  3. My friend got food poisoning from a bad hot dog. You could say he had a frankfurter emergency.
  4. I entered my dachshund in a hot dog eating contest. He’s a weiner dog after all!
  5. Our cookout ran out of hot dogs so we had to call the policedog.
  6. Q: What do you call a hot dog with a PhD? A: Dr. Frank N. Furter
  7. I relish the opportunity to make hot dog puns. There’s no bun intended.
  8. That hot dog eating contest last night was a real weiner take all.
  9. My favorite hot dogs are Hebrew National because they are 100% kosher.
  10. I’m training to be a competitive eater of hot dogs. You could say I have the stomach for it.
  11. Q: Why did the hot dog win the race? A: Because it was the fastest food.
  12. Be careful grilling hot dogs, you don’t want any frankfires.
  13. A hot dog walks into a bar and orders a beer. Bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve food here.”
  14. I was kicked out of the hot dog eating contest for unacceptable frank behavior.
  15. Hot dogs wanted for arson after starting a frankfire in the kitchen.

Hot Dog One-Liners (15)

  1. I never sausage a thing!
  2. Are you ready for some hot dog puns? Don’t worry, I’ll make this fun and fast.
  3. Warning: my hot dog jokes may cause groans.
  4. My friend entered an amateur hot dog eating contest. Let’s just say he bit off more than he could chew.
  5. Hot diggity dog! These jokes are on a roll.
  6. Good friends, good food, good times. Pass the hot dogs.
  7. Hot dog puns? You bet I’m on a roll.
  8. Hot dog jokes? You’ve come to the right place, I’m an expert in wurst humor.
  9. My hot dog puns will leave you in stitches… of laughter!
  10. Hot dog jokes? Don’t worry, I won’t leave you in the bun.
  11. Ate 4 hot dogs in 5 minutes. You could say I was on a roll.
  12. Hot dogs wanted for impersonating sandwiches.
  13. I relish these hot dog jokes almost as much as I relish hot dogs.
  14. Hot diggity dog! Another bad hot dog joke incoming.
  15. My friends say my hot dog jokes aren’t even corny, they’re just bad. But I disagree!

Best Hot Dog Jokes (29)

  1. Last night I dreamed I was eating a 5 pound marshmallow hot dog. When I woke up, my pillow was gone.
  2. My friend thought he would win the hot dog eating contest easily. In the end, he realized he had bitten off more than he could chew.
  3. Why did the hot dog wear a sweater? Because it was a chili dog!
  4. Yesterday I entered my first hot dog eating contest. I was doing pretty well until some guy next to me started using hot dog puns as trash talk. That’s when things went downhill fast.
  5. What do you call a hot dog that crosses the finish line? A weiner!
  6. My friend claims he can eat 30 hot dogs in one sitting. But I think he’s just full of bologna.
  7. Why do hot dogs come in packs of 10 but hot dog buns come in packs of 8? It’s part of the worldwide bunless conspiracy.
  8. What’s the difference between a hot dog and Britain’s royal line of succession? One is a frankfurter and the other is a frank further!
  9. Yesterday my friend slipped on a hot dog at the ballpark and now he’s worried he may have sustained a serious weiner injury.
  10. Two hot dogs are sitting in a frying pan. One hot dog says “Sure is getting hot in here” and the other screams “OMG a talking hot dog!”
  11. My idea of a perfect date is sharing hot dogs while walking in the park. But I can never find a girl who’s down for it.
  12. How do you make a hot dog stand? Take away its chair!
  13. What do you call a hot dog that knows karate? A nin-frank-do!
  14. My friend got food poisoning after eating a questionable hot dog from a street cart. Apparently she thought the dog was kosher but it turned out to be an impawster.
  15. Why did the hot dog wear pants? So it wouldn’t show its buns!
  1. Yesterday I ordered a hot dog with my pizza and the waiter said, “Sorry sir but we don’t allow outside food here.”
  2. What do you call a hot dog with mustard and ketchup? Frank N. Stein!
  3. My friend entered an amateur hot dog eating contest last night. He only ate 5 hot dogs and lost to a guy who ate 27 franks. I guess you could say he didn’t cut the mustard.
  4. Why did the hot dog turn down a chance for its own reality show? Because it didn’t want to relish the fame.
  5. What did the hot dog name his two sons? Frank and Furter!
  6. I once knew a hot dog who entered politics. His nickname was Senator Frank.
  7. How do you join two hot dogs together? With a hotdog clamp!
  8. What do you get when you cross a hot dog with an elevator? A frankfurter lift!
  9. My friend claims he once ate 35 hot dogs in one sitting. But I don’t buy it. I think he’s just trying to ketchup to me.
  10. Why did the hot dog turn down a chance to star in a major motion picture? It didn’t want to be typecast as a meal again.
  11. Where do hot dogs go for vacation? The Bunmuda Islands!
  12. What do you call a hot dog with no legs? A table franker!
  13. Yesterday my friend slipped on a hot dog at the ballpark and now he’s worried he may have sustained a serious weiner injury.
  1. How do baseball players stay cool when it’s hot? They sit by their fans.
  2. My idea of a perfect date is sharing hot dogs while walking in the park. But I can never find a girl who’s down for it.
  3. What’s the best way to eat a hot dog? Chase it!
  4. What do you call a hot dog that knows karate? A nin-frank-do!
  5. Two hot dogs are sitting in a frying pan. One hot dog says “Sure is getting hot in here” and the other screams “OMG a talking hot dog!”
  6. Why can’t a hot dog get married? Because it’s already in a bond!
  7. What do you call a hot dog with mustard and ketchup? Frank N. Stein!
  8. How do you make a hot dog stand? Take away its chair!
  9. Did you hear about the hot dog that went on a diet? It had to curb its enthusiasm.
  10. My idea of a perfect date is sharing hot dogs while walking in the park. But I can never find a girl who’s down for it.