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104 Jokes About Foxes

104 Jokes About Foxes

Fox Puns (24)

  1. What do you call a fox who tells jokes? A pun-fox!
  2. Why don’t foxes get married? Because they’re too foxy!
  3. Where do foxes go to get new clothes? The fox store!
  4. What did the fox say when he fell into a hole? “Help, I’ve foxen in!”
  5. Why was the little fox sad? He lost his box of crayons.
  6. How does a fox keep its fur looking shiny? Foxtrot polish!
  7. What do you call a sleeping fox? A fox nap!
  8. Why do foxes love pop music? Because it’s very fox-y!
  9. What’s a fox’s favorite dessert? Foxy brownies!
  10. Where do foxes go to get clean? The fox salon!
  11. Why did the fox cross the road? To get to the fox store!
  12. What’s a fox’s favorite book? The Fox and the Hound!
  13. What’s a fox’s favorite sport? Foxtrot!
  14. Why did the fox go to college? To get his fox degree!
  15. How does a fox stay connected? With fox-fi!
  16. What’s a fox’s favorite fruit? Foxberries!
  17. What do you call a happy fox? A jolly fox!
  18. Why do foxes make great singers? They have fox appeal!
  19. What’s a fox’s favorite snack? Baby fox carrots!
  20. What’s a fox’s favorite TV show? Fox News!
  21. Where does a fox go for lunch? The fox café!
  22. What’s a fox’s favorite magazine? Vixen!
  23. Why are foxes good at math? They can multiply fast!
  24. What do you call a fox who does magic? A foxtrician!

Fox One-Liners (30)

  1. Don’t let the fox guard the hen house.
  2. Crazy like a fox.
  3. The fox is in the hen house.
  4. Fox in socks.
  5. Sly as a fox.
  6. Fox trot.
  7. A fox tail attached to a leather belt.
  8. Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!
  9. What does the fox say?
  10. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
  11. Foxy lady.
  12. Fox on the run.
  13. Outfoxing the competition.
  14. A fox’s den.
  15. As curious as a fox.
  16. Fantastic Mr. Fox.
  17. The Fox and the Hound.
  18. Fox in the snow.
  19. Fox hunting.
  20. Outfoxed again!
  21. A silver fox.
  22. Foxy boxing.
  23. Sly fox.
  24. Foxy Cleopatra.
  25. Fox Force Five.
  26. The fox trot.
  27. Fox News.
  28. Playing fox and geese.
  29. Fox Mulder.
  30. Red fox.

Best Fox Jokes (50)

55. Why can’t you trust foxes? Because they are con artists.

56. What did the Mama fox say to her cubs before bed? “Alright kids, time for a good fox’s sleep!”

57. Why did the fox cross the road twice? Because it was a double crosser!

58. Which famous artist does every fox love? Pablo Pica-fox-o!

59. What do you call a fox with four legs and a tail? A fox!

60. How do foxes go broke? By being out-foxed in the stock market!

61. What’s a fox’s least favorite dessert? Blackberry cob-fox!

62. Why are foxes great singers? They know how to hit all the high fox notes!

63. Why did the fox go to the car wash? To get his fox tail foil wrapped!

64. Why are foxes bad at sharing? Because they’re too foxy!

65. What was the fox doing in the corn field? Catching chickens!

66. Why do foxes make great spies? They’re sly and cunning!

67. Why did the fox get bad grades? He was outfoxed on his exams!

68. What’s a fox’s favorite James Bond movie? Foxtrot!

69. How did the fox woo his girlfriend? With his cunning tricks!

70. Why don’t foxes tell ghost stories? Because their tales are never ending!

71. What do you call an arctic fox in Alaska? A polar fox!

72. Why do foxes love newspapers? They always have the latest dirt!

73. How does a fox keep his fur shiny? By using foxon shampoo!

74. Why do foxes make bad singers? They sound a little too foxy!

75. What do you a call a sad fox? Melon-fox-ly!

76. Why aren’t other animals afraid of foxes? Because they are prey harmless!

77. What happened when the fox got stuck in a hole? It made a grave misfox-tune!

78. Why couldn’t the fox magician finish his trick? He was out-foxed!

79. What did the fox say when he lost his tail? “I’m truly foxed!”

80. Why was the little fox crying? He lost his fox hole digger!

81. What’s a fox’s favorite Disney movie? Fox and the Hound!

82. Why do foxes have great night vision? So they can spot their fox prey!

83. What kind of shoes do foxes wear? Foxtrotters!

84. How does a fox stay up to date on current events? By reading Fox News!

85. Why did the fox cross the road? To get to the chicken on the other side!

86. Why did the fox go to the doctor? He was feeling a little horse!

87. What do you call a fox who does magic tricks? Houdini Foxtrotter

88. Why don’t foxes live in deserts? There’s nowhere to fox hole up!

89. What happened to the fox who swallowed a firefly? It lit up his insides!

90. Why are foxes such great actors? Because they’re so foxy!

91. What do you get if you cross a fox with a hound? A foxhound!

92. What do you call a lazy fox? A sloth fox!

93. Why can’t you play cards with a fox? They out-fox you every time!

94. What do you call cheese that doesn’t belong to you? Nacho fox cheese!

95. Why do foxes like to read books? For the fox tales!

96. What happens when a fox goes to sleep? His Z’s become fox!

97. Why was the fox acting so strangely? People speculated he might be rafox!

98. Why was the fox unable to finish his portrait? The paint fox dried up!

99. What are a fox’s favorite snacks? Mice crisps and chicken chips!

100. Why do foxes love riddles? Because out-foxing others is their favorite game!

101. Why are foxes such great runners? They’re always trying to out-fox the competition!

102. What do you call a deaf fox? Anything you want, it can’t hear you!

103. What’s a fox’s favorite movie genre? Foxtion!

104. Why did the fox cross the stream? To get to the other side, of fox sake!