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43 Jokes About Fall

43 Jokes About Fall

Fall Puns

  1. What do you call a nervous leaf? Afraid-o-fall!
  2. Why was the leaf embarrassed to fall? It was a little shady!
  3. Which U.S. state has the most leaves in fall? Minne-so-ta!
  4. Why do leaves get detention in school during fall? For falling behind in class!
  5. How does fall feel about performing on stage? It has a lot of fans!
  6. My friend got injured during the fall and had to get a new cast. I guess you could say he… fell apart!
  7. Why did the fall season take the elevator instead of the stairs? It was more down to earth!
  8. What did one autumn leaf say to the other? I’m falling for you!
  9. Which band is fall’s favorite? One Republic!
  10. What do you call thieves in the fall? Leaf stealers!
  11. Why do trees get rid of their leaves in the fall? They like to turn over a new leaf!
  12. What’s a tree’s favorite month? Sep-timber!

Fall One-Liners

  1. I can’t believe it’s fall…that was in-tents!
  2. You know fall is here when the Kardashians start wearing boots and pumpkin spice lattes.
  3. I wonder what seasonal drink they’ll come up with next… Pumpkin spice bleach?
  4. Leaving your Christmas lights up until November is the adult version of refusing to take your Halloween costume off.
  5. Nothing says fall like 40 degrees in the morning and 80 degrees by noon.
  6. I bet the person who invented hand warmers was born in the fall.
  7. Don’t you find it odd that it’s ACCEPTABLE to have indoor plumbing and heat in the winter but in the summer we just sweat it out like pilgrims?
  8. You know it’s officially fall when the department stores skip Halloween and go straight to Christmas decor.
  9. Don’t you just love when it finally starts getting chilly and you can cuddle up under blankets and get depressed?
  10. Pinterest moms when the season changes from summer to fall: It’s cottagecore pumpkin spice latte time!
  11. Why does CVS start putting out Christmas decorations in fall? Because they have no SOUL.
  12. I wonder what the fall equivalent to “hot girl summer” is? “Depressed girl autumn” maybe?

Best Fall Jokes

1. It was the first day of fall and Colin was so excited to go to his favorite apple orchard. He loved everything about it – the smell of apples and cinnamon, the hay rides, and of course, apple picking. He filled up a whole bag full of juicy apples and brought it to the checkout counter. “That’ll be $50,” said the cashier. Colin was shocked. “But apples are always $20 a bag here!” The cashier shrugged. “Yeah, but you know what they say – inflation makes the prices fall.”

2. Samantha was visiting a farm for the first time in fall. As she explored the property, she came across a pig rolling around in the mud to stay cool. Nearby was a cow chewing grass in the pasture. Just then, a chicken came running past her being chased by the farmer’s dog. The farmer saw the confused look on Samantha’s face and said, “Yup, now that it’s fall, everything on the farm is on the run except that lazy sheep over there lying under the tree!”

3. Billy was so excited that the first day of fall was approaching. He had always loved the crisp air, cozy sweaters, and fun fall activities. On the morning of the autumnal equinox, he leaped out of bed and stared out the window in disbelief. It was still hot and humid like the middle of summer! He ran downstairs to ask his mom what was going on. “I’m sorry Billy, but even though the calendar says it’s fall, sometimes the weather takes a while to catch up!” she explained. Billy was so disappointed. He couldn’t wait for it to actually feel like autumn.

4. Martha was visiting her grandparents’ farm to celebrate the first week of fall. As they sat on the porch enjoying some hot apple cider, Martha heard a loud crash come from the barn. She ran over to investigate and found that the ladder leading up to the loft had fallen down. Luckily, the barn cat named Autumn was uninjured. “Poor Autumn!” said Martha. “When fall comes around, everything starts falling apart around here!”

5. For the fall festival this year, the town decided to organize an apple pie eating contest. George thought he was sure to win since he loved apple pie more than anything. The contest started and George managed to eat an entire pie in just 2 minutes, winning him first prize. However, on the car ride home, he started feeling queasy. By the time he got home, he was vomiting and had an awful stomach ache. He told his mom between groans, “I guess I just can’t handle that much pie! I really fell hard for that tasty fall treat.”

6. It was Nicole’s first time experiencing fall on the East Coast after growing up in California her whole life. She went with some friends to go apple picking at a local orchard. As they browsed rows and rows of apple trees, Nicole reached up to pick one and it immediately broke off and fell on her head. Her friends couldn’t help but laugh as Nicole held the apple and said, “Hey guys – stop laughing! I’m new to this whole fall harvest thing. These apples clearly fell hard for me!”

7. Kyle was visiting his grandparent’s house for Thanksgiving dinner along with all his cousins. After stuffing themselves full of turkey, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie, the food comas set in. Kyle’s oldest cousin Trevor stood up and said “Alright, now that we’re all about to fall asleep from this huge meal, it’s time for the annual Thanksgiving fall festival games!” Everyone groaned, reluctant to move from the couch. But they knew it was tradition, no matter how full their bellies were.

8. For Halloween this year, Jacob decided to dress up as a leaf. He painted himself green and attached some leaf shaped fabric all around his body. As he was walking around trick-or-treating, he suddenly tripped on an uneven sidewalk crack. He tumbled to the ground and all the fabric leaves scattered around him. His sister laughed and said, “Looks like your leaf costume is experiencing its first fall!” Jacob chuckled and replied, “Yeah, I really took a tumble there. This costume has gone to pieces!”

9. Susie loved everything about autumn – pumpkin flavored treats, hay rides, and wearing cozy sweaters. One thing she didn’t love was raking up fallen leaves in her yard. As she begrudgingly raked one Saturday morning, the neighbor’s dog ran through the yard and undid all her hard work! Susie sighed, exasperated. Her dad consoled her, saying “Don’t worry honey, raking leaves is just part of fall clean up. Plus that rascal dog just wanted to jump in the leaves!”

10. For his art class assignment to depict a fall scene, Tim decided to paint a picture of a tree in autumn. He painted a beautiful oak tree with multi-colored leaves of red, orange, and yellow. But then he got the idea to show some fallen leaves scattered at the base of the tree. Tim gathered a pile of actual fall leaves from outside and glued them to the painting to make it 3D. His teacher loved the creative touch, complimenting, “What a lovely textured, fall masterpiece!”