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94 Jokes About Electricity

94 Jokes About Electricity

Electricity Puns (15)

  1. What do you call an electrician who just broke up with his girlfriend? A free electron.
  2. Why was the battery feeling down? It was lacking energy.
  3. What did the scientist say when he discovered electrons? “I just made a power discovery!”
  4. Why was the power plant worker fired? He kept generating bad energy at work.
  5. Why did the electrical panel start crying? It had a short circuit.
  6. I told my friend an electricity joke that was shocking. They said “Watt? I don’t get it.”
  7. What do electricians discuss at parties? Current events.
  8. Why did the lights go out? They had a power outage.
  9. How does an electrical current greet others? It says, “Nice to meet you, I’m alternating.”
  10. What did the proton say to the electron? “I got my ion you.”
  11. Why was the electrical socket so sad? It had lost its spark.
  12. What’s an electrician’s favorite type of eye exam? An ohm vision test.
  13. Why did the fuse feel sick? It had a bad connection.
  14. What do you call an electrical thief? A pilferage.
  15. Never trust electrons… they make up everything!

Electricity One-Liners (15)

  1. I would tell you an electricity joke, but I don’t want to be too direct current.
  2. Did you hear the one about the crossed wires? It was shocking!
  3. That electrician has a bright future, you could even say it’s glowing.
  4. I’m very electron-deficient without my morning charge.
  5. This outlet is useless, it has zero potential.
  6. Electricity jokes tend to have potential, even though some don’t have much current.
  7. I’m so excited for this party, the atmosphere is electric!
  8. They say electric cars are the wave of the future, but I have my ion gas vehicles.
  9. I tried to learn about electrical resistance, but I didn’t have the capacity.
  10. I’m quite shocked at how bad some of these electricity puns are.
  11. That was an electrifying performance, it really sparked my interest!
  12. I hope I don’t short circuit when I tell my next electricity joke.
  13. I wanted to make a Tesla coil for fun, but I didn’t have the motivation.
  14. I tried coming up with an electrical physics joke, but there was too much potential for failure.
  15. Edison was truly a bright spark when it came to innovations.

Best Electricity Jokes (35)

  • What did the proton say to the electron after they got married? “I got my ion you!” The electron responded, “Oh stop being so negative!”
  • How does an electrical engineer signal the end of a long work day? “Let’s call it a night!”
  • Why do electrons hate going to the principal’s office? They don’t want to be grounded!
  • Did you hear about the electrician who was training to become a preacher? People said he had a lot of potential, but he didn’t have the capacity.
  • My friend got electrocuted yesterday. Shocking! I know. He said it was quite the heated experience.
  • What’s an electrician’s favorite type of payment method? Current-C!
  • Why was the battery feeling down? It was lacking energy. It went to the battery doctor who said, “I see your problem, you’re not very positive these days!”
  • Why do people get electrocuted when they try to steal copper wiring? Because it’s wrong to take something that isn’t ohm.
  • Did you hear about the electrician who got injured on the job? He had a shocking experience and now has a fear of outlet.
  • Where do electricians like to shop for clothes? J.C. Chargers.
  • What did the scientist say when he discovered electrons? “I just made a power discovery!” His colleague responded, “Yes, you look like you’re in a positively charged mood today!”
  • A photon checks into a hotel and the bellhop asks if he has any luggage. The photon replies “No, I’m traveling light.”
  • Why are electrons bad at telling jokes? Because they take everything literally.
  • Did you hear about the electrician who passed away? People say he had a shocking demise.
  • What’s an electrician’s favorite type of dog? A shih tzu because when it poops it makes fuses blow everywhere!
  • Why do fathers love telling electricity jokes? Because pun-dads make volt related jokes!
  • How does an electrical current greet others? It says, “Nice to meet you, I’m alternating.”
  • Why did Sally fall off the swing set? Because she had no electrons.
  • What do you get when you cross electrical wires? Shocking results!
  • Why couldn’t the electron finish the race? It ran out of energy.
  • How do you organize an electricity themed party? You charge admissions!
  • What did one atom say to the other atom? “I think I lost an electron!” The other atom replied, “Are you positive?”
  • Why did the electrician’s family throw him a surprise party? Because he was a real live wire who deserved to be celebrated!
  • Why did the kids get detention after the science lesson? They were caught making static electricity puns that had too much potential.
  • How does an electrical outlet kill time? It plugs in random appliances.
  • I would tell you another joke about electricity but honestly, this subject matter is generating too much resistance.
  • Did you hear about the electrician who got arrested? He was charged with battery!
  • Why did the lights go out? They had a power outage. The electrician said “I better figure out the current situation before things get too heated.”
  • The battery went to the gym to get buff. He wanted to have more energy capacity!
  • Two electrons were walking down the street. One electron said, “Hey, look at that bright spark over there!” The other electron responded “You’re too negative, he seems alright to me.”