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53 Jokes About Blue

53 Jokes About Blue

Blue Puns (10)

  1. I entered a competition to paint vehicles blue. It was for professionals only, so no amateurs allowed. You might say it was for “blue-collar” workers only.
  2. My friend finally decided on a blue dress for her wedding. I told her it was the perfect something blue.
  3. I used to work for the Blue Man Group. Let’s just say I always felt blue backstage.
  4. Starbucks should make a new blueberry frappuccino. I bet it would be an instant hit for feeling blue.
  5. I spent all day looking for where I left my blue pen. Talk about a blue Monday.
  6. Whenever I feel down, I listen to the blues. The music just speaks to me.
  7. I only use blue ink to take notes in class. I guess you could say I always have the blues on my mind.
  8. My favorite color is blue because it reminds me of the bright blue ocean and sky. Looking at it instantly improves my mood.
  9. Blue was my grandfather’s favorite color. Every time I see something blue, I feel nostalgic thinking of him.
  10. The Smurfs only wear blue. I guess you could say it’s their true colors coming through.

Blue One-Liners (10)

  1. I’m feeling blue today. Someone find me a yellow crayon!
  2. Green with envy? I’m just blue without you.
  3. Blue sky thinking: imagining life beyond the daily grind.
  4. I got a blue ribbon at the county fair after eating 20 blueberry pies.
  5. Roses are red, violets are blue, I need coffee to get me through.
  6. Feeling blue? Hug it out with someone you love.
  7. Blue hair, don’t care. Be yourself unapologetically!
  8. Once you go blue, nothing else will do. Blue forever!
  9. Out of the blue, an idea came to me. Eureka!
  10. True blue friends are hard to find. Don’t take them for granted!

Best Blue Jokes (33)

1. Why was the blue tang fish so sad? Because it was feeling a little clown.

2. What did the smurf say when he stubbed his toe? “Ow! My smurfin’ toe!”

3. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho blue cheese!

4. Why did the cookie cry? Because his mother had been a wafer so long!

5. What do you call a fake blue noodle? An impasta!

6. Why couldn’t the blue jay fly south for the winter? Because it was a snowbird!

7. Why did the smurf blush? Because he saw another smurf’s smurfs!

8. What do you call a sad straw? Blue draw!

9. Why was the blueberry sad? It was in a jam!

10. What do you call a blue dog? A bluedog!

11. Why was the blueberry blue? Because it was holding its breath!

12. What is blue and goes ding dong? An Avon smurf!

13. Why was the ocean so blue? Because it just washed its water!

14. Why was the blue whale so blue? Because it didn’t fit in the ocean!

15. What is a smurf’s favorite snack? Blue chips!

16. Why was the strawberry crying? Because his father was in a jam!

17. What is blue and buzzes? A blue bottle fly!

18. Why was the blueberry depressed? It was in a jam!

19. What do you call a blue elephant? A blue-phant!

20. Why do smurfs laugh when they run? The grass tickles their smurfberries!

21. What do you call four smurfs in quicksand? Not enough smurfs!

22. Why is a blue whale so heavy? Because it ate a lot of krills as a child!

23. What did one blueberry say to the other on Valentine’s Day? I love you berry much!

24. Why did the bluebird fly away? It was on a wing and a prayer!

25. Why was the blue jay feeling down? It was having a crow day!

26. How did the smurf find his house? Very smurfully!

27. What did the blueberry say to the strawberry? Let’s get jamming!

28. Why do blue whales eat so many krill? They can never get their fill!

29. Why did the smurf wear red? So no one could see him blushing!

30. What is blue, cries, and goes blankety blank? A blue wanket!

31. Why did the bluebird get in trouble? For using fowl language!

32. What kind of shorts do clouds wear? Thunderwear!

33. What do you call a sad coffee? Blue brew!