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65 Hysterical Thailand Jokes

65 Hysterical Thailand Jokes

Thailand Puns

1. I heard Bangkok is a great place to get a Thai massage. I guess you could say it really helps you Thai up any loose ends!

2. My friend went to Thailand and brought me back some Pad Thai. He said it was made with authentic Thai spices. I told him that sounds Thai-riffic!

3. Did you hear about the new Thai restaurant in town? People say the food is Thai-tastic!

4. I was going to make a joke about Thai food, but it would probably come out a little corny.

5. The beaches in Thailand are beautiful, but I got so sunburned! You could say I’m a little Thai-red.

6. I tried to eat some spicy Thai curry, but it was too hot for me. I guess my taste buds just aren’t Thai-ned for that level of spice.

7. I wanted to visit the floating markets in Thailand, but I was too afraid of boats Thai-pping over.

8. Did you hear Thailand is planning to change their currency? They are going to call it the Thai-Baht.

9. I heard there’s a new superhero in Thailand. His name is Thai-Tan and he has the power to make amazing Thai food.

10. My friend went to Thailand and met a monk who gave him wise advice. I guess you could say he got some great Thai-ps.

Thailand One-Liners

11. I had a dream I was floating down a river in Thailand. When I woke up, I realized it was just a Thai stream of consciousness.

12. Did you hear about the new Thai streaming service? It’s called Bangkok Flix.

13. I once won a Thai chili eating contest in Bangkok. You could say I was the hot favorite.

14. Don’t fall asleep on the beach in Phuket, or you might wake up feeling a bit Thai-red.

15. Visiting the Grand Palace in Bangkok is an absolute must. You could say it’s the crown jewel of Thailand.

16. I heard Thailand has the best mango sticky rice. It sounds sweet and delish, you could say it’s a Thai treat.

17. Be careful when riding a tuk tuk in Bangkok, those drivers are known for taking Thai-ght corners.

18. The nightlife in Phuket is crazy. People party there until the Thai-ly hours of the morning.

19. I wanted to visit Thailand but I was afraid of accidentally eating peanut sauce. I guess you could say I have a Thai-nut allergy.

20. Everyone was Kung Fu fighting at the Muay Thai match last night in Bangkok.

Best Thailand Jokes

21. My friend got back from Thailand and said he got scammed by a tuk tuk driver in Bangkok. I told him “Well, I guess that will teach you to thoroughly vet your Thai-ber before getting in!”

22. I was nervous about backpacking through Thailand alone but it was fine. I quickly made a lot of Thai-ght friends.

23. Did you hear about the new Thai-themed DC Comics superhero? He fights crime using Muay Thai and goes by the name Kickpuncher.

24. I tried to learn Thai but struggling with the five different tones. My teacher says I just need more Thai-me practicing.

25. When I visited Thailand, I was surprised by all the stray dogs. Locals said it’s normal and the dogs are well taken care of. I guess you could say they live a dog’s Thai.

26. I finally visited Thailand and it exceeded my expectations. The beaches were beautiful, the food was incredible and the people were so friendly. It was a Thailand in a lifetime experience.

27. My neighbor just got back from Thailand and won’t stop talking about it. She’s become completely Thai-sessed.

28. I’ve always wanted to ride an elephant in Thailand. My wife says if I do, she’ll make me sleep on the couch when I get back. But I’m going to call her bluff, I think she’s just trying to scare me with a Thai-rant.

29. Did you hear Thailand just became 100% powered by renewable energy? I guess you could say they are really Thai-d to eco-friendly practices.

30. I accidentally mixed up papaya salad with mango sticky rice and ate them together. It was a weird taste combination but somehow worked. A real Thai-nami of flavors.

31. Be careful when you visit Thailand – one minute you’re eating delicious street food, the next you’re passed out on the beach with a monkey stealing your wallet. But I still can’t wait to go back!

32. My friend got scammed by a taxi driver in Phuket who took the long route to his hotel. Next time remember to always verify the fare before you get in, otherwise you’ll get taken for a Thai-de.

33. I love Thai food but I can never figure out how to make the curry paste myself. My wife says I just need to keep trying and one day I’ll get it Thai-ght.

34. Did you hear about the new Thai-Mexican fusion restaurant? The food is great but good luck trying to pronounce anything on the menu.

35. I finally visited Thailand and fell in love with Chiang Mai. The mix of city life, nature and culture creates pure Thai-mony.

36. Be careful when you visit Thailand, falling asleep on the beach can leave you feeling a bit Thai-red in the morning.

37. I tried snorkeling on my vacation to Thailand but had a hard time with the gear. My instructor said I just needed more Thai-me underwater to get used to it.

38. Getting around Bangkok by river boat is an amazing experience. Just be sure to hold on when they make Thai-ght turns.

39. I love Thai cuisine but I find the names of some dishes hilarious. Who came up with Pad Thai, drunken noodles or catfish green curry?

40. Thailand is amazing but I wish someone had warned me about the spicy food! My mouth was on fire the whole trip. Too much Thai-mine for this guy.

41. When I was backpacking through Thailand, my hostel had a strict no durian fruit policy. I asked why and they said it was to prevent guests from Thai-ing.

42. I finally visited Thailand and fell in love with the culture and scenery. Although I have to admit, towards the end I was starting to feel a bit Thai-red from all the sightseeing.

43. Be careful using electric sockets in Thailand, the voltage is much higher than most countries. Otherwise you might find yourself in a bit of a Thai-zy situation.

44. I tried meditation at a temple in Thailand but struggled to clear my mind. The monk told me to just keep practicing and eventually I’d get the Thai-ming right.

45. Visiting the ancient ruins of Ayutthaya was an incredible experience. It really makes you appreciate the rich Thai-story.

46. I love Thai food but I can never remember the names of all the dishes! Pad Thai, tom yum goong, som tam – it’s like a tongue Thai-sta!

47. Don’t be surprised if a monkey steals your food when visiting Thailand. The locals say it’s normal, they just want a Thai-snack.

48. Be sure to see a Muay Thai boxing match when visiting Thailand. Just be prepared for the fighters to deliver some punishing elbows and knee Thai-kes.

49. I finally got to try real Thai massage in Bangkok. Let’s just say there was a lot of uncomfortable bending and I was left feeling very Thai-red.

50. They say not to drink the tap water in Thailand, but I didn’t listen. The next day my stomach was in Thai-ts.

51. The floating markets in Thailand are beautiful but be prepared to do some aggressive bartering. Those vendors won’t give you a Thai-count.

52. We got lost driving in Thailand and the GPS wasn’t working. Next time I’ll remember to download an offline map so we don’t get Thai-turned around.

53. When I told my parents I was going to Thailand alone, they reacted with a lot of concern. But it was a great trip that really helped me grow Thai-sonally.

54. Be careful taking overnight trains in Thailand. With all the bumpy tracks, you likely won’t get much Thai-me sleeping.

55. The beaches in Krabi are beautiful but beware of the monkeys! They will steal your food in the blink of an eye. You could say they’re expert Thai-eves.

56. Visiting the tiger temple in Thailand was an incredible experience. Although when a tiger locked eyes with me, I have to admit I was a bit Thai-gered!

57. The night markets in Thailand are amazing places to shop and eat street food. Just be prepared for vendors to aggressively negotiate – they won’t give you a Thai-ser price!

58. I love Thai food but I struggle with identifying all the ingredients. My friend joked that I need to enroll in some kind of Thai-nology course.

59. The beaches in the Gulf of Thailand are stunning but be prepared for big waves. Let’s just say you might experience some unplanned Thai-diving.

60. I finally visited Thailand and fell in love with the mix of city life, gorgeous beaches and welcoming culture. Although after two weeks of spicy food, my stomach needed a Thai-me out.

61. Be very careful with your belongings when visiting Bangkok. The pickpockets there are notorious. They’ll steal your wallet faster than you can say “Sawasdee krap!”

62. I love Thai cuisine but the names of some dishes always make me laugh. Who came up with catfish green curry or drunken fried rice?

63. My friend went scuba diving in Thailand and accidentally disturbed a sea urchin. Let’s just say he ended up with a very painful foot Thai-chuination.

64. The island of Koh Samui is paradise but beware of overeager vendors on the beach. They can be quite Thai-ring when peddling their wares.

65. I finally visited Thailand and it was amazing. Although I have to admit, towards the end I was really starting to feel Thai-red from all the sightseeing and nightlife.