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55 Hysterical High School Jokes

55 Hysterical High School Jokes

High School Puns (10)

  1. What do you call a school’s most boring class? His-tory.
  2. Why was the new student late on his first day of high school? He had truancy issues.
  3. Why did the high school principal monitor the hallways? To keep an eye out for shenanigans.
  4. Why do high school students enjoy chemistry class? It helps form bonds.
  5. How do high schoolers stay connected outside of school? With their cell phones.
  6. Why was prom held in the gymnasium? The school wanted to make it a ball.
  7. How did the high school staff prevent cheating? By keeping tests under locks.
  8. How do high schools save on their electricity bills? By using student tutors.
  9. Why did the teacher bring extra chalk to class? She ran through it quickly at the board.
  10. Where do high school students hang out after graduation? Around the alumni.

High School One-Liners (10)

  1. High school is just like a library – it’s quiet, filled with nerds, and everyone is trying to get a date for Friday night.
  2. High school relationships are like dog years – they feel like they last forever but really they’re over in no time.
  3. High school lectures are like lullabies – they put you right to sleep.
  4. High school cliques are like countries – there are borders you can’t cross.
  5. Getting asked to prom in high school is like winning the lottery – it’s rare but super exciting.
  6. High school crushes are like rollercoasters – fun at first but make you sick pretty quick.
  7. High school is like prison – you’re just trying to survive and get parole.
  8. The high school cafeteria is like a zoo – filled with wild animals.
  9. High school homework is like an unpaid job you never applied for.
  10. Gym class in high school is like exercise videos – painful and pointless.

Best High School Jokes (35)

1. The day before the big exam, Katie was extremely nervous. She asked her friends for advice on how to calm down. “Try some deep breathing,” her friend suggested. Katie took a deep breath, walked into the exam, and immediately forgot everything she had studied. That’s high school for you.

2. During PE class, the teacher announced they would be doing the long jump that day. John was up first. He ran down the runway, hit the board, and face planted straight into the sand. The rest of the class laughed hysterically. John just shrugged and said, “Well, at least I stuck the landing!”

3. In chemistry class, the experiment called for adding sulfuric acid to a beaker. Mike accidentally added baking soda instead. The beaker started bubbling and fizzing like crazy, spewing foam everywhere. Mike looked sheepishly at the teacher and said, “I guess I should have followed the lab instructions more carefully. My bad!”

4. The teacher asked Brian to name the capital of Florida. Totally unprepared, Brian panicked and blurted out “F!” Everyone cracked up laughing while the teacher just shook her head in disappointment. Brian shrugged and said, “Hey, at least it starts with the right letter.”

5. During gym class, the teacher announced it was time to run laps around the track. Jeff took off sprinting at full speed. After one lap, he was completely exhausted and had to walk the rest of the time. Moral of the story: pace yourself in high school instead of sprinting through.

6. In English class, the teacher asked Stacy to read the next paragraph aloud. Embarrassed about her lisp, Stacy turned bright red and stumbled through the paragraph, mispronouncing words left and right. She sunk down in her chair while everyone snickered. The silver lining? At least it prepared her for the cruel real world.

7. Before physics class, Wendy was busy finishing homework for another class. She didn’t hear the bell ring or notice everyone else taking their seats. She finally looked up to see the classroom empty except for her and the teacher staring. Wendy flashed an awkward smile and scrambled to her seat. Just another day in high school.

8. During gym class, the teacher announced they would be dancing the foxtrot in pairs. Jack turned bright red, hoping no one would notice him. But the teacher paired him up with Wendy, the prettiest girl in class. Jack stumbled and fumbled his way through the dance while Wendy gracefully glided across the floor. Oh how he wished he could disappear.

9. In calculus, the teacher wrote a complex equation on the board and asked if anyone knew the answer. Timmy’s hand shot up right away. He walked up to the board and worked through the equation flawlessly. The teacher applauded and said “Brilliant work!” While Timmy soaked up the praise, the rest of the class rolled their eyes. What a teachers pet.

10. During art class, the assignment was to draw a still life of fruit in a bowl. Marcy spent the whole period meticulously sketching each apple and banana. Meanwhile, John splashed some paint on his paper, tossed some fruit shapes on it, and called it a day. The teacher held up Marcy’s drawing as an example of model work. John just shrugged – art is subjective after all.

11. In history class, the teacher called on Amy to explain the causes of World War II. Amy froze, her mind completely blank. The teacher waited impatiently while Amy sank lower and lower in her seat. Finally, she squeaked “I don’t know.” The teacher sighed and said “Read chapter 7 tonight.” Amy nodded, her cheeks flushed bright red in embarrassment. Just another rite of passage in high school!

12. During gym class the teams were picking players for dodgeball. Poor Jenny was always picked last, even behind unathletic Eugene. As the thick, stinging rubber balls pelted her one after the other, knocking her out of the game in no time, Jenny just smiled and thought “This is great practice for the game of life.”

13. In calculus, the teacher put a complex equation on the board and asked “Can anyone tell me how to solve this?” Timmy’s hand shot up and he raced to the board, rapidly working through the steps out loud. When he finished, he turned to the class with a smug grin. The teacher said “Very good!” while the other students rolled their eyes at the show-off.

14. Emily was daydreaming out the window during physics class. Suddenly, she heard “Emily, can you explain Newton’s Third Law?” Panicked and caught completely off guard, she stammered “Uh…what? Can you repeat the question?” The class giggled as Emily turned red. The teacher patiently re-explained the concept. Emily slid down in her seat, but vowed to pay more attention.

15. In art class, Jack was trying to sculpt a human figure out of clay. He molded a lumpy, vaguely human-shaped blob, complete with wobbly appendages and a blobby head. Beside him, Emily was sculpting a graceful, elegant figure. The teacher said “Excellent work, Emily!” and held hers up as a masterpiece. Jack just shrugged and smooshed his figure back into a ball of clay to start again.

16. During prom, the DJ played an upbeat pop song and everyone raced to the dance floor. Greg broke out trying some new dance moves he had practiced in his bedroom. Gyrating and gesticulating wildly, he thought he looked pretty cool. But the other prom-goers edged away, giggling behind their hands. Greg kept busting his uncoordinated moves, lost in his own world. Maybe next year he’d take some lessons before hitting the dance floor.

17. In history class, the teacher called on zone-out Zoe to summarize the passage they had just read. Jolted out of her daydreaming, Zoe turned bright red and stammered “Umm, err…” while the class tittered. The teacher raised her eyebrow disapprovingly over her glasses. Zoe smiled weakly and vowed to pay more attention while she still could. High school waits for no one!

18. Brian was totally zoning out in math class, oblivious as the teacher explained derivatives on the board. He suddenly heard his name being called repeatedly. “Brian! Brian!” Snapping back to reality, he sat up and blurted “Huh? What?” The class erupted in laughter while the teacher tapped her foot impatiently. Reddening, Brian resolved to focus more before he graduated. The real world was looming!

19. In Spanish class, the teacher called on Amber to come up and conjugate a verb in front of the class. Turning scarlet, Amber stumbled through and mispronounced every word while the class snickered. The teacher corrected her gently. Amber cringed in embarrassment all day, but eventually realized everyone made mistakes in high school, and it would make her stronger in the long run.

20. During physics lab, Milton’s experiment went totally awry, and his beaker exploded, spewing purple foam everywhere. As the foam dripped off the tables and students, Milton suppressed a giggle and said “Whoops, my bad.” The teacher shook his head disapprovingly. Milton started mopping up the mess, reflecting that errors are learning experiences, not failures.

21. In gym class, the teacher announced they were playing dodgeball. Unathletic and clumsy Walter cringed, knowing he’d be targeted first and get knocked out fast. As the balls pelted him relentlessly until he was sidelined, Walter smiled through the stinging pain. Someday he’d be captain of industry instead of dodgeball.

22. During prom, bold Brad spent the whole night working up the nerve to ask his crush Megan to dance. Finally, during the last slow song, he approached her nervously and extended his hand. To his surprise, she gave him a dazzling smile, said “Of course!” and led him to the dance floor. As they swayed awkwardly together, Brad realized sometimes you just have to go for it.

23. On picture day, Barry came to school with a huge pimple on his nose. He tried to hide it but the photographer zoomed right in. Barry smiled weakly, imagining everyone laughing at the yearbook pics. Later he realized that a little pimple was insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The blemishes in high school help build character for later life.

24. In history class, the teacher called on daydreaming Amy to share one cause of the Civil War. Jolted back to reality, Amy’s mind went blank and she stammered incoherently, cheeks flaming red. The class tittered while the teacher tapped her foot impatiently. Later Amy laughed about the embarrassment and realized you can’t succeed in life on autopilot.

25. During English presentations, shy Stacy stammered and shook through hers while the callous class laughed. She got through it red-faced and vowed never to speak publicly again. Later Stacy realized the experience helped thicken her skin. High school forges you for the future.

26. In gym class, the teacher announced they would be square dancing. Mortified Mike grimaced as he awkwardly do-si-doed, promenaded and swung his partner. He avoided eye contact with everyone, face burning crimson. Later Mike realized he couldn’t avoid embarrassment in life, and the best option was to laugh at himself and move past it. After all, real cowboys square danced!

27. On the first day of high school, anxious Aaron got lost looking for his homeroom. The bell rang while he wandered the empty halls. Finally he peeked into a classroom and all eyes turned to stare at him as he mumbled “Is this Mr. Johnson’s class?” The students giggled and pointed him down the hall. Aaron blushed but realized getting lost was a rite of passage.

28. In chemistry, Grace accidentally knocked over a tray of beakers, which shattered loudly all over the floor. Grace gasped “Oops!” as the class fell silent and the teacher frowned. Avoiding eye contact, Grace cleaned up the spill, cheeks burning. She later realized the experience taught her grace under pressure.

29. During gym class, the teacher said they would be dancing the waltz. Dave turned red, imagining clomping around awkwardly. When the music started, he stumbled through the steps, constantly stepping on his partner’s toes. She winced but smiled. Dave grinded his teeth in embarrassment but kept going. The waltz built character…right?

30. In history, Timmy knew the answer to every question and thrust his hand in the air eagerly. The teacher beamed and said “Very good, Timmy!” while classmates sneered and called him a teacher’s pet behind his back. Timmy held his head high and ignored them. He was proud to excel in school.

31. For art class, Jack finger painted a blobby mess while Emma sculpted a graceful figure. The teacher held up Emma’s work saying “This is what art looks like!” While others praised her talent, Jack just shrugged and wiped a streak of paint on his cheek. Not everyone could be Da Vinci.

32. In English, the teacher asked which poet they preferred: Wordsworth or Coleridge. Opinionated Olivia argued passionately for Wordsworth while the rest of the class shouted for Coleridge. As the teacher restored order, Olivia stood her ground proudly. High school taught her to think for herself.

33. In Spanish class, the teacher called on daydreaming Dakota to conjugate a verb. Caught off guard, Dakota turned red and stumbled through the conjugation while everyone snickered. The teacher corrected her gently and Dakota vowed to pay more attention. Making mistakes built character.

34. During gym class, uncoordinated Eugene was the last one picked for dodgeball, even after weak Walter. As balls pelted him, quickly eliminating him from the game, Eugene held his head high and laughed. He would shine elsewhere in life.

35. At prom, bold Brandon asked his crush Marissa to dance. To his surprise, she took his hand, smiled brightly and said “I’d love to!” As they swayed awkwardly together on the dancefloor, Brandon beamed. Sometimes you just have to go for it in high school.