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65 Hysterical Ferris Wheel Jokes

65 Hysterical Ferris Wheel Jokes

Ferris Wheel Puns

1. I wanted to ride the Ferris wheel, but when I saw how un-fare it was, I decided to pass.

2. The Ferris wheel attendant told me I couldn’t bring my dog on the ride. I said “Are you for wheel?”

3. I heard the Ferris wheel operators were planning a protest about their wages. I guess you could say they’re starting a fare strike.

4. When the Ferris wheel stopped unexpectedly, I told my friend “Don’t worry, it’s just taking a break. Wheel be moving again soon.”

5. My friend got scared when our Ferris wheel cart started rocking back and forth. I told him to relax – it’s just wheel play.

6. I saw a guy propose to his girlfriend at the top of the Ferris wheel. I guess you could say he really went all out this time to seal the wheel.

7. When my girlfriend said she didn’t enjoy our Ferris wheel ride, I told her to give it another go and she wheel learn to love it.

8. I saw a kid drop his ice cream cone right as the Ferris wheel started moving. What a cruel wheel of fate.

9. When my friend asked why I wanted to ride the Ferris wheel so many times, I said “I’m just trying to get my wheel fix.”

10. The Ferris wheel operator said only two people were allowed per cart. I said “Wheel see about that!” and snuck my kid in anyway.

11. I saw two Ferris wheel carts collide and get stuck together. I guess you could say they really wheelsconnected.

12. When my cart at the top of the Ferris wheel got stuck for an hour, I guess you could say I was wheely not happy.

13. I accidentally spilled my drink at the top of the Ferris wheel. You could say it was an un-wheel-come surprise.

Ferris Wheel One Liners

14. I was going to tell a joke about the Ferris wheel, but it was too big to spin.

15. They say what goes up must come down, unless you’re on a Ferris wheel then you’re stuck up there for a while.

16. I heard Ferris wheels have their ups and downs.

17. I’m terrified of heights but I still ride Ferris wheels – I guess you could say I have a love-fear relationship.

18. Ferris wheels move slow like my grandma but without all the complaining.

19. Ferris wheel? More like Ferris feel sick after riding it too many times.

20. Ferris wheel carts are like hotel rooms – small and expensive.

21. You know it’s going to be a scary Ferris wheel ride when you hear metal creaking before it even starts.

22. The Ferris wheel turned me into a poet – “Oh how high it goes, please make it stop I fear the height, get me down from here!”

23. Lovebirds and Ferris wheels go together like peas and carrots.

24. They should make heated Ferris wheel carts for those cold winter carnival rides.

25. The Ferris wheel is like a rollercoaster for scaredy cats.

26. When I ride the Ferris wheel at night, I feel like I can touch the stars.

27. I call the Ferris wheel the lazy man’s rollercoaster.

28. Ferris wheel? I hardly know her!

Best Ferris Wheel Jokes

29. I was surprised when my Ferris wheel cart suddenly stopped at the top. But then I saw my boyfriend in the cart across from me holding an engagement ring – it was wheely romantic!

30. My friend gets dizzy easily, so when he turned green on the Ferris wheel I said “Don’t throw up, you might hit someone in a lower cart!”

31. My sister loves Ferris wheels so much that when our family went to Disneyland, she rode it all day while the rest of us went on rides. I guess you could say she’s wheely into Ferris wheels.

32. I saw two kids rocking their Ferris wheel cart and yelling “We want to flip it!” I’m telling you, that kind of wheel-havior is unacceptable.

33. I was scared to ride the giant Ferris wheel but my friends peer pressured me into it. As soon as we got strapped in, they all jumped out and I realized it was just a wheely mean prank.

34. My amusement park date was going great until we got stuck at the top of the Ferris wheel. We waiting an hour for them to fix it, but at least I got quality time to get to know her wheel well.

35. I recently went on a Ferris wheel and noticed the car was making weird creaking noises. I asked the operator if it was safe, but he just shrugged and said, “Wheel see, I guess…”

36. When I was a kid, I was scared to ride the Ferris wheel but my dad convinced me by saying, “Don’t worry, Ferris wheels hardly ever crash!” Thanks Dad, that wheely reassured me.

37. Last time I rode the Ferris wheel, I sat across from a guy who was manspreading so bad that I couldn’t even sit comfortably. I said, “Dude, wheel you please stop hogging all the space!”

38. I saw a couple giggling and kissing on the Ferris wheel, so I told them to get a wheel cart. They just laughed and kept going at it. Some people have no shame!

39. My favorite Ferris wheel memory was the time it stopped with me at the very top. I got to see the entire carnival from up there! It was a real wheel treat.

40. I’ll never forget the time I dropped my ice cream cone right as the Ferris wheel started moving. I watched helplessly as it fell – talk about a serious case of wheel crying!

41. When I rode the Ferris wheel with my 7 year old, he got scared at the top that the cart would tip over. I had to convince him we were perfectly wheel balanced.

42. The most epic Ferris wheel ride is when you and your best friend get the cart to rock as hard as possible. Just make sure not to wheel it too far and flip over!

43. I have a love/hate relationship with Ferris wheels. I love the view but start to freak out when we get stuck at the top for a long time. It’s a wheely weird mix of emotions.

44. My favorite amusement park memory is the time I rode the Ferris wheel with my grandpa when I was 6. He told me stories about riding the original Ferris wheel back in 1893 – what an amazing wheel moment.

45. Last time at the fair, my friends dared me to eat three hotdogs at the top of the Ferris wheel. I did it, but almost lost them on the way down when we hit a big bump!

46. My amusement park tip: chug a big cup of water right before you get on the Ferris wheel. The suspense of having to pee on the long ride up really enhances the experience!

47. We got trapped at the top of the Ferris wheel for so long that I finished two whole crossword puzzles. At least I was able to have some wheel fun up there!

48. When I was 8, my mean older brothers started rocking our Ferris wheel cart violently to scare me. Let’s just say they took wheel advantage of the situation.

49. The scariest part of the Ferris wheel is when you slowly inch higher and higher waiting for the big drop. My stomach definitely does some wheel churning at that moment!

50. The Ferris wheel at the state fair wasn’t very wheel regulated. Our cart was basically held together with duct tape and happy thoughts.

51. My idea of a romantic date is riding the Ferris wheel while sharing a box of funnels cake. Just me, my sweetie, and powered sugar kisses at the top!

52. Whenever I see people rocking their Ferris wheel cart, I like to yell up to them “You better stop before you wheel roll out of there!”

53. Last time I rode the Ferris wheel, the operator stopped it with me at the very bottom. All I could see was dirty feet dangling from the carts above me – not a very appealing wheel view!

54. I have an irrational fear that I’m going to accidentally unbuckle my seatbelt and fall out of the Ferris wheel cart. Anyone else have this wheely weird phobia?

55. The Ferris wheel is like a bad romantic relationship – it slowly lifts you up just to let you down again.

56. When I saw that the Ferris wheel had a sign saying “You must be 4 feet tall to ride,” I knew it was going to be a short ride for me.

57. On my last Ferris wheel experience, the operator stopped it with my cart directly at the bottom while loading passengers. All the kids waiting in line used my cart as a trash can and spit target – wheel delightful.

58. My sister dropped her phone on the carnival ride below us when we were at the top of the Ferris wheel. Let’s just say that phone had a wheely abrupt ending.

59. When I finally convinced my acrophobic friend to ride the Ferris wheel, she had a panic attack at the top. In hindsight, it probably wasn’t the wheel best idea.

60. As we reached the top of the Ferris wheel, the operator called up “Hey lovebirds, no rocking the cart!” Well that was definitely a wheel mood killer.

61. When I saw the Ferris wheel kept stopping with people at the very top, I decided to pass. Being stuck up there for 20 minutes wheel does not sound fun.

62. When the Ferris wheel ground to a halt with me at the apex, I overheard the operator say “Uh oh, that can’t be good.” Suddenly I wished I was back on solid ground!

63. When the operator stopped the Ferris wheel to let a kid off, he accidentally left me dangling upside down. Let’s just say my lunch and I were soon wheel parted.

64. The Ferris wheel cart was so filthy that when I sat down, my jeans instantly became grimy too. Next time, I’ll be sure to wheel wipe the seat first.

65. We got stranded at the top of the Ferris wheel for so long, I was beginning to worry that I lived there now. When we finally started moving again, it felt wheel glorious.