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65 Hilarious Roof Jokes

65 Hilarious Roof Jokes

Roof Puns

1. I was going to tell a joke about roofs, but the story was over my head.

2. What do you call roof tiles that have fallen off? Missing shingles.

3. Why are metal roofs so noisy when it rains? They’re making a lot of clatter.

4. The roofer started telling jokes while working. Some of them were funny, but most just fell flat.

5. I wanted to re-roof my house, but I didn’t have enough money to cover it.

6. I was thinking of some roof puns, but none of them were very uplifting.

7. What do you call a psychic midget who has escaped from prison? A small medium at large.

8. Did you hear about the ghost on the roof? It was a real spooktacle!

9. Why don’t vampires need roofs over their heads? Because they have coffin homes!

10. Why was the roof arrested? It was caught ceiling drugs!

11. I tried to come up with jokes about roofs, but they were over my head. I guess my comedy skills need shoring up.

12. What do you call a roof covered in plants? A green ceiling!

13. Why are roofs so uplifting? They raise our spirits!

14. What did the roof say to the other roof? I’ve got you covered.

15. Why did the roofer go to the salon? To get re-tiled!

Roof One-Liners

16. I wanted to become a roofer, but I decided it was over my head.

17. What did the roof say to the walls? Hey, I’ve got you covered!

18. Why do roofs make the best conversationalists? They’re always willing to go out on a limb.

19. What do you call a leaky roof? A dripping ceiling.

20. Why do roofers make great detectives? They really know the ins and outs of a shingle case.

21. How do you fix a broken roof? With roof repair!

22. Why did the roof go to the doctor? It was feeling a bit under the weather.

23. How do you know when your roof needs repairing? When it’s looking a bit ragged on the edges.

24. Why can’t roofs tell secrets? Because they always spill the tea!

25. How does a roof introduce itself? Hi, I’m the ceiling fan!

26. Why are roofs so noisy when it rains? They have a lot of clattering to do!

27. What do you call a psychic little person on the run? A small medium at large.

28. How do you catch a cloud? You tiptoe up on it and pounce!

29. What sits on a roof and goes “Quack quack”? A duck.

30. What do you call an occupied roof? A lid-on box!

Best Roof Jokes

31. Three roofers walk into a bar. The first roofer says “I’ll have a beer.” The second roofer says “I’ll have a beer.” The third roofer says “I’ll have a beer, and one for the roof too please.”

32. My roof was sounding strange last night. This morning I realized it was having a leak talk.

33. What did the ceiling say to the wall? Meet me at the corner!

34. Why don’t eggs tell jokes? They’d crack each other up.

35. Why was the little strawberry crying? Because his parents were in a jam.

36. Did you hear about the claustrophobic astronaut? He just needed a little space.

37. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!

38. What sits on a roof and goes “Quack quack”? A duck.

39. I wanted to tell a roof joke, but I was worried it would go over your head. Anyway, the joke was about shingles. It’s funny because they protect you when it rains! Haha! Get it?

40. What do you call a funny roof? A silly ceiling! Why is it silly? Because roofs can’t tell jokes, they’re inanimate objects! Oh, I crack myself up.

41. How much does it cost for a roofer to get his roof repaired? Nothing, he fixes it himself! Roofers work on roofs, that’s their job! Hah!

42. Why are clouds bad at keeping secrets? Because they always spill the rain! The rain comes from the clouds, so if they spill the rain, they are spilling their secrets! Get it? Haha!

43. Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9! It’s a pun on the numbers sounding like “ate” and “nine.” Classic joke!

44. A roof and a ceiling walk into a bar. The bartender says “I’m sorry, but you two need to get out.” Roofs and ceilings can’t actually walk into bars!

45. What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador! It’s funny because labrador is a dog breed and abracadabra is a magic word!

46. Why don’t eggs tell jokes to each other? Because they’d crack each other up! The eggs are fragile, so jokes would make them crack and break! Hilarious!

47. Why was the broom late to work? It overswept! This joke works on two levels – the broom slept too much, and it’s a broom so it sweeps things!

48. What is brown and sticky? A stick! You expect an elaborate answer, but the anti-climax of just saying “a stick” subverts that expectation for comedic effect.

49. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels! It’s funny because the only difference between the words is a single letter.

50. Why did the elephant ride the escalator? To get to the other toot! It’s a silly pun on “tusk” sounding like “tut.” Elephants have big tusks, so it works on that level too!

51. A termite walks into a bar and asks “Is the bar tender here?” Termites eat wood and bartenders tend bars! It’s a clever play on words!

52. Did you hear about the angry pancake? He just flipped! Flipping pancakes is an obvious pun here for getting angry and flipping out!

53. Why do bees have sticky hair? Because they use honeycombs! Bees make honey in honeycombs, so it’s a punny joke!

54. Why did the picture go to jail? It was framed! Being framed has a double meaning here – framed for a crime, or framed in a picture frame!

55. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta! It’s funny because it sounds like “imposter” but with pasta instead. A clever pun!

56. Why can’t a bicycle stand up on its own? It’s two-tired! This has two meanings – bikes have two tires, and also being too tired to stand up!

57. A roof and a ceiling walk into a bar. The bartender says “I’m sorry, but you two need to get out.” Roofs and ceilings can’t actually walk into bars!

58. Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9! It’s a pun on the numbers sounding like “ate” and “nine.” Classic joke!

59. Why was 10 afraid of 7? Because 7, 8, 9 and 10! A silly play on the classic “why was 6 afraid of 7” joke. Numbers can’t feel fear!

60. Why don’t eggs tell each other jokes? They’d crack each other up! The pun is on “cracking” eggs and “cracking up” laughing. Egg-cellent joke!

61. Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long? Because then it’d be a foot! A foot is 12 inches, so a nose that long would literally be a foot!

62. Why was the broom late to work? It overswept! A double meaning pun on sleeping late and sweeping with a broom.

63. What do you call a dog magician? A labracadabrador! It combines labrador, a dog breed, and abracadabra, a magic word!

64. Why was the belt arrested? It held up a pair of pants! “Holding up pants” is a pun meaning to support them and also to rob them.

65. Why are snails slow? Because they’re carrying their hotel on their back! Their shell is like a little snail hotel on the go.