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85 Hilarious Paddle Ball Jokes

85 Hilarious Paddle Ball Jokes

Paddle Ball Puns

1. I was going to make a joke about paddle balls, but decided to volley it back and forth a bit more before serving it up.

2. My friend got hit in the face by a paddle ball and said “I’m pretty bummed about my black eye.” I told him “Don’t worry, it will fade away.”

3. I entered a paddle ball tournament last week but I didn’t have the balls to win.

4. I was excited to play paddle ball but the ball kept hitting me in the face. I guess I need more paddle practice and less face time.

5. I’m thinking of taking up paddle ball again but I’m worried I’ll pop my ball. I guess I’ll just have to inflate my confidence.

6. I tried to think of a paddle ball joke but couldn’t get a handle on it. I paddled around for ideas but came up empty.

7. Did you hear about the paddle ball player who was caught using an illegal ball? He got served.

8. I wanted to make a paddle ball joke on the fly, but couldn’t come up with anything off the cuff.

9. I entered a paddle ball competition but got knocked out in the first round. I guess I needed to raise my game.

10. Did you hear about the paddle ball player who lost all his balls? His career was in the pits after that.

11. Two paddle ball players walk into a bar. One says “Let’s have a friendly volley!” The other says “You’re on, serve it up!”

12. Why don’t ants play paddle ball? They’re afraid of the racket.

13. I was going to make a joke about paddle balls but it just wouldn’t bounce.

14. Did you hear about the paddle ball player who served underhand? Let’s just say it was a sneaky tactic.

15. Did you hear about the paddle ball match that had no spectators? It was quite a private affair.

Paddle Ball One-Liners

16. I’m not great at paddle ball but I sure get a kick out of it.

17. They call me the Michael Phelps of paddle ball because I make quite the splash.

18. I may not win but paddle ball sure helps me get rid of excess energy.

19. If paddle ball scores were based on effort, I’d be a champion.

20. I love playing paddle ball – it really helps strengthen my wrist action.

21. They say practice makes perfect but in my case, paddle ball just makes me perspire.

22. I’d say my paddle ball skills are mediocre at best but hey, I have a ball.

23. I wanted to be a professional paddle ball player as a kid but sadly, I didn’t make the cut.

24. I may not be a paddle ball champion but I sure know how to dress like one.

25. My paddle ball coach says I have potential. Potential to hurt myself, that is.

26. I enjoy paddle ball because even when you mess up, the ball just bounces right back.

27. They call me Paddle Pal because I’m always up for a friendly game.

28. I’d say my paddle ball skills are a perfect 5 out of 7.

29. I excel at paddle ball trash talk but my actual game needs some work.

30. I wanted to be the Wayne Gretzky of paddle ball but motor skills weren’t my forte.

Best Paddle Ball Jokes

31. I was excited for my first paddle ball lesson but was crushed when the instructor said we had to start with the basics. I told him “I was hoping we could dive right into advanced paddle techniques!”

32. I entered my poodle in a local paddle ball competition. Let’s just say he wasn’t fond of all the smacking noises.

33. I decided to spice up my paddle ball game by using jalapeno juice instead of regular paddle ball paddle lube. Let’s just say my hands were on fire.

34. My paddle ball coach got so frustrated with my lack of progress that he eventually refused to serve me any more balls. He said I was uncoachable.

35. I was excited to play paddle ball on the beach but got completely upstaged by a seal who could balance the ball on its nose better than I could hit it.

36. I thought joining a paddle ball league would be fun. Unfortunately most of the members just argued about rule technicalities and paddle grip techniques.

37. I entered myself in the Guinness Book of World Records for “Longest Paddle Ball Rally.” Let’s just say my record attempt didn’t have much bounce.

38. I decided to raise the stakes in my regular paddle ball games by instituting a cash reward for winners. It ended up just making things really competitive and took all the fun out of it.

39. I agreed to paddle sit for my neighbor while he was on vacation. Unfortunately his paddle ball obsessed poodle drove me nuts the whole week.

40. I got my mom paddle ball lessons at the local rec center for her birthday. Let’s just say she wasn’t thrilled with her “gift of exercise.”

41. I thought joining a paddle ball workout class would motivate me to get in shape. Turns out exerting that much effort first thing in the morning wasn’t for me.

42. I decided to try playing paddle ball after binge watching a tournament on ESPN. Let’s just say it was harder than it looked on TV.

43. My friends and I decided to try tandem paddle ball, with one person controlling the paddle and the other hitting the ball. It went about as smoothly as you’d expect.

44. I agreed to give paddle ball lessons at the community center as a volunteer activity. I probably should have disclosed my lack of credentials first.

45. I tried to play paddle ball using an actual paddle instead of a regular paddle ball paddle. Let’s just say I ended up in the emergency room.

46. I decided to practice for the company paddle ball tournament on my lunch break at work. I ended up breaking a window and got written up by my boss.

47. I stayed up all night the day before a big paddle ball tournament watching paddle ball videos, trying to learn some new serve techniques. Ended up oversleeping and missing the whole thing.

48. Thought it would be impressive to juggle three balls at once during my paddle ball game. Let’s just say I ended up tangled in the string and had to call my friend to come untie me.

49. Tried using a lacrosse stick instead of a paddle to return the ball. Turns out the netting made the rebound super unpredictable.

50. I volunteered to ref a local paddle ball tournament but had no idea the players would be so ruthless in contesting my calls.

51. Signed my grandpa up for a senior paddle ball league, thinking it would be good low-impact exercise for him. Didn’t anticipate how competitive all the seasoned players were.

52. Decided to practice paddle ball serves in the house since it was raining out. Let’s just say mom wasn’t thrilled when I smashed her favorite vase.

53. Thought I’d hit paddle balls off my roof into the pool for fun. Didn’t account for the angle of the eaves and ended up with more than a few bruised arms.

54. Tried using a frying pan instead of a paddle to volley paddle balls, attempting to go viral online. Ended up with more bruises than views.

55. Bought a book called “Paddle Balls for Dummies” thinking it would help improve my skills. Turns out it was just filled with corny paddle ball puns.

56. Signed myself and a group of friends up for a paddle ball league despite our collective lack of talent. We got crushed and were the laughing stock of the whole thing.

57. Tried to set a new record for consecutive paddle ball hits but 45 minutes in developed wicked hand cramps and couldn’t unclench my fingers for a week.

58. Agreed to give my buddy paddle ball lessons as a favor. Didn’t realize how much time I’d waste fetching balls that went astray.

59. Hosted a paddle ball birthday party for my kid thinking it would be fun for all their friends. Ended up being total chaos with balls flying everywhere.

60. Tried to spice up family paddle ball games by instituting complex scoring involving multiples and word scrambles. No one could keep track.

61. Bought an expensive composite paddle online thinking it would improve my paddle ball skills. Ended up playing even worse than before.

62. Let my paddle ball obsessed friend pick our activity for a beach vacation. After 4 days of tournaments, my arms were noodles.

63. Used a wood plank instead of a standard paddle ball paddle during a backyard volley. Gave my buddy a black eye on my wild rebound.

64. Signed up for an intense paddle ball bootcamp thinking I’d get in shape quickly. Was not ready for 400 serves a day.

65. Thought it would be macho to play paddle ball shirtless like the pros. Ended up sunburnt and bruised.

66. Let my ultra competitive brother turn a friendly family paddle ball volley into a cutthroat tournament. Lots of smack talk ensued.

67. Tried twirling fire batons while playing paddle ball at night. Let’s just say it didn’t end well.

68.Used a plastic wiffleball bat instead of a paddle ball paddle. Worked great til I hit the ball onto the roof and couldn’t get it down.

69. Attempted to play paddle ball on roller skates to make it more challenging. Spent more time falling than volleying.

70. Let my paddle ball obsessed friend design a themed court in his backyard. Looked amazing but made the game impossible.

71. Thought it would be cool to play paddle ball using an air guitar as my paddle. Looked rockin’ but made control pretty tough.

72. Tried using a jellyfish as a paddle ball to spice things up at the beach. Got stung something fierce.

73. Attempted to play paddle ball on a pogo stick. Somehow managed to get tangled in the string and dislocated my shoulder.

74. Challenged my nephew to a high stakes paddle ball volley despite his world junior champion status. Got destroyed.

75. Used a goldfish as my paddle ball to protest animals in sports. Didn’t really get my point across.

76. Attempted to play paddle ball while walking my dog. He got super excited and I ended up covered in slobber.

77. Tried bouncing a paddle ball off moving roomba to practice returns. Gave my roomba an untimely demise.

78. Installed a backyard paddle ball court thinking I’d play every day. Used it once before the novelty wore off.

79. Agreed to enter a doubles paddle ball tourney with my buddy despite our lack of experience. Got annihilated in the first round.

80. Tested out pickleball paddles instead of regular ones. Worked great til I accidentally crushed the ball with a return.

81. Attempted to juggle playing paddle ball while jumping on my trampoline. Only a matter of time before I fell on my face.

82. Tried bouncing my paddle ball off the garage door to practice lobs. Ended up putting a huge dent in the door.

83. Entered a celebrity paddle ball invitational assuming my acting experience would translate. Got quickly eliminated.

84. Agreed to paddle ball lessons from my 12 year old cousin thinking she’d take it easy on me. Boy, was I wrong.

85. Tried bouncing a paddle ball on my tennis racket to improve hand-eye coordination. Let’s just say I had poor follow through.