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85 Hilarious Moving Jokes

85 Hilarious Moving Jokes

Moving Puns

1. I was going to make a joke about moving, but I couldn’t pick it up.

2. My friend hired movers without doing any research. It was a packing mistake.

3. I wanted to make a moving joke, but it didn’t seem transportable.

4. I tried to come up with a joke about moving, but it felt too forced.

5. Moving companies claim they can fit your whole life into a truck. Talk about moving violations!

6. I made a joke about movers, but it didn’t go over very well.

7. Jokes about moving are hit or miss. Some land while others just fall flat.

8. My moving jokes were flat. Guess I need to hire some joke packers.

9. I tried to come up with a funny joke about moving but it was too much of a stretch.

10. Moving puns are hard to come by. You really have to shift your perspective.

11. My friend was moving so I said, “Need a hand packing your boxes?” He said “No thanks, I can handle it.”

Moving One-Liners

12. Home is where you hang your heavy boxes that you don’t feel like unpacking.

13. I love helping friends move. I get to hear the phrase “careful with that box” at least 8 times.

14. When I die, I want my friends to move my stuff into the afterlife for me.

15. You know you bought too much stuff when the movers laugh after quoting you a price.

16. I love how professional movers ask, “What’s in the awkwardly heavy box labeled ‘Books’ that feels like dumbbells?”

17. Pack your clothes neatly or the movers will ball them up and you’ll find a dress wrapped around your coffee maker.

18. Movers get paid by weight so I always mark my boxes “Porcelain Dolls” no matter what’s inside.

19. Make sure to label your boxes “Open Immediately” so the movers know which ones to bury in the back of the truck.

20. Instead of playing Tetris, movers just cram everything into the truck over the cries of “Please be careful with that!”

21. Movers: We can turn your chaotic mess into an organized, careful move. Also Movers: Tosses china haphazardly into box marked “Pillows.”

Best Moving Jokes

22. I was helping my friend pack for his big move. He said, “Let’s just throw everything into boxes. I love surprises!” Now he’s wondering why he can’t find any forks.

23. My moving crew showed up 6 hours late. The lead guy said, “Sorry, traffic was bad.” I said, “But I’m moving from New York to Los Angeles.”

24. I hired movers off Craigslist. Two meth heads showed up in a pickup truck, threw all my stuff in the back, and took off. That was last week. Still waiting for that “second load.”

25. The movers brought the truck around and said, “You’re kidding me right? All this is going to one bedroom?” I said, “Just start loading furniture on top of furniture. It’ll be fine.”

26. The moving crew foreman looked at my cluttered garage and said, “Think you have enough stuff?” I said, “I’m just getting started!” He retired on the spot.

27. I watched in horror as the movers used my flat screen TV as a dolly to wheel in other furniture from the truck. They said, “It was the sturdiest thing we could find!”

28. The moving guys arrived and said, “You’re moving into a 5th floor walkup!?” I smiled and said, “That’s right, so be extra careful with those boxes marked ‘Books.’”

29. I was carrying a box labeled “Artwork: Handle with Care” when the mover grabbed it from me and tossed it into the truck, shattering everything inside. “I got this,” he said.

30. As the movers brought in box after box, I heard crashing and banging from the truck. I yelled, “Please be careful!” One mover said, “It’s fine, we’re experts at repacking broken stuff.”

31. We didn’t label any boxes when packing for our big move. Now all the movers keep asking, “Where do you want the ‘Kitchen??? Maybe???’ box to go?”

32. The foreman screamed when he saw our pile of stuff to move. He said, “I quit, this is literally impossible!” Then he ripped off his coveralls and stormed off the job.

33. The look on the movers’ faces was priceless when they pulled up and saw the moving “van” I had rented. I happily said, “Yep, just the two of you and this Vespa. Let’s get loading!”

34. The moving team assembled like the Avengers to coordinate the best way to get my new sofa up to the 3rd floor. In the end, Hulk smashed through the wall to make it fit.

35. I was carrying a small box up the stairs when the mover yelled, “I got it!” and tossed it up to the next floor where it burst open. “My grandma’s ashes!” I cried. “Oops,” he said.

Moving Puns

36. Don’t bother wrapping your glasses for a move. The movers enjoy Bubble Wrap Jenga.

37. Movers crammed my whole apartment into their truck. It was quite the tight squeeze.

38. Make sure your movers are insured. You don’t want to be left holding the broken bag.

39. Movers couldn’t fit my king bed in the truck. I told them to rotate it diagonally but they said, “That’s obtuse!”

40. Movers said my piano was too heavy to lift. But I told them to use the stair climber dolly, so they can piano up the steps.

41. My friend was moving and said, “I’m dreading all those trips up and down the stairs.” I said, “Look on the bright side, it’s the only exercise you’ll get all year!”

42. I labeled my box “Crystal Vase Collection” but the movers smashed them all. They said, “We only handle boxes labeled ‘Books’ gently!”

43. Make sure you tip the movers in cash. Boxes of chocolate don’t fit in their pockets.

Moving One-Liners

44. New city, same cluttered mess – just in a new zip code now!

45. Movers saw my upstairs home office and said, “You have stairs!? That’ll be extra.”

46. Movers placed all the heavy boxes in the back of the truck to make unloading easier. Psych! It was all bedroom stuff.

47. I watched in horror as the movers used my flat screen TV as a dolly to wheel in other furniture from the truck. They said, “It was the sturdiest thing we could find!”

48. The movers crammed everything into the truck and said, “You’re good to drive behind us, right?” I said, “This is literally everything I own, let me ride with you!”

49. As the movers unloaded the truck, I realized pretty much everything was smashed or broken. But hey, I got a free box of plastic splinters!

50. Movers lifted my huge oak dresser and it slipped out of their hands down the stairs. They shrugged and said, “Guess you’ll be going with a more minimalist look now!”

51. Make sure your homeowner’s insurance covers moving mishaps. Except for emotional damage when they drop a box labeled “Kitten Photos: Do Not Drop!”

Best Moving Jokes

52. The moving estimate was astronomical. The foreman took one look at my cluttered garage and said, “You might want to just buy all new stuff at your new place.”

53. The movers arrived and said, “Sorry, we don’t have room on the truck for your stuff.” Then they handed me the keys and said, “But we rented you this U-Haul, good luck with the move!”

54. I decided to move myself using a rental truck. As I drove off, the entire side wall split open pouring furniture onto the freeway. Maybe movers are worth it after all.

55. The moving crew arrived wearing black suits and said solemnly, “We promise to treat your belongings as if they were our own.” They then started tossing boxes into the truck and smashed half my stuff.

56. I was carrying a small box downstairs when the mover grabbed it and tossed it into the truck. In midair, it burst open scattering the ashes of my dear cat Mr. Fluffkins all over.

57. As movers brought in the heavy oak dresser I said, “Careful lifting that, it was my grandmother’s.” They dropped it down the stairs and said, “Was!”

58. I heard a crash and ran outside to see the movers had dropped my piano off the truck. They shrugged and said, “Hey, at least we got it unloaded quickly!”

59. I watched in disbelief as the movers carried in my flatscreen using it as a dolly for other boxes before tossing it onto the couch. They high-fived and said, “Nailed it!”

60. The movers arrived 3 hours late and loaded everything into a U-Haul saying the truck broke down. Halfway to my new house their U-Haul broke down too. Now we’re stranded on the highway surrounded by all my stuff.

61. The foreman examined my cluttered garage and said, “Here’s my card for when you’re ready to move.” A year later they’re still ignoring my calls.

62. The movers arrived and said, “Sorry, we don’t move stuff higher than a second floor walkup.” I said, “But I’m on the first floor.” They shrugged and left.

63. I asked the mover to please be gentle with the box labeled “Wedding China.” He used it as a seat while taking a lunch break on my lawn.

64. As movers were unloading the truck I heard a crash. I cried, “Please tell me that wasn’t the box labeled Crystal Heirlooms!” The mover shouted from inside “Okay, it wasn’t.”

65. I watched in horror as the movers used my flat screen TV as a dolly to wheel in other furniture from the truck. They said, “It was the sturdiest thing we could find!”

66. My friend hired some movers off Craigslist to save money. They packed all her belongings into their truck and she never saw them or her stuff again.

67. Make sure your movers know that “Load Last” means “Unload First” not “Toss into the truck any which way.”

Moving Puns

68. Make sure you disassemble your furniture before moving, unless you want the movers to turn your dresser into a puzzle.

69. Don’t let the movers hold your fish tank! Unless you want Sea Monkeys on Dry Land.

70. I labeled my box “Crystal Vase Collection” but the movers smashed them all. They said, “We only handle boxes labeled ‘Books’ gently!”

71. Movers don’t provide packing materials. So I used my fine china to pad the furniture. Worked great!

72. My friend hired movers without doing any research. It was a packing mistake.

73. Don’t pack your upright piano on its side or you’ll have more moving treble!

Moving One-Liners

74. I told the movers to treat my stuff like eggs. So they scrambled everything together and smashed it all up!

75. Movers charged me extra to use the stairs. Next time I’ll just grease the walls and have them toss everything up to the second floor.

76. Make sure to tip your movers with any cash you find hidden in the boxes and furniture.

77. Movers: We promise not to break anything that isn’t already broken!

78. I watched the movers hurl box after box into the truck. Then I glanced at their company name: U-Haul Disaster Service.

79. Movers placed all the heavy boxes in the back of the truck to make unloading easier. Psych! It was all bedroom stuff.

80. My movers didn’t speak English and labeled every box “Cosas frágiles” which I learned too late means “Throw Under Furniture.”

Best Moving Jokes

81. I hired some movers off Craigslist to save money. They packed all my belongings into their truck and I never saw them or my stuff again. Now I get why professional movers are expensive.

82. The moving foreman took one look at our hoarded home and said, “Here’s my card, call me when you get this clutter under control.” That was 5 years and 2 kids ago. I think it’s time to call him.

83. As the movers brought box after box into my 5th floor walkup I smiled thinking about the big tip I wouldn’t be giving them.

84. The movers arrived and said, “Uh, we can only fit about 1/3 of your stuff on the truck. See you in a few weeks for the next 2 loads!”

85. I decided to cut costs by hiring some college students to help me move. They were hungover and dropped everything down the stairs – dresser, china cabinet, grandfather clock. Note to self: Hire professionals next time!