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85 Hilarious Miss Piggy Jokes

85 Hilarious Miss Piggy Jokes

Miss Piggy Puns (15)

1. What do you call a Miss Piggy who is an expert at planting trees? A sap-piggy!

2. Why did Miss Piggy get fired from her job at the makeup factory? She kept hogging all the blush!

3. What do you call a Miss Piggy who loves taking photos? A snap-piggy!

4. Why does Miss Piggy make such a great baseball player? Because she’s always hamming it up for the fans!

5. Why did Miss Piggy get sent to detention? For piggybacking on someone else’s work!

6. Why can’t you trust Miss Piggy with a secret? She’s a bit of a squealer!

7. What do you call a Miss Piggy who loves watching military planes? An air show hog!

8. Why didn’t Miss Piggy want to share her chocolate? She was being a bit of a piggy!

9. What do you call a line of Miss Piggys? A conga pigga!

10. Why did Miss Piggy get kicked out of the library? She kept hogging all the books!

11. What do you call a psychic Miss Piggy? A piggyback reader!

12. Why couldn’t Miss Piggy focus in school? She was too busy hamming it up!

13. What do you call a Miss Piggy who loves knitting? A yarn hog!

14. Why did Miss Piggy get fired from the butcher shop? She kept bacon all the tips!

15. What do you call a Miss Piggy who snuck into the movie theater? A real porker!

Miss Piggy One-Liners (15)

16. Miss Piggy’s so fat, when she goes camping the bears have to hide THEIR food!

17. Miss Piggy’s so messy, her room looks like a pig sty!

18. Miss Piggy’s so greedy, she’d eat you out of house and home!

19. Miss Piggy’s idea of dieting is switching from a Large to a Medium trough!

20. Miss Piggy’s so dramatic, she thinks every conversation should be about her!

21. Miss Piggy’s so clumsy, she’d trip over a grain of rice!

22. Miss Piggy’s so lazy, watching paint dry is too much excitement for her!

23. Miss Piggy’s such a prima donna, she needs the red carpet treatment just to leave the house!

24. Miss Piggy’s voice is so shrill it can curdle dairy from 50 paces!

25. Miss Piggy’s so spoiled, she threw a tantrum because her caviar wasn’t imported!

26. Miss Piggy’s idea of exercise is lifting a drumstick to her mouth!

27. Miss Piggy’s so dramatic, she treats a papercut like it’s an amputation!

28. Miss Piggy’s so greedy, when she goes to parties she packs a doggie bag before eating!

29. Miss Piggy has such a big ego, she hogs the spotlight and leaves everyone else in the dark!

30. Miss Piggy’s so stuck up, when it rains she’s convinced God is spitting on everyone else!

Best Miss Piggy Jokes (55)

31. Miss Piggy was feeling down so she went to see Dr. Bunsen Honeydew. He diagnosed her with swine flu!

32. What do you call Miss Piggy when she’s sunbathing? Crispy bacon!

33. Why did Miss Piggy cross the road? To prove she wasn’t chicken!

34. What’s Miss Piggy’s idea of fancy dining? Pouring ketchup in her trough!

35. How does Miss Piggy keep her skin looking young? She bathes in mud packs!

36. Why does Miss Piggy make such a great jazz singer? She knows how to ham it up!

37. Miss Piggy entered a beauty contest and won the title of Miss Congeniality because all the other contestants were too scared to compete against her!

38. What’s Miss Piggy’s favorite outdoor activity? Pigging out at barbeques!

39. Why did Miss Piggy get kicked out of boxing class? She kept hitting below the belt!

40. How does Miss Piggy keep her hair looking great? She uses hogwash shampoo!

41. Miss Piggy loves telling everyone about the fancy celebrities she knows. Kermit always says, “Don’t believe that name dropping swine!”

42. What do you call it when Miss Piggy eats too much broccoli? Hogwash!

43. Why did Miss Piggy get in trouble for mooing too loudly? It violated her pignoramus oath!

44. How does Miss Piggy keep her skin looking great? Mud masks and piggyback rides!

45. Miss Piggy entered a pig calling contest but was disqualified for using a karaoke machine!

46. Why does Miss Piggy love rainy days so much? They make her feel like a big celebrity with all those paparazzi!

47. What do you call Miss Piggy after she gets a bad sunburn? Bacon bits!

48. Why did Miss Piggy bring an extra pair of socks to the zoo? In case she saw any piglets she wanted to take home!

49. What’s Miss Piggy’s motto? Never trust a skinny chef!

50. Why does Miss Piggy make such a great crossing guard? She loves to hog the road!

51. Why did Miss Piggy get kicked out of the donut shop? For hogging all the chocolate sprinkles!

52. How does Miss Piggy spend her free time? Curled up with a good trough!

53. Why did Miss Piggy get banned from the buffet restaurant? She wouldn’t stop going back for ham seconds!

54. What’s Miss Piggy’s favorite pickup line? “Don’t be a boar – give me your number!”

55. Why did Kermit break up with Miss Piggy? She kept hogging the blankets!

56. What do you call a social media influencer Miss Piggy? An Instagram ham!

57. Why does Miss Piggy love taking selfies so much? She just can’t get over how sty-lish she looks!

58. How does Miss Piggy stay up to date on the latest trends? She’s subscribed to Snout magazine!

59. Why did Miss Piggy get kicked out of spin class? She wouldn’t stop hogging the bike!

60. What’s Miss Piggy’s favorite way to travel? Piggyback, of course!

61. Why did Miss Piggy cross the road? To prove she could do it in high heels!

62. How did Miss Piggy try and lose weight? She went on a pork-free diet!

63. Why was Miss Piggy snorting when she laughed? She thought her own jokes were hilarious!

64. What do you call Miss Piggy in a rush? A road hog!

65. Why is Miss Piggy so good at gardening? She loves getting down and dirty!

66. Why did Miss Piggy get kicked out of cooking class? She kept hogging all the ingredients!

67. How does Miss Piggy make new friends? She breaks the ice with pig puns!

68. Why did Miss Piggy get sent to the principal’s office? For hogging all the good seats in the cafeteria!

69. What does Miss Piggy do on rainy days? Catch up on the latest pigskin scores!

70. Why did Miss Piggy’s online dates keep standing her up? She was catfishing them with photos from her skinny days!

71. What’s Miss Piggy’s karaoke go-to song? “Can’t Fight This Feeling” by STYX!

72. Why did Miss Piggy get kicked out of the fashion show? She couldn’t fit down the runway!

73. How does Miss Piggy relax after a long day? With a nice, long mud bath!

74. What’s Miss Piggy’s favorite workout? Spinning, because it requires minimal trotting!

75. Why is Miss Piggy so bad at sharing? Because she’s a ruth-hog!

76. What’s Miss Piggy’s motto? Hog wild or go home!

77. Why did Miss Piggy go to night school? To get her bachelors in Swine Arts!

78. What does Miss Piggy say when she looks in the mirror? “My, what a STY-lish pig!”

79. Why does Miss Piggy love the county fair? It’s full of live ham contests!

80. How did Miss Piggy try to ruin Thanksgiving dinner? She hogged all the mashed potatoes!

81. Why was Miss Piggy snorting when she laughed? She thought her own jokes were hilarious!

82. What’s Miss Piggy’s favorite hobby? Entering hot dog eating contests!

83. How did Miss Piggy try losing weight? She went on the celery-only diet!

84. Why was Miss Piggy banned from the luau? For hogging all the pineapple slices!

85. What’s Miss Piggy’s favorite workout? Hog squats, of course!