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85 Hilarious Ketchup Jokes

85 Hilarious Ketchup Jokes

Ketchup Puns (15)

1. I tried to ketchup with an old friend, but our relationship was strained.

2. The ketchup was so scared, it turned red and ran away.

3. Don’t worry if you’re feeling down, ketchup with me and I’ll cheer you up.

4. The ketchup factory had to close down because they couldn’t ketchup with demand.

5. I entered my dog in a ketchup race, but he ended up being a bit of a slow poke.

6. I was running late, so I had to ketchup to my friend.

7. The ketchup spilled on the floor. What a waste of a good condiment.

8. I tried to make a ketchup joke, but it turned into a saucy mess.

9. Ketchup is my favorite condiment, I relish every opportunity to use it.

10. Don’t underestimate ketchup, it can really spice up any meal.

11. I wanted to make my hot dog stand out, so I offered 13 types of ketchup.

12. Ketchup and mustard were in a race, ketchup was playing catch up the whole time.

13. My friend was struggling financially so I sent him some ketchup packets to help him ketchup.

14. I entered a ketchup drinking contest, but ended up in a pickle trying to catch up.

15. Ketchup tried to get away, but the police were able to catch up.

Ketchup One-Liners (15)

16. Ketchup – for when you want to add a little zest to your food.

17. Ketchup – make sure you shake well before using!

18. Ketchup – adding flavor one squirt at a time.

19. Ketchup – don’t leave home without it!

20. Ketchup – catsup with me for a tasty time.

21. Ketchup – goes great on eggs, burgers, fries and more!

22. Ketchup – skillfully crafted from tomatoes.

23. Ketchup – surprisingly versatile.

24. Ketchup – adds a little razzmatazz to any meal.

25. Ketchup – don’t get stuck in a pickle without it!

26. Ketchup – making food fun since 1869.

27. Ketchup – flavor you can see.

28. Ketchup – add it, mix it, dip it.

29. Ketchup – an essential condiment.

30. Ketchup – as American as apple pie.

Best Ketchup Jokes (20)

31. What did the ketchup say when it was startled? Catch-up!

32. Why was the ketchup blushing? It saw the salad dressing.

33. How does ketchup like to relax? It kicks back and relishes the moment.

34. What do you call a sad ketchup bottle? A pessimist.

35. Why did the ketchup win the race? It was always one step ahead of the competition.

36. How do you make ketchup family friendly? You add a little mayo.

37. Why did the ketchup get bad grades? It kept forgetting its sauces.

38. Why was the ketchup acting so suspicious? It was up to something saucy.

39. What do you call a psychic ketchup? A for-sauce-teller.

40. Why do ketchup and mustard make a great couple? They relish each other’s company.

41. How does ketchup stay in shape? It goes jogging every mourning.

42. Why did the ketchup turn down dessert? It was feeling a little stuffed.

43. How did the ketchup feel after eating too much? It was utterly sauced.

44. Why was the ketchup bottle so motivated? It was determined to ketchup and mustard the energy.

45. Why are ketchup bottles the most optimistic? They’re half full of sauce.

46. How does ketchup stay so positive? It looks on the bright red side of life.

47. What do you call a sad ketchup bottle? A saucy-mist.

48. Why did the ketchup cross the road? To catch up with its friends.

49. What do you call a patriotic ketchup? Sauce of the brave!

50. Why was the ketchup laughing? It heard asaucy joke.

More Ketchup Jokes (35)

51. What did the ketchup say on Valentine’s Day? Olive you from my head tomatoes!

52. Why was the ketchup late to work? It got stuck in traffic jam.

53. What do you call a ketchup with low self-esteem? An in-sauce-cure sauce.

54. Why was the ketchup smiling? It saw the bright red side of life.

55. How does ketchup stay organized? It uses a daily planner to ketchup on tasks.

56. Why was ketchup banned from the baseball game? It kept bottling the calls.

57. What did the ketchup say on its birthday? Thanks for celebrating this sauce-ome day with me!

58. How do you make holy ketchup? You exorcise it.

59. What do you call an evolutionized ketchup? A saucy-mon!

60. Why did the ketchup need a vacation? It was feeling drained.

61. How did the ketchup win the science fair? With its innovative sauce-periments.

62. Why did the ketchup turn down the dessert menu? It was already quite sauced.

63. Why did the ketchup get fired from the hot dog stand? Lack of relish.

64. How did ketchup become an internet sensation? It uploaded viral sauce.

65. Why couldn’t anyone buy ketchup? The store had no sauce in stock.

66. How did the ketchup propose? It got down on one knee-onase.

67. Why did the ketchup go to night school? To become sauce smart.

68. What do you call a clairvoyant ketchup? A fortunetelling sauce.

69. How did the ketchup win the art contest? It drew creative sauce sketches.

70. Why was the ketchup acting so strange? It was having an identity sauce.

71. Why did no one hang out with ketchup? It always had a chip on its shoulder.

72. How did the ketchup achieve its dreams? Through hard work and sauce-termination.

73. Why was ketchup smiling after the race? It had a lot of ketchup to do.

74. What kind of shoes does ketchup wear? Red sneakers.

75. How does ketchup stay in touch with its friends? Social saucing.

76. Why was ketchup voted prom king? It was universally sauced.

77. Why did tomato ketchup get in trouble at school? It was rude to its teach-sauce.

78. How does ketchup stay strong? By hitting the sauce.

79. What’s a ketchup’s favorite magazine? Sauce Illustrated.

80. Why did the ketchup get injured? It didn’t stretch before exercise.

81. How did ketchup achieve fame and fortune? From its best-saucing memoir.

82. Why was ketchup smiling even though it lost? It was just happy to be sauce-ipating.

83. What do you call an all-ketchup band? A saucy rock group.

84. How did ketchup learn karate? It found a sauce-sei.

85. Why did the ketchup go to college? To become more sauce-phisticated.