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85 Hilarious Ham Jokes

85 Hilarious Ham Jokes

Ham Puns (10 jokes)

  1. What do you call a pig that knows karate? A pork chop!
  2. Why don’t pigs like baseball? They’re afraid to get hit by the b-ham.
  3. Why did the pig go to Hollywood? He wanted to be a ham actor.
  4. What do you get when you cross a centipede with a pig? Bacon and legs!
  5. Where do pigs go to dance? The meatball.
  6. Why don’t pigs like being outside in the summer? They’re afraid of being bacon.
  7. What do you call a nervous pig? A ham.
  8. What’s a pig’s favorite Christmas carol? Hark the oink angels sing.
  9. What do you call a pig that does karate? Pork chop.
  10. Why don’t pigs make good dancers? They have two left feet.

Ham One-Liners (10 jokes)

  1. I ordered a ham and cheese sandwich, but I think the chef was just winging it.
  2. I was going to tell a joke about deli meats, but it would have been cheesy.
  3. I entered my pet pig in a beauty contest, but it was a ham-fest.
  4. That’s not a ham sandwich, it’s a pig deal!
  5. I took my pig to obedience school, but he was just hamming it up.
  6. I bought my boyfriend a ham radio for his birthday. What a pork gift!
  7. I’d tell you a joke about deli meats, but it would just be baloney.
  8. I entered my pig in a race, but he pulled a hamstring.
  9. Working at the deli has its perks, like bringing home the bacon.
  10. I ordered a ham and swiss sandwich, hold the drama!

Best Ham Jokes (40 jokes)

1. What do you call a pig that knows karate? A pork chop!

2. My friend wanted to dress up like a pig for Halloween, but the costume was too hammy.

3. I was going to tell a joke about deli meats, but it would have been cheesy.

4. What did the pig say at the beach? I’m bacon!

5. Why don’t pigs like baseball? They’re afraid to get hit by the b-ham.

6. What do you call a nervous pig? A ham.

7. That’s not a ham sandwich, it’s a pig deal!

8. What do you get when you cross a centipede with a pig? Bacon and legs!

9. Why did the pig want to be an actor? He wanted to ham it up on screen.

10. I ordered a ham and swiss sandwich, hold the drama!

11. Why don’t pigs make good dancers? They have two left feet.

12. What do you call a pig judge? A judicial ham.

13. Why did the pig go to Hollywood? He wanted to be a ham actor.

14. I’d tell you a joke about deli meats, but it would just be baloney.

15. What do you call a pig that stole things? A ham burglar.

16. Why don’t pigs like being outside in the summer? They’re afraid of being bacon.

17. I took my pig to obedience school, but he was just hamming it up.

18. What do you call a pig that does karate? Pork chop.

19. Where do pigs go to dance? The meatball.

20. I bought my boyfriend a ham radio for his birthday. What a pork gift!

21. What do you call a pig who solves mysteries? Sherlock Hams.

22. I entered my pet pig in a beauty contest, but it was a ham-fest.

23. Why don’t pigs like being outside in the winter? They don’t want to be cold cuts!

24. What’s a pig’s favorite Christmas carol? Hark the oink angels sing.

25. I entered my pig in a race, but he pulled a hamstring.

26. Why did the pig cross the road? To get to the ham side!

27. What do you call a pig that knows martial arts? A black pork belt.

28. Working at the deli has its perks, like bringing home the bacon.

29. What do you call a dancing pig? Shake n’ bacon.

30. I ordered a ham and cheese sandwich, but I think the chef was just winging it.

31. Why did the pig blush? He saw the salad dressing!

32. What do you get if you cross a pig with a centipede? Bacon and legs!

33. I wanted to go to the butcher shop, but there was just too much at steak.

34. Why don’t pigs like warm weather? They’re afraid of being bacon!

35. What do you call a pig who does martial arts? A pork chop.

36. Did you hear about the pig who gave up his comedy career? He got tired of all the hammy roles.

37. Why did the pig become an actor? He wanted to ham it up on screen.

38. Why are pigs bad at football? Because they hog the ball!

39. What do you call a pig who crossed the road twice? A double bacon cheeseburger.

40. Why was the baby pig sad? He was having a little boar’dom.