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55 Hilarious Grasshopper Jokes

55 Hilarious Grasshopper Jokes

Grasshopper Puns (15)

1. What do you call a grasshopper who loves to read? A book hopper!

2. Why was the grasshopper always on time? He liked to hop to it!

3. What do you call a grasshopper who works as a DJ? A hip hopper!

4. Why did the grasshopper keep jumping? He liked to hop scotch!

5. What do you call a grasshopper who loves watching movies? A flick hopper!

6. Why did the grasshopper cross the road? To get to the hopper side!

7. What do you call a grasshopper who loves grammar? A comma hopper!

8. Why was the grasshopper sweating so much? He was having a hop flash!

9. What do you call a happy grasshopper? A hop, skip and a jumper!

10. What do you call a grasshopper who works at a hotel? A bell hopper!

11. Why was the grasshopper hopping in circles? He lost his hopstructor!

12. What do you call a grasshopper who loves coffee? A hoppachino lover!

13. What do you call a grasshopper who works as a journalist? A scoop hopper!

14. Why was the grasshopper so jumpy? He was high on hopper-tunity!

15. What do you call a grasshopper in a leadership role? The head hopper in charge!

Grasshopper One-Liners (15)

16. I asked my grasshopper friend how his day was going. He said, “It has its hops and downs.”

17. My grasshopper friend is writing a book about puns. I told him, “Hop to it!”

18. I saw a grasshopper wearing headphones today. He must have been listening to hip hop.

19. I tried to tell my grasshopper friend a joke about unemployment but he didn’t get it. He’s a social hopper after all.

20. How does a grasshopper prefer to travel? By hopper plane of course!

21. My grasshopper friend entered a DJ competition. His music was pretty good for amateur hip hop.

22. I asked my grasshopper friend, “How high can you jump?” He said, “High hopper!”

23. I saw a grasshopper smoking a cigarette today. He said it helps him hop with stress.

24. My grasshopper friend got a job as a personal trainer. His clients have been seeing great hopsults!

25. I told my grasshopper friend we’re having a salad for dinner. He got excited and said, “I hoppe you have croutons!”

26. The grasshopper hurt his leg so now he has to walk with a hopper limp.

27. My grasshopper friend is obsessed with detective novels. He loves hopping to conclusions.

28. I asked my grasshopper friend how his comedy gig went last night. He said he killed it and hopped the audience.

29. My grasshopper friend got arrested for stealing a calendar. His family hopes he’ll turn over a new leaf.

30. I told my grasshopper friend to think positive thoughts. He said, “I’m hoppy to hop my best!”

Best Grasshopper Jokes (25)

31. A grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says, “Hey, we have a drink named after you!” The grasshopper says, “You have a drink named Steve?”

32. What’s a grasshopper’s favorite type of music? Hip hop! What’s a grasshopper’s least favorite type of music? Heavy metal!

33. How does a grasshopper stop a tank? He hops in and steers it somewhere else!

34. Why couldn’t the grasshopper pay attention in class? Because he had hoppers! Why couldn’t he take notes? Because grasshoppers can’t hold pencils!

35. What do you call a grasshopper who solves crimes? Sherhop Holmes!

36. How does a grasshopper cook his food? He stir-hops it!

37. Why did the grasshopper keep jumping higher and higher? He was trying to beat his hop record!

38. What’s a grasshopper’s favorite hobby? Photography – he loves taking hopshots!

39. Why don’t grasshoppers make good swimmers? Because they can only doggy-hop, not doggy-paddle!

40. How does a grasshopper hop higher? He bends his hopper legs!

41. What’s green, hoppy and goes bing-bong? A grasshopper at your front door!

42. Why was the grasshopper so good at basketball? He was great at alley-hops!

43. Why can’t you borrow money from a grasshopper? Because they’re always hopped up on grass!

44. What’s a grasshopper’s favorite treat? Hot fudge hopdas!

45. Why was the baby grasshopper crying? He lost his hoppy!

46. What’s a grasshopper’s favorite TV show? Hopperation Repo!

47. Why did the grasshopper cross the playground? To get to the other slide!

48. How does a grasshopper rock climb? He just hops his way up!

49. Why did the grasshopper go to see the doctor? He was feeling a little jumpy!

50. Why couldn’t the grasshopper hop anymore? He ran out of hopfuel!

51. What do you call a grasshopper who meditates? A hoppist!

52. What’s a grasshopper’s favorite hobby? Hophunting for bugs!

53. Why did the grasshopper cross the road, stop in the middle and cross back again? He changed his hoppinion!

54. What did one grasshopper say to the other grasshopper? Hop’s it hopping!

55. Why do grasshoppers make great gardeners? They have green hopumbs!