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60 Funny Grinch Jokes

60 Funny Grinch Jokes

Grinch Puns (20)

1. Why was the Grinch so good at gardening? He had a green thumb!

2. Why did the Grinch cross the road? To steal Christmas from the other side!

3. What do you call a Grinch who tells jokes? A pun-ch!

4. Why did the Grinch take a yoga class? To become more flexible in stealing Christmas!

5. Why does Santa Claus let the Grinch visit Whoville every year? To keep his elves on their toes!

6. Why did the Grinch disguise himself as Santa Claus? He wanted to sleigh Christmas!

7. Why was the Grinch voted “Most Likely to Steal Christmas” in high school? He always had sticky fingers!

8. How does the Grinch keep his guitar in tune? With a Who-mer!

9. Why did the Grinch bring onions with him to steal Christmas? To keep from crying when the Whos started singing!

10. Why was the Grinch afraid of Santa Claus? Because Santa Claus is coming to town!

11. What do you call a Who that loses their Christmas spirit? A Grinch!

12. Why did the Grinch hate candy canes so much? Because they symbolized Christmas cheer!

13. Why was the Grinch late to steal Christmas? He got stuck in Whoville traffic!

14. How did the Grinch try to ruin the Whos’ Christmas feast? By replacing the roast beast with tofu!

15. Why did the Grinch decide to steal Halloween instead? He realized it would be easier with masks on!

16. Why was the Grinch voted “Least Festive” in high school? He never decked any halls!

17. Why did the Grinch cross the road? To avoid all the Christmas cheer on the other side!

18. What do you call a Grinch who gets caught stealing presents? A gift grump!

19. Why couldn’t the Grinch find a Christmas tree to steal? He kept picking firs!

20. Why did the Grinch bring a ladder with him when stealing Christmas? To take down all the Who-ly decorations!

Grinch One-Liners (20)

21. The Grinch’s heart is so small it makes Scrooge look generous.

22. The Grinch is proof that you don’t need a good reason to ruin someone’s holiday.

23. How the Grinch Stole Christmas? More like How the Grinch Stole Our Hearts!

24. Roses are red, violets are blue, the Grinch really hates Christmas, how about you?

25. Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, the Grinch thinks Christmas smells!

26. Santa knows if you’ve been naughty or nice, but the Grinch doesn’t care – he just hates everything nice!

27. All I want for Christmas is for the Grinch to lighten up a little!

28. The Grinch hated Christmas, the whole Christmas season, but we still love our green grumpy hero for some reason!

29. The Grinch thought Christmas spirit came from a store, little did he know it comes from within, right next to your heart!

30. You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch, stealing Christmas from the sweet Whos in Whoville!

31. The Grinch got coal in his stockings year after year, maybe that’s why he hates Christmas time, my dears!

32. Roses are red, poinsettias are too, the Grinch stole Christmas, what’s it to you?

33. Santa rides in a sled, the Grinch schemes in his head, both are coming, that’s what I dread!

34. The Grinch thought Christmas was a bore, he caused trouble and so much more!

35. The Grinch had a plan, to steal Christmas and ruin Who-land!

36. Old Max the dog, tried to stop the green fog, but failed to sway the Grinch’s heart made of bog!

37. The Grinch slithered and slunk, towards the Whos gifts and food trunks!

38. He grumbled and groused, as Christmas he doused, that no-good ol’ green louse!

39. Down the chimney he plunged, but his heart greatly sponged, when he heard the Whos singing of love!

40. His small heart grew three sizes that day, Christmas cheer showed him the way!

Best Grinch Jokes (20)

41. One Christmas Eve, the Grinch decided to dress up as Santa Claus and sneak into Whoville to steal all the presents from under the trees. As he was emptying out one house, he heard a little Who girl ask “Santa” for a puppy for Christmas. Feeling a slight pang of remorse, the Grinch found a stray puppy and left it for the girl under the tree, along with a note – “Even mean grumpy grinches deserve a Christmas miracle. Yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum. -G”

42. Why was the Grinch sitting in a bathtub feeling sorry for himself on Christmas morning? Because his scheme to ruin Christmas had failed, and his heart had grown three sizes after hearing the Whos still singing cheerfully without presents!

43. How did the Grinch try to ruin Christmas in Whoville this year? He hacked the town’s wifi and streamed non-stop videos of kittens to overload the network so the Whos couldn’t post their holiday photos online! When the Whos just laughed and spent the day playing with real kittens instead, the Grinch realized maybe he didn’t understand Christmas after all.

44. What do you get when you cross the Grinch with the real spirit of Christmas? A kinder, happier, cheerier Grinch whose heart grows three sizes! After years of mushy Christmas cheer, the Grinch just couldn’t help but embrace the warm holiday fuzzies. Now he volunteers at the local soup kitchen and donates presents to Whoville children’s hospital.

45. Why was the Grinch smiling as he carried away bags of Christmas gifts from Whoville? Because the gifts weren’t stolen – the Grinch had taken up a collection to donate presents to children in need in the next town over! Turns out his heart grew four sizes that day.

46. How did little Cindy Lou Who get the Grinch to change his scheming ways and embrace the Christmas spirit? She invited him over for Christmas dinner with her family and showed him kindness. At first the Grinch was suspicious, but the turkey dinner, singing carols, and Cindy Lou’s holiday cheer were contagious. By the end of the night, the Grinch was handing out gifts instead of stealing them!

47. Why was the Grinch sitting in Who-ville’s Christmas parade this year instead of trying to ruin it? Because after years of being a grumpy green grump, the Grinch has turned over a new leaf! Thanks to Cindy Lou Who’s friendship and understanding, the Grinch has realized Christmas is really about goodwill and quality time with people you care about. Now he volunteers at the local animal shelter and even lets Max the dog snuggle in bed with him.

48. How did the Grinch try to ruin Who-ville’s Christmas pageant this year? He swapped out all the hymnals with the Whos’ Amazon wish lists! But the Whos got the last laugh, purchasing gifts for one another and singing carols from memory while the Grinch sulked. In the end the Grinch realized ruining their Christmas only ruined his, and now he’s RSVPd to four Who-ville holiday parties!

49. Why did Santa let the Grinch come along as he delivered presents this year? Because Santa decided to give the Grinch a chance at redemption. The Grinch donned his Santa hat and beard and surprised the Whos by handing out gifts and food to the needy. After a night of charity, the Grinch realized Christmas spirit comes from giving, not stealing. Now he’s the honorary director of Who-ville’s annual toy drive!

50. How did the Grinch try to ruin Who-ville’s Christmas celebration this time? By sneaking into all the Whos’ homes and replacing their holiday music with recordings of his own tone-deaf crooning! But the Whos only laughed and invited him to join their caroling party. Turns out the Grinch just needed a little Christmas love to grow his tiny heart three sizes. Now he has a standing invitation to all Who-ville holiday gatherings!

51. Why did the Grinch agree to light the giant Christmas tree in Who-ville’s town square this year? Because after a lifetime of grinchiness, Cindy Lou Who helped him realize hating Christmas only made him miserable. With his newly expanded heart, the Grinch flipped the switch and beamed at the glowing tree with tears in his eyes. Now he always volunteers for tree lighting duty and hands out gifts to all the little Whos!

52. How did the Grinch try to ruin Christmas in Whoville this time? He went house to house replacing all the gifts with stale fruitcake! But the Whos only laughed and used the fruitcake bricks to build snowmen. In the end, the Grinch realized the Whos’ holiday spirit was unshakable. He handed out fresh fruitcake to apologize, which the Whos toasted and ate in the spirit of Christmas cheer!

53. Why was the Grinch smiling as he prepared a huge Christmas feast for the whole town of Whoville? Because instead of stealing food and presents like he’d done for years, the Grinch had realized the value of generosity and goodwill. After having his own Christmas dinner in solitude for so long, the reformed Grinch wanted to share the holiday spirit and make up for his past grinchiness. It was the first of many village feasts the Grinch would prepare with holiday love and joy!

54. How did the Grinch ruin Cindy Lou’s family Christmas party this year? By showing up with armfuls of beautifully wrapped gifts for each guest! Turns out his heart grew four sizes, and he felt terrible about all the holiday misery he’d caused over the years. The Whos welcomed him with open arms, and the Grinch learned that with a little empathy, compassion and forgiveness, anyone’s heart can grow. Now he volunteers at a children’s hospital each Christmas dressed as Santa Grinch!

55. Why was the Grinch happily stringing Christmas lights and hanging wreaths all over Whoville? Because thanks to the kindness and understanding of the Whos, the Grinch had turned over a new leaf and embraced the spirit of the holiday season. For the first time in years, the reformed Grinch realized that Christmas wasn’t about gifts and feasts, but about goodwill, family and celebrating togetherness. Lighting up the town was his way of brightening the lives of all the Whos!

56. How did the Grinch ruin the Whoville Christmas Eve pageant this year? By showing up eager to play the role of Rudolph and lead Santa’s sleigh! Turns out all the Christmas spirit in Whoville had finally gotten to the Grinch. He danced and pranced down the aisle as Rudolph, spreading holiday cheer to young and old. After the pageant he passed out gifts from his sack, no longer a grumpy outcast, but a fellow celebrator of the Christmas spirit!

57. Why was the Grinch cheerfully purchasing tons of presents and food in Whoville this Christmas? Because he realized holiday joy comes from giving to others, not stealing and causing chaos. With help from his friend Cindy Lou Who, the Grinch had a change of heart and wanted to spread Christmas cheer instead of grinching it up. He bought thoughtful gifts for the whole town and even made Max the dog a jingle bell collar!

58. How did the Grinch ruin the Whos’ annual Christmas talent show this year? By performing a beautiful piano ballad he’d composed himself titled “My Heart Grew Three Sizes.” The reformed Grinch brought down the house and took home first prize! Turns out years of grinchy scheming gave him a creative soul that just needed a little holiday love to be unleashed. Now he volunteers to play piano at the children’s hospital each Christmas!

59. Why was the Grinch cheerfully hanging stockings by the chimneys with care in Whoville this Christmas season? Because he realized that true holiday spirit comes from small acts of kindness and belonging. After years of loneliness and resentment, the Grinch had finally opened his heart and seen the value of community. Decorumating Who-ville with stockings was his way of spreading anonymous cheer so every Who felt included in the holiday magic!

60. How did the Grinch ruin Cindy Lou’s family Christmas dinner this year? He didn’t – in fact, he brought the roast beast! Having realized the true meaning of Christmas, the reformed Grinch wanted to give back to the girl who had shown him kindness. Carrying in the juicy beast roast he’d cooked himself, the Grinch smiled ear to ear watching the Whos dig in. For the first time, he felt the inner warmth and joy that comes from making others happy on Christmas!