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27 Funny Yogurt Jokes

27 Funny Yogurt Jokes

Yogurt Puns (10)

1. I can’t believe it’s not butter! I can’t believe it’s not yogurt!

2. What do you call stolen yogurt? Loot-gurt!

3. Why was the yogurt gloopy? It was way past its expiration date.

4. I was feeling sad so I treated myself to some mood-gurt.

5. The yogurt was very sensitive to criticism. You might even say it was thin-skinned.

6. The yogurt factory had state of the art equip-mint.

7. The yogurt was rude and made inapp-ropriate comments.

8. The expired yogurt cult-ured into something dangerous.

9. The yogurt was not at fault for the accident – it was inno-cent.

10. The yogurt cup was feeling empty inside until it found its parfait match.

Yogurt One-Liners (10)

11. I asked the yogurt how its day was, but it just curdled in response.

12. My yogurt is so out of date, it’s practically cheese at this point.

13. This yogurt is so healthy, it wears yoga pants.

14. I spilled yogurt on my phone and now it’s not working. I guess I really screwed the pooch on that one.

15. My yogurt cup says it contains live cultures. Am I supposed to feel bad when I eat it?

16. Who knew yogurt could be so vindictive? Mine’s been giving me the cold shoulder all week.

17. I asked for a refund on the expired yogurt but they just wiped the furits with me.

18. This yogurt is more active than I am. It contains millions of live cultures and I’ve been on the couch all day.

19. I’m pretty sure this yogurt I bought is just sour cream in disguise.

20. My yogurt refuses to speak to me ever since I added granola. I guess it’s just one big mix-understanding.

Best Yogurt Jokes (7)

21. A man walked into a yogurt shop and asked the employee if they served yogurt with live cultures. The employee said yes, so the man responded, “Good, I’ll have one cup of yogurt and one ticket to the symphony tonight.”

22. What did the yogurt say when it was time to leave the party? “Well, this has been fun, but it’s getting late and I should probably curdle home.”

23. I accidentally bought 10 gallons of yogurt last week. Now I’m really worried it’s going to expire soon. That would be a whey huge mistake.

24. My favorite yogurt brand decided to discontinue my favorite flavor. I guess you could say it was a very unfortunate turn of curd events.

25. I was feeling hungry so I reached into the fridge for a yogurt. But when I opened it, there was just a spoon inside. I guess it was a case of spooning with the wrong yogurt cup.

26. Why don’t cows ever have money? Because the farmers milk them dry and the yogurt companies curdle all their profits.

27. A yogurt cup walks into a bar and orders a beer. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t serve dairy products here.” The yogurt responds, “That’s discriminatory, I’m cultured too!”