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53 Funny Triangle Jokes

53 Funny Triangle Jokes

Triangle Puns (10)

1. I tried to draw an equilateral triangle but it looks a bit off. I guess I’m just not very well angled.

2. I wanted to make a triangle-shaped photo frame for my wedding photos but couldn’t decide between isosceles and scalene. My fiancée suggested we split the difference and get one right triangle frame.

3. Did you hear about the triangle that was feeling down? He needed a pick-me-up.

4. Why was the obtuse triangle upset? Because people kept calling him pointless.

5. I tried to draw a 30-60-90 triangle but it turned out looking pretty sketchy.

6. I was hoping to sail my boat in a triangular pattern but the wind shifted and now I’m just going in circles.

7. I entered my acute triangle into a beauty pageant but it lost out to an obtuse one. The judges said she had greater angles.

8. Did you hear about the fight between the two triangles? It quickly became a three-sided issue.

9. Why was the triangle angry at dinner? Because someone took his pi!

10. Why don’t triangles trust each other? Because they all have their own angles.

Triangle One-Liners (10)

11. I tried meditation by focusing on a triangle but I lost my centers.

12. My triangle girlfriend broke up with me because I was never right.

13. I was going to tell a joke about triangles but you wouldn’t get the point.

14. Triangles may get to cut corners but they’ll never be well rounded.

15. I wanted to be a triangle but my parents told me to face reality.

16. Triangles have a rough edge but they’re always pointed in the right direction.

17. Triangles stick together until their relationships become obtuse.

18. A triangle walked into a bar and got into a fight. He threw the first punch.

19. I tried to draw a triangle but it was pointless.

20. Triangles think they’re so acute but they can be pretty obtuse.

Best Triangle Jokes (33)

21. Why was the equilateral triangle upset? Because people kept thinking he was two-faced.

22. What do you call two triangles who get in a fight? A square dance!

23. What do you call a greedy triangle? Fat-angled!

24. Why did the obtuse triangle go to summer school? To get more degrees!

25. Why was the right triangle so positive? Because it always looked on the bright side!

26. What do you call a triangle that skips class? Truant-angled!

27. Why don’t triangles play poker? Because they always fold.

28. What’s a triangle’s favorite sport? Trig-onometry!

29. Why was the scalene triangle anxious? She felt unequal to the occasion.

30. Why was the obtuse triangle so good at hide-and-seek? She was never right.

31. Did you hear about the triangle that won the Nobel Prize? It had acute ideas.

32. What did the triangle say to the circle? You’re pointless!

33. Why don’t obtuse triangles study abroad? They don’t want to lose their 180 degrees!

34. Why was the triangle crying? Because its boyfriend left without giving a sine!

35. What do you call a little triangle? An acute one!

36. How does a triangle get more angular? With vertex control!

37. Why do triangles make the best sandwiches? They always know the right angle for mayo application.

38. Why didn’t the triangle cross the road? He didn’t have the inclination.

39. What do you call a three-sided water storage tank? A trig-cistern!

40. Why was the 30-60-90 triangle so conceited? Because it always thought it was right.

41. Why do triangles make bad swimmers? They only doggy-paddle on one side.

42. What do you call a triangle that works out? A flex-agon.

43. Why don’t triangles live long? Because their days are numbered.

44. Why did the scalene triangle break up with her boyfriend? Their relationship became too uneven.

45. Why don’t obtuse triangles like camping? Their tents aren’t right.

46. What did one triangle say to the crying triangle? Don’t be sad, things will look up!

47. What do you call a trio of sick triangles? A cough, cough, cough-angle.

48. Why does a triangle make a great CEO? He always stays focused and on point.

49. What did the triangle say to his girlfriend? I love every one of your angles!

50. Why was the triangle angry? People kept calling him pointless.

51. Why don’t triangles tell secrets? Because they can’t keep it 180!

52. Why don’t triangles cheat on tests? They always use a straightedge.

53. Why did the triangle think he saw a ghost? There was an unexpected angle in his hallway.