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42 Funny Tomato Jokes

42 Funny Tomato Jokes

Tomato Puns

1. What do you call a tomato that makes music? A rappato!

2. Why was the tomato so popular at the party? It really knew how to salsa!

3. How do tomatos communicate? They use tomato sauce to pass messages!

4. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

5. What do you call a sad tomato? Depressed sauce!

6. How does a tomato become famous? It gets discovered by a talent scout named V8!

7. Why are tomatoes so addicted to chess? Because they’re always trying to ketchup!

8. What did the tomato say when it got stepped on? I’m being squashed!

9. Why don’t tomatoes make good comedians? Because their jokes always fall flat!

10. How do you fix a broken tomato? With tomato paste!

11. Why was the tomato so embarrassed? It saw everyone staring at its privates!

12. What do you call a sad, lonely tomato? Processed salsa!

Tomato One-Liners

13. I asked my friend if he liked tomatoes, he said only if they’re heirloom!

14. When life gives you tomatoes, make pasta sauce!

15. Don’t cry over diced tomatoes!

16. Tomatoes might be red but their jokes are always green!

17. I only have eyes for tomatoes!

18. Tomatoes might be round, but their sense of humor isn’t juicy!

19. You say tomato, I say hilarious!

20. I like tomatoes best when they’re sauce and not the main course!

21. Tomatoes might grow on vines but their jokes never get old!

22. What’s red and isn’t that funny? Tomatoes!

Best Tomato Jokes

23. Why did the tomato turn red? It saw the salad dressing!

A tomato was resting peacefully in a salad, minding its own business, when suddenly the salad dressing walked by. The tomato immediately turned bright red with embarrassment!

24. What do you get when you cross a tomato with a comedian? A silly salsa!

Tomatoes might be tasty, but they’re not exactly known for being funny. However, if you crossed one with a comedian, you’d end up with a hilarious salsa that would crack everyone up!

25. Why don’t tomatoes make good comedians? Because their jokes always fall flat!

Tomatoes just don’t have what it takes to be successful comedians – their jokes tend to be one-note, lacking punchlines or clever wordplay. Audiences often sit with puzzled looks on their faces after hearing a tomato’s joke, wondering where the humor was supposed to be!

26. How do you fix a broken tomato? Tomato Paste!

If a tomato ever gets cracked or smashed, don’t worry – there’s an easy way to fix it! Just take the remains and turn it into some tomato paste. Spread the paste onto whatever you like – bread, a sandwich, crackers – and the tomato is good as new again!

27. Why did the tomato blush? Because it saw the salad dressing!

The tomato was just minding its own business on the countertop when suddenly, the salad dressing walked by. The tomato immediately turned bright red, completely flustered and embarrassed to be seen by the dressing in such a state!

28. What do you call an angry tomato? Agitated salsa!

When tomatoes get upset, their rage manifests into one spicy salsa! The angrier the tomato gets, the more heat is added to the salsa. No one wants to come across an agitated salsa unless they want to breathe fire!

29. Why shouldn’t you tell secrets around tomatoes? Because they might spill the beans!

Tomatoes are notorious blabbermouths – they can never keep a secret for long before revealing privileged information to everyone around them! If you have a secret you want kept, be sure not to discuss it near any tomatoes unless you want it broadcast to the whole world.

30. What did the tomato say to the other tomato during a race? I’ll ketchup to you!

Two tomatoes were competing in a race, speeding down the track as fast as they could roll. One tomato started falling behind, so he called out to the tomato ahead “I’ll ketchup to you!” meaning he would catch up. What a saucy race!

31. Why was the ketchup making such bad jokes? It was going through a mid-life cri-sis!

The ketchup was feeling its age, becoming stale and starting to separate. In an attempt to compensate, it started telling terrible jokes, hoping laughter would restore some of its youth. But alas, the ketchup’s mid-life cri-sis only led to lamer and lamer jokes!

32. Why are tomato jokes so cheesy? They use too much corn!

Tomato jokes tend to be overly goofy and ridiculous to the point of being corny. They rely too much on bad puns and silly wordplay rather than clever humor. If tomato jokes cut back on the corniness and worked on being more original, maybe they’d leave people laughing instead of groaning!

33. What kind of shoes do tomatos wear? Tomato sneakers!

Tomatos need footwear made specially for their round shape and lack of feet. Enter tomato sneakers – custom designed shoes with thick, tomato-red soles perfect for a tomato on the go! These sneakers let tomatos roll around in style.

34. How do you organize a space party for tomatos? You planet!

Throwing a stellar space party for tomatos is out of this world fun! First, planet meticulously by sending invitations and decorating with an astro theme. Make sure to have tomato friendly treats like salsa dip and chips. Games like lunar limbo and orbit the tomato add to the space fun! Blast off the tunes and get ready to rock-et around the tomato planet!

35. What do you call a Spanish tomato who always takes naps? A siesta tomato!

This tomato comes from a long line of Spanish tomatoes known for their love of siestas. After every meal, the siesta tomato immediately falls into a deep tomato nap for hours. Try as they may, no one can break this tomato out of its afternoon sleeping habit!

36. What did the tomato say to the chef at the pizza shop? You’ve crushed my spirits and marinaras!

The tomato was once ripe and full of flavor, happily growing on the vine. But the chef picked and crushed it into sauce, destroying the tomato’s spirits and dreams! Though it still wanted to bring joy on the pizza, its marinaras were heavy with sadness over its brutal end.

37. Why do tomatos make great spies? Because they’re never suspected!

On the surface, tomatos appear innocent enough – but secretly, they’re gathering intel! With their unassuming look, tomatos go completely under the radar while stealthily completing their missions. When the missing information is finally revealed, no one ever suspected the tomato!

38. How do tomatos unwind after a long day? They get stewed!

After working hard in the produce section all day, tomatos need to relax. So they draw a warm tomato bath, light some candles, and simmer for hours until they’re stewed to perfection. Once nice and stewed, these tomatoes are ready for a good night’s rest!

39. Why don’t eggs tell tomato jokes? They’d crack up too easily!

Eggs have to be careful not to laugh too hard at tomato jokes or they’re liable to crack up literally! The yolks wouldn’t be able to handle the silly tomato punchlines without breaking into egg salad laughter. For their own good, eggs avoid tomato humor altogether.

40. What’s a tomato’s favorite dance music? The salsa!

Tomatos were born to dance to traditional Latin salsa music! They sway their vines and twirl with the upbeat rhythms, releasing their inner tomato passion. The spicy beats of the salsa percussion is the perfect music to get these tomatoes moving and grooving!

41. Why don’t tomatos watch horror movies? Because they get the heebie jeebies!

Tomatos are easily spooked by scary movies, even silly zombie or monster flicks. The eerie music, surprising jump scares, and tension filled plots give tomatos the jittery jeebies! They’d rather watch a nice, calm documentary to avoid frightening their tomatoes senses.

42. What do you call a tomato who works as a private investigator? A salsa sleuth!

When there’s a case that needs cracking, you call in the salsa sleuth! This tomato P.I. expertly gathers clues and intel to solve any mystery. With such a sharp eye for detail, no clue escapes this saucey investigator’s notice! The bad guys better watch out for this tomato gumshoe on their trail!