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75 Funny Tin Man Jokes

75 Funny Tin Man Jokes

Tin Man Puns

1. The Tin Man decided to go on a diet, but he found he just cannoli lose weight.

2. The Tin Man was feeling rusty, so he decided to oil out for a bit.

3. The Tin Man entered a pie eating contest, but he ended up getting sheet metal all over his face.

4. The Tin Man was feeling down, so he decided to get hammered.

5. The Tin Man went to get an MRI scan but the magnets stuck to him and he couldn’t tin can move.

6. The Tin Man went speed dating but found he had no chemistry with any of the ladies.

7. The Tin Man decided to take up gardening but found he didn’t have much of a green thumb.

8. The Tin Man tried to get a tan on the beach but he just got rusty.

9. The Tin Man entered a limbo contest but he was too inflexible to go under the bar.

10. The Tin Man tried out for American Ninja Warrior but lacked the axle flexibility needed for the obstacles.

11. The Tin Man decided to try cryotherapy but got stuck to the cryochamber.

12. The Tin Man wanted to try skydiving but was worried about denting when he landed.

Tin Man One-Liners

13. The Tin Man’s favorite pickup line: Hey baby, wanna give me an oil can?

14. What sits in a field all day reflecting? The Tin Cow.

15. How does the Tin Man keep his breath fresh? With sheet mints.

16. Why was the Tin Man always in pitch dark? He was afraid of the light.

17. How does the Tin Man keep cool in summer? With his tin foil hat.

18. Why did the Tin Man do so poorly on his vision test? He kept tinblinking.

19. How does the Tin Man stay connected? With cans and string.

20. Why doesn’t anyone want the Tin Man on their basketball team? Because he’s a tinliability.

21. What do you call a Tin Man who skipped leg day? Rusty knees.

22. Why does the Tin Man avoid marching bands? He hates the tubas and cymbals crashing.

Best Tin Man Jokes

23. The Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Lion were on a camping trip together. The Scarecrow started gathering firewood while the Lion went hunting. After a while the Tin Man said “Guys I’m getting tired of waiting, I’m going to go set up the tent.” The Lion said “No wait, don’t do that yet!” The Tin Man asked “Why not?” The Lion replied, “Because we need to set up tent first.”

24. Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion finally reached the Emerald City and met the Wizard. Dorothy made her request to go home, the Scarecrow asked for a brain, and the Lion wanted courage. Then the Wizard turned to the Tin Man and asked “What is it that you desire?” The Tin Man thought for a moment and said “A little WD-40 would be nice.”

25. The Tin Man, Scarecrow and Lion decided to go bowling together. The Scarecrow got up first but the ball went straight into the gutter. He tried a few more times with the same result. Next, the Lion bowled but he threw the ball so hard it flew over the lane into the next one. Finally, the Tin Man got up to bowl. As he released the ball, it went perfectly straight down the middle and got a strike! The Scarecrow and Lion were amazed and asked how he did it. The Tin Man shrugged and said “Well I am tin-average bowler.”

26. Dorothy and her friends were walking through the forest when suddenly the trees started throwing apples at them. Dorothy cried “Oh no, we must have stumbled into the fighting apple trees!” The Tin Man said “Don’t worry, I’ll chop them down with my axe.” But the Lion stopped him saying “No don’t do that, we need to get to the core of the problem.” Meanwhile, the Scarecrow was collecting all the apples saying “How wonderful, a free fruit salad!”

27. The Tin Man, Scarecrow and Lion were having lunch at a diner. When the food arrived, the Tin Man doused his meal in oil before eating it. The waitress saw this and asked “Excuse me sir, why did you pour oil on your food?” The Tin Man explained “I’m stuffed with straw, so I have to oil my joints frequently to avoid rusting up.” The Scarecrow chimed in “That makes sense, I’m full of straw too after all.” Then they both looked expectantly at the Lion. He sighed and said “Alright fine, I’m full of it too.”

28. Dorothy and her friends finally reached the end of the yellow brick road and found the Emerald City. The Tin Man turned to the Scarecrow and said “You know, I really don’t think we’re qualified to meet the Wizard. I mean, I don’t have a heart, you barely have a brain…” The Scarecrow interrupted “Speak for yourself! I’ll have you know I have a Master’s in Thinkology and a PhD in Brain Stuff. Who’s not qualified now, huh Tin Can?”

29. The Tin Man, Scarecrow and Lion were hanging out after their long journey. The Tin Man said “You know, if Dorothy hadn’t come along I’d probably still be stuck rusted in that field.” The Scarecrow replied “And I’d be stuck on my pole being harassed by crows.” The Lion added “And I’d still be cowering in fear of everything.” They all agreed Dorothy had changed their lives for the better. Then the Tin Man said “Speaking of Dorothy, where is she anyway?” The Lion shrugged and said “Not sure, probably off trying to get home or something.”

30. Dorothy and friends were walking when they came across the poppy field that puts everyone to sleep. The Scarecrow cried “Don’t inhale the poppy dust or you’ll fall asleep forever!” But it was too late, Dorothy collapsed into a deep slumber. “Oh no, what do we do?” the Lion said in despair. The Tin Man thought for a moment then started making loud metallic clanging noises by banging his axe against his body. Dorothy woke with a start and said “Whew thanks Tin Man, your loud banging woke me up!”

31. Dorothy and friends encountered a flock of angry crows during their journey. One crow landed on the Scarecrow’s shoulder and started pecking at his straw. The Tin Man tried shooing it away by waving his axe around. But the crafty crow kept dodging the swings then returned to pecking once the axe was lowered. After several failed attempts, the Tin Man huffed “Darn crows, I’ll chop you into pieces!” The Scarecrow said “Whoa calm down! No need to murder the crows, let’s just scare them off.”

32. Dorothy and friends came across a deep river they needed to cross. “I’ve got this,” said the Lion confidently. He put Toto on his back then tried swimming across while carrying the little dog. But the current was too strong, sweeping the Lion downstream until he washed up on shore far from where he started. The Tin Man tried next, walking steadily across the river bottom due to his heavy metal body. But suddenly he got stuck midway and started rusting in place. “Help I’m stuck!” he cried. Finally, the Scarecrow had an idea. He laid himself across the river surface and said “Walk over me, I’ll act as a bridge.” Dorothy carefully crossed while stepping on the floating Scarecrow.

33. The group was passing a cornfield when the Scarecrow paused to chat with one of his crow brethren perched on a scarecrow post. After a minute, the Tin Man called out impatiently “Come on Scarecrow, stop talking to the crows and let’s go!” The Scarecrow hurried to catch up and the Tin Man asked “What did you and that old crow talk about anyway?” The Scarecrow replied “Oh nothing much, we just shot the breeze for a bit.”

34. Dorothy and friends came to a dark forest with a sign that said “Beware! Wheelers ahead.” Dorothy asked “What are Wheelers?” The Lion shuddered and replied “They’re these creepy creatures that use their hands like wheels to move around.” Just then, they heard squeaking wheels approaching fast. The Tin Man brandished his axe shouting “Back, you Wheelers!” But it was just a bicyclist wearing gloves and using his hands to pedal while coasting. “Oh, false alarm!” said the Tin Man, lowering his axe.

35. The group stopped to rest by a lake. The Scarecrow knelt down to splash some water on his face, but accidentally tumbled headfirst into the lake and began sinking fast. The Tin Man quickly jumped in after him but being metal, he sank straight to the bottom too. Just as it seemed they would drown, the Lion dove in roaring loudly. His roar echoed so strongly underwater it created bubbles that floated both the Tin Man and Scarecrow back to the surface.

36. Dorothy and friends were hiking through a canyon when an earthquake struck, causing boulders to roll down towards them. The Tin Man braced himself over Dorothy to shield her from the rocks. CLANG! CLANG! The boulders bounced right off his metal body. Once the quake ended, the Tin Man straightened up and said “Phew, thank goodness I’m rock solid!” Meanwhile, the Scarecrow and Lion had taken cover behind a large pillar of stone.

37. The group came to a rickety old rope bridge crossing a deep gorge. Dorothy was scared to cross the bridge but the Scarecrow encouraged her “Don’t worry, just hold onto me and we’ll get across safely.” Halfway across, the ropes broke! The Tin Man grabbed one end while the Lion caught the other, suspending the bridge. Once on the other side, the Scarecrow said “Whew thanks guys, your quick thinking saved us.” The Tin Man replied “Don’t mention it, we make an excellent bridging team.”

38. Dorothy and friends were walking when suddenly the Wicked Witch appeared, cackling loudly. “I’ll get you my pretty!” she shrieked. In panic, the Tin Man swung his axe at her, but she vanished just before it struck. “Guys, we’ve got to sneak up on her to defeat the witch,” said the Scarecrow. Hearing this, the Lion tiptoed up behind her and then let out a tremendous roar. The Witch was so startled, she melted on the spot. “Nicely done!” said the Tin Man, patting the Lion’s back.

39. The group was travelling through Winkie Country when the Tin Man spotted something shiny along the path. As he got closer, he saw it was the severed arm of a tin man, crawling around by itself. The Tin Man recoiled in shock yelling “Ahh it’s alive!” Seeing his reaction, the Lion quickly stomped the arm flat while growling fiercely. The Tin Man caught his breath then said “Thanks Lion, you really handled that situation.”

40. Dorothy and friends were walking when a swarm of bees descended on them. The Scarecrow started running around yelling as the bees swarmed him and stung his straw body all over. The Tin Man tried batting them away with his axe but that just riled them up even more. Meanwhile, the Lion faced the bees head on and let out a tremendous roar. The roar was so powerful it blew all the bees far away. The Scarecrow collapsed on the ground moaning while covered in bee stings. The Tin Man said “Thanks Lion, that was un-bee-lievable!”

41. The group came across a field of tall corn stalks and decided to rest there awhile. After napping against a corn stalk, the Scarecrow stood up to stretch and accidentally tipped the stalk over. This caused a domino effect of all the corn stalks falling over with a great crashing sound. The noise awoke Dorothy with a start and she cried “What’s happening?” The Tin Man assured her “Don’t worry, it’s just a little corn fusion.” From beneath fallen stalks, the muffled voice of the Scarecrow added “Sorry folks, that one’s on me.”

42. Dorothy and friends encountered a monster with the head of a rhinoceros and body of a hippopotamus. The Lion tried fighting it alone but the beast was too powerful. So the Tin Man helped by chopping off one of its legs with his axe. Howling in pain, the monster stumbled off into the woods to nurse its wound. The Lion high-fived the Tin Man saying “Thanks for the assist, we make a great tag-team.” Meanwhile, the Scarecrow was scooping up the severed rhino-hippo leg to take back to study later.

43. The group came upon a field strewn with rusted tin men in varying states of disrepair. One tin man, who was missing both arms and a leg, called out “Oil can! Oil can!” as they passed by. The Tin Man paused and said “Don’t worry friend, I’ve got you covered.” He oiled up the immobile tin man, allowing him to stand again. “Oh thank you kindly!” said the repaired tin man. Further along, they passed another one-legged tin man who also requested a quick oiling.

44. As they traveled, the Tin Man began squeaking loudly with each step he took. After a few miles of this, the Lion finally roared “Enough with the squeaking already!” The Tin Man explained “I’m sorry, but I really need to be oiled or my joints squeak something awful.” The Scarecrow began looking around until he found a rusty oil can in the grass. “Here you go!” he said, handing it to the Tin Man, who promptly oiled his joints. “Ah, blessed silence!” said the Lion as they resumed their journey squeak-free.

45. The group was passing through the Deadly Desert when a savage sandstorm arose. Dorothy and Toto took shelter under the Lion’s belly, using his fur coat as a wind break. Meanwhile, the Tin Man anchored himself firmly in the sand while the Scarecrow clung to his legs. After what seemed like hours, the storm finally passed. Dorothy thanked the Lion for his “mane shelter” while the Scarecrow praised the Tin Man’s stability as an “anchor tin man.”

46. At night during their journey, the Tin Man noticed the Scarecrow struggling to sleep. “What’s wrong?” he asked. The Scarecrow sighed “I can’t relax well enough to sleep soundly.” The Tin Man thought for a moment then started gently tapping on his metal torso, playing a soft lullaby. The rhythmic metallic ringing soon had the Scarecrow snoring away peacefully. Dorothy mumbled a sleepy “Thanks Tin Man” before rolling over to resume her own slumber.

47. The group came upon the lair of a fierce dragon. Smoke billowed from its nostrils as it eyed them hungrily. The Lion tried facing it head on but got singed by the dragon’s fiery breath. The Tin Man attempted hacking at it with his axe only to have the weapon melt on contact. Seeing his friends in trouble, the Scarecrow came up with a plan. “Dragon! Your shoes are untied!” he shouted. While the confused dragon looked down, Dorothy and friends made their escape. “Quick thinking!” said the Lion, impressed by the Scarecrow’s tactic.

48. The four friends went out for a picnic lunch together. The Tin Man bit into an apple but accidentally chipped one of his metal teeth. “Don’t worry about me guys, it’s just a little tin damage,” he said unfazed. Meanwhile, ants were swarming all over the Scarecrow trying to carry off bits of straw. The Lion helped by roaring at the ants to scare them away. “Whew thanks!” said the Scarecrow. “No problem, happy to help,” replied the Lion while eyeing the remaining snacks hungrily.

49. During their travels, the Tin Man found himself stuck waist-deep in quicksand. The more he struggled, the faster he sank. Just as the muck reached his shoulders, the Lion grabbed his axe and extended the handle to the Tin Man. The Tin Man grabbed hold and was pulled to safety. “Phew that was a close one!” he said. “No kidding!” said the Lion. “You’d have been in a real pickle if we hadn’t muscled you out.” Meanwhile, the Scarecrow was collecting soil samples from the quicksand pit for later analysis.

50. The group came across a cranky apple tree that started lobbing fruit at them. The Lion tried