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85 Funny Saudi Arabia Jokes

Saudi Arabia Puns (15)

  1. I wanted to visit Saudi Arabia’s Empty Quarter, but it was completely deserted.
  2. The Saudi king bought a new Rolls Royce. He calls it the “Royals Royce.”
  3. Why don’t Saudis like camping? There’s in-tents heat.
  4. My Saudi friend got rich selling sand. His business made a lot of cents.
  5. Did you hear about the new Saudi dating app? It’s for women who love beards.
  6. Why are clothes so expensive in Saudi Arabia? Everything is custom made.
  7. Why did the Saudi girl win the Quran recital contest? She had it memorized to a tea.
  8. My Saudi friend loves watching camel races. He’s a big fan of hump day.
  9. The Saudi king hired an interior designer. He wanted a palace revolution.
  10. Why don’t Saudis need maps? Their country is pretty straight-forward.
  11. Saudi children love playing hide and sheikh.
  12. Why was the Saudi man arrested at the airport? He had too many imams in his luggage.
  13. My favorite thing about Saudi weddings is the I do’s and the I do’s.
  14. Why are Saudi comedians so funny? They have dry Hummus.
  15. What do you call a Saudi who loves music? A hip-hop-otamus.

Saudi Arabia One-Liners (15)

  1. My friend went to Saudi Arabia to see the Red Sea but it was just a bunch of blue water.
  2. I entered the Saudi camel beauty pageant but didn’t make the final hump.
  3. Don’t worry if you get lost in the deserts of Saudi Arabia, there’s a Prince nearby who can show you de way.
  4. My Saudi friend got rich selling his start-up company. He made a prophet.
  5. What do you call a lazy Saudi? A sheikher.
  6. My friend decided to become a Saudi prince, he’s now known as The Fresh Prince of Jeddah.
  7. My Saudi uncle loves dancing. He’s a real hip shake-er.
  8. Don’t invite a Saudi on a camping trip, they’ll just pitch a tent and leave.
  9. My brother came back from Saudi Arabia with heat stroke. The desert was too hot to handle.
  10. Don’t let a Saudi DJ play at your wedding, it will just be Haram music all night.
  11. My Saudi friend only dates girls with hairy arms, I guess you could say he has hair-em scare-em.
  12. I tried to book a trip to see the Kaaba, but there was no room at the mosque.
  13. Don’t bother taking an Uber in Saudi Arabia, it’s impossible to find your driver.
  14. My friend got a job guarding the Saudi king. Now he’s rolling in the dirhams.
  15. Saudi children must go to bed early or else the Sandman will come.

Best Saudi Arabia Jokes (18)

  1. My friend Ahmed went on a date with a Saudi girl. When he showed up to pick her up, she was standing there in full niqab. Ahmed asked “How will I know which one is you?” The girl replied “I’ll be the one in the blue niqab.”
  2. A Saudi prince wanted to impress a girl, so he invited her for a drive through the desert. After a short while, the prince turned to her and said “I bet I can make camels appear with my magic powers.” The girl looked puzzled as the prince closed his eyes, waved his hands, and said some magic words. He then turned to her and said “So, did it work? Do you see any camels?” The girl replied “Yeah, hundreds of them!” The prince smiled proudly and said “How’s that for my magic?” The girl just laughed and said “Those are sand dunes, you idiot.”
  3. Ali moved from Saudi Arabia to America. On his first day of school, the teacher asked the students what their fathers did for work. When it was Ali’s turn, he said “My father is an oil sheikh and has 10 wives.” The teacher responded “Wow, sounds like a busy man!” Ali quickly replied “Not really, he spends all day sitting around the house drinking coffee.”
  4. A Saudi prince decided to visit America for the first time. He hailed a taxi in New York and asked the driver to take him to his hotel. Along the way, they got stuck in heavy traffic. Impatient, the prince asked “What’s going on?” The driver answered “Ah, it’s rush hour your highness, happens everyday around this time.” The prince shook his head and said “No no, in my country prince go first!”
  5. Two friends, Abdullah and Faisal, went on a road trip across Saudi Arabia. Along the way, they stopped in a small town to get something to eat. Faisal noticed a restaurant called “Ladies Only” and said “Oh let’s eat there, I heard they have great food.” Abdullah just laughed and responded “Keep dreaming my friend, you’re never getting into that restaurant!”
  6. A Saudi man was traveling through the desert on camelback when he came across a farmer. He asked the farmer “Can you please tell me how long it will take to get to the next town?” The farmer thought for a minute then replied “I would say about 2 days and nights.” The Saudi man was shocked and said “But I’m on a camel, the ship of the desert!” The farmer nodded and said “Yes, and that ship has a 2 day, 2 night cruise.”
  7. Ahmad participated in a camel race across Saudi Arabia. After days of nonstop riding, Ahmad was exhausted but determined to win. In the final stretch, he saw the finish line ahead and used his last bit of energy to push his camel forward. Just then, the camel tripped on a rock, sending Ahmad flying head first into a sand dune. Lifting his head up, Ahmad spit out a mouthful of sand and shouted “Dang it, I was so close! This is what I get for putting all my eggs in one camel basket.”
  8. Sami was nervous about his first day of school after moving from Saudi Arabia to America. During lunch, he sat down next to a blonde girl. Wanting to be friendly, he said “Hi, I’m new here. What’s your name?” The girl turned and shrieked “Ahhh a talking rag!” She thought Sami was an animated magic carpet.
  9. A Saudi man got an elderberry bush stuck in his robe while walking through the desert. He tried to shake it free but it was really stuck in the fabric. Defeated, the man sighed “Well, I guess I’m an elderberry now.”
  10. Two Saudi friends saw a man walking strangely down the street. One friend said “That guy is walking like he just got off a camel.” The other replied “No I think he’s walking that way because he actually got off his high horse for once.”
  11. My friend tried to scam people in Saudi Arabia by hiding in the desert and pretending to be an oasis. But everyone could see right through his mirage.
  12. I entered a camel race in Saudi Arabia but had to drop out halfway through due to exhaustion. As I was carried away on a stretcher, I weakly raised my fist and said “I’ll get you next time, Humphrey the hump camel!”
  13. Ahmed was applying to be a guard for the Saudi royal family. In the job interview, they asked him “If you saw someone threatening the king, how would you respond?” Ahmed thought about it and replied “I would immediately shield the king from harm and say ‘Sheikh, that was close!'”
  14. My friend likes to impersonate Saudi princes. He’ll put on a fancy robe, wear a fake beard, and talk in a silly royal accent. We keep telling him to stop doing it but he says “No no, I prince, I do what I want!”
  15. Two Saudi men were discussing camel racing. One said “I’ll never understand why people get so invested in watching camels run. It’s just so boring to me.” The other man gasped dramatically and responded “How dare you insult the majestic sport of camel racing! This means war!”
  16. I entered my pet camel in a big race across Saudi Arabia, thinking he could win easily. But he only managed a third dromedary finish.
  17. A Saudi prince wanted to impress a girl he liked, so he rented out an entire mall and filled it with designer stores just for her. She walked around in disbelief saying “Wow, this is incredible!” The prince smiled proudly until she added “But couldn’t you have just bought me flowers or something?”
  18. My Saudi friend started a business selling sand on the internet. He’s the Sheikh of online shaking.