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27 Funny Rowing Puns

Rowing Puns

1. I wanted to go rowing, but I was just too tide.

2. I heard two rowers got into a fight. I guess they were stroke rivals.

3. Did you hear about the rowing team that got lost during practice? They really missed the boat on that one.

4. Why was the rowing coach yelling at his team? He wanted to motivate them oar else.

5. The rowing team was disqualified from the race. The officials said they were coxswaining too much.

6. I heard the rowing team got a new boat. I guess you could say they have a new vessel for success.

7. Why do rowers make great lawyers? They know how to rowgue the witness.

8. Why do rowers make bad hairdressers? They only know one style – the crew cut.

9. Did you hear about the rowing team that tipped their boat? I guess they really botched that one up.

10. How do rowers stay connected? They use oarsome teamwork.

Rowing One-Liners

11. Row, row, row your boat swiftly down the stream – we’ve got a race to win!

12. These rowing puns really make me want to boat out of here.

13. Rowing is oar-some if you ask me!

14. Rowing takes a lot of muscle and oresome dedication.

15. Quit oar-guing and get in the boat – we’ve got practice!

16. Rowing is a stroke of genius if you ask me.

17. Rowers never get tide of practicing their sport.

18. Rowers sure know how to make a splash in competitions.

19. Rowing puns really get me boat-hered.

20. When it comes to rowing, these jokes are pretty hull-arious.

Best Rowing Jokes

21. A rowing team was preparing for an important race. The coach gathered the rowers and said, “We need to work as a unit out there tomorrow. That means rowing in perfect unison, following my exact tempo without hesitation. If you don’t row in sync, we have no chance of winning.” The rowers nodded in agreement and commitment.

The next day at the race, the team was rowing powerfully but completely out of sync. The boat zigzagged dangerously all over the lake. Frustrated, the coach called out, “What’s going on? Row in sync! Why can’t you follow my tempo?”

One of the rowers replied, “Sorry coach, we would. But your tempo is just off the beat.”

22. Three men, one from Harvard, one from Yale, and one from MIT decided to row down a river together. The Harvard man insisted on bringing his laptop so he could stay on top of his work. The Yale man brought a bottle of wine and cheese to enjoy during their outing. The MIT man brought tools to measure the river’s depth, speed, and direction.

Ten minutes into their row, the three hit rapids and their boat capsized, sending them all into the swirling river. The Harvard man lost his laptop, the Yale man lost his wine and cheese, and the MIT man shrugged and said “Well at least we’re making good progress!”

23. A cocky rowing team was preparing to race against their long-time rivals. The night before the big event, the rowers snuck to the rival team’s boats and painted “We’re #1!” on the hulls. Come race day, the pranksters rowed to the start line chuckling to themselves. But when they pulled up next to their rivals, they saw the rivals had painted under their message: “Yeah…#1 to lose tomorrow!” The cocky team lost by two boat lengths.

24. At the conclusion of a regional rowing championship, the coach of the last place team was livid with his rowers. “You guys are hopeless! Complete amateurs! This loss is unacceptable. I don’t even know why I waste my time coaching you all,” he shouted. The rowers sat in disappointed silence for a moment.

Then the coxswain finally spoke up. “Coach, I think we’d do better if you didn’t yell so much from the backseat.”

25. An Olympic rowing coach was instructing his team on the mindset it takes to win gold. He said “Beyond strength and endurance, rowing well requires perfect harmony between the mind and body. You must clear your minds of all distractions and reservations. Rowing requires absolute Purpose.”

One of the rowers raised his hand and asked “EvenPurpose helps remove odors and stains?”

26. A tourist wandering along the banks of a famous rowing lake heard loud, rhythmic grunting sounds coming from nearby. He walked closer to investigate and saw the source – the U.S. Olympic men’s rowing team practicing in their sleek sculls. The tourist shouted “My my, that reminds me of a traditional dance we have back home!”

The rowing coach, annoyed by the interruption, barked back “We’re not dancing out here buddy. This is serious athletic training!”

“Oh sorry,” said the tourist. “From back there it just looked like you guys were doing the Hokey Rowkey!”

27. The coach of a major university’s rowing team was getting frustrated with the latest batch of freshman recruits. He grabbed the team captain aside and said “No offense, but your fellow rowers are weak. We’ve got a big competition coming up and with their current skill level, we might as well send a batch of kindergartners to row for us!”

The team captain smiled and responded, “Actually coach, I happen to know a group of kindergartners who can row really well. I taught a bunch of them last summer when I was volunteering at my old elementary school. Want me to give them a call?”