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47 Funny Rainbow Puns

47 Funny Rainbow Puns

Rainbow Puns

1. I tried to capture a rainbow yesterday, but I mist.

2. What do you call a rainbow that goes on too long? Over the rainbowbow.

3. Why was the rainbow greedy? Because it wanted all the Skittles for itself.

4. The leprechaun got angry when I tried to steal his rainbow. I guess he was just defending his pot of gold.

5. I entered an art competition but didn’t win. The judges said my rainbow was too colorful and unrealistic. I thought it was a pretty solid archttempt.

6. What did the rainbow say to the other rainbow? I’m your biggest fan!

7. Why can’t you trust rainbows? They’re always up to something shady.

8. Did you hear about the new smartphone for rainbows? It has excellent color coordination.

9. If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Rainbows in June.

10. What did one rainbow say to the other double rainbow? We make quite the perfect pair!

11. Why was the rainbow late for her date with the other rainbow? She took too long to get ready and was having a hard time picking out her outfit.

12. Why do rainbows make such great artists? They have a real flair for color.

13. How does the rainbow stay in shape? It does color-robics.

14. I wanted to wear a rainbow to Pride, but the colors ran when I washed it. Some of the dye even got on my other clothes!

15. What’s a rainbow’s favorite candy? Skittles – because they taste like rainbows!

16. Why couldn’t the rainbow go to the psychic? Because its future was always over the horizon.

Rainbow One-Liners

17. I tried to catch a rainbow but missed by a mile.

18. Chasing rainbows leads to pots without gold.

19. Can’t wait for the rainbow after this storm passes.

20. The rainbow was caught red handed stealing colors from the sky.

21. Rainbows and unicorns – the perfect combo doesn’t exi…

22. Rainbows spread happiness, even on cloudy days.

23. Rainbow bright, sunshiny delight.

24. Rainbows: brightening up rainy days one color at a time.

25. Follow the rainbow to happiness and joy.

26. A day without rainbows is like a day without sunshine.

27. The rainbow whispered a colorful promise after the storm.

28. Rainbows – nature’s colorful poetry painted across the sky.

29. A rainbow a day keeps the gloom clouds away.

30. Rainbows have nothing on your smile.

Best Rainbow Jokes

31. What do you call a sad rainbow? A bluebow.

32. How does the rainbow keep its colors so bright? It uses tide.

33. Why don’t eggs trust rainbows? They can never keep their promises, they just eggnore them.

34. How do sheep get over rainbows? They use ewe-dacts.

35. Why doesn’t anyone talk to colors? Because they dye all the time!

36. What do you call a psychic dwarf escaping from prison? A small medium at large.

37. I wanted to learn how to do a rainbow flick with eyeshadow but it seemed too hard. I guess I just don’t have the skills to pull it off.

38. I was struggling to hang up a rainbow flag, so I asked my friend for help. He said “Sure, I got your back…bow.”

39. I entered my rainbow art piece into a competition but it got disqualified. Apparently there were too many colors in the wrong places. I guess I really screwed up the color coordination.

40. Why don’t eggs tell rainbow jokes? They always end up cracking each other up!

41. What’s the best thing about rainbows? There’s always a light at the end of it!

42. My friend kept talking about double rainbows so I asked him “What does this all mean?!” He said “Uh, two rainbows?

43. I wanted to date a rainbow but our personalities were too different. I can be a bit shady sometimes.

44. What did the color-blind man say about the rainbow? “Meh.”

45. Why did the kid bring Skittles to school? In case there was a rainbow test!

46. What did the rainbow say to the road? Don’t worry, I won’t run across you.

47. What’s a leprechaun’s favorite type of cereal? Lucky Charms – they always have a prize at the end of the rainbow!