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43 Funny Popcorn Puns

43 Funny Popcorn Puns

Popcorn Puns

1. I wanted to make a pun about popcorn, but it would just be corny.

2. What do you call an ear of popcorn that skips school? A popcorn truant!

3. Why was the popcorn late to work? It got stuck in traffic jam.

4. I entered my pet popcorn in a beauty contest. It won Poppest in Show.

5. Did you hear about the popcorn kernel that went to jail? He was convicted of a salt and buttery.

6. I couldn’t think of any popcorn puns. My mind was drawing a blank cornel.

7. What do you call a piece of popcorn that solves mysteries? Popcorn P.I.

8. Why did the popcorn go to Hollywood? It wanted to become a famous kernel!

9. Why don’t popcorn kernels ever relax? They’re always under a lot of pressure.

10. I tried telling my friend a joke about popcorn but he didn’t find it very a-maize-ing.

11. What do you call a popcorn dealer? The Kernel.

12. How does popcorn get around? With kernel-powered engines!

Popcorn One-Liners

13. Popcorn – it’s corny and I love it!

14. Popcorn – the snack with built-in entertainment.

15. Popcorn – like regular corn, but fun.

16. Popcorn – proof that the best things in life go “pop!”

17. Popcorn – the only food that cheers for you while you eat it.

18. Popcorn – tiny pieces of corn that think they’re sharks.

19. Popcorn – I bet kernels have nightmares about becoming this.

20. Popcorn – corn’s dramatic teenage years.

21. Popcorn – 100% natural fireworks in snack form.

22. Popcorn – corn’s way of auditioning for the circus.

Best Popcorn Jokes

23. I went to the state fair and entered my prize popcorn in the food competition. Unfortunately, the judges hated it. They said it wasn’t good enough to win, it didn’t deserve a kernel of praise.

24. My friend got frustrated trying to open a bag of stale popcorn. After struggling with it for a few minutes, he yelled “I popcorn’t do this anymore!” and threw it in the trash.

25. I accidentally burnt a batch of popcorn I was making. I guess you could say it was cremated – so I gave it a viking funeral and sent it down the river. Too bad, it was my favorite brand – Pop Secret.

26. I was on a road trip with some friends and we stopped at a gas station. My friend went in and came back with nothing but a bag of popcorn. I asked “Where’s the rest of the food?” He said “Don’t worry, we can pop-corn the road!”

27. Did you hear about the angry popcorn kernel? He was about to blow his top.

28. What do you call a psychic midget escaping from prison? A small medium at large.

29. I entered my pet parrot in a popcorn eating contest. Polly ate the most popcorn and won! I guess you could say she’s a pop-corn star.

30. Why was the popped corn stalking the popcorn kernels? It wanted to intimidate the un-popped competition.

31. I saw two pieces of popcorn walking down the sidewalk and one was a-salted. The police came and arrested the popcorn for assalt.

32. What did the popcorn say when it won the lifetime achievement award? I’m truly honored, this is going to look great on my pop-corne.

33. Why was the piece of popcorn so exhausted? It had a long kernel at work.

34. I tried to write a book about popcorn but I kept getting stuck on the first kernel.

35. What do you call a cow who makes popcorn? A popcorn bull.

36. Why do popcorn kernels hate gossip? It makes them burst with excitement.

37. Did you hear about the popcorn that went on a cooking show? It wanted to be a pop star.

38. I wanted to make the world’s largest popcorn ball for the county fair, but couldn’t get enough volunteers to help roll it. You could say I lacked the man-popcorn-power.

39. What did the popcorn say to the angry customer? Don’t get so salty with me!

40. A popcorn kernel walked into a bar and said “Give me a beer quick! I’m about to pop!”

41. What did the scientist say when he crossed popcorn with a porcupine? I’ve created a poppin’ good snack!

42. I ate too much popcorn and now my stomach hurts. That’s the last time I eat three ker-nels in one sitting!

43. What do you call a fairy who brings you popcorn? The Popcorn Fairy!