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64 Funny Pokémon Jokes

64 Funny Pokémon Jokes

Pokémon Puns (10)

1. I couldn’t decide which Pokémon to catch, it was an Onix-pected Dilemma!

2. The Electric-type Pokémon were so energetic at the party, it was Electrifying!

3. I was trying to come up with a good Grass-type Pokémon joke, but they were all a little Farfetch’d.

4. The Fire-type Pokémon got into a heated argument, it was Lit!

5. I wanted to make a Pokémon joke about Water-types, but they were all too Mainstream.

6. I tried to catch a Ghost-type Pokémon, but it just Ghastly slipped away!

7. The Bug-type Pokémon were buzzing around, it was Beedrilliant!

8. The Normal-type Pokémon were being totally Snorlax about their training.

9. I tried to come up with a Dark-type Pokémon joke but couldn’t think of anything, it was a real Absol-ute failure.

10. I wanted to tell a joke about Psychic Pokémon but I Kadabra-le to think of one.

Pokémon One-Liners (10)

11. I guess you could say Squirtle is pretty shell-fish.

12. Gastly’s favorite food? Ghost peppers!

13. What do you call a sleepy Snorlax? A snore-lax!

14. Why was Bulbasaur so happy? Because it had a radish!

15. What do you call a frozen Pikachu? A Pikachill!

16. How does Charizard light its barbecue? With its flamethrower!

17. What do you call a happy Abra? A gladabra!

18. Why can’t Gengar go shopping? Because it has no Gengar!

19. What do you call a wet Pikachu? Pikapuddle!

20. Why did Charmander cross the road? To get to the other fire!

Best Pokémon Jokes (22)

21. Ash Ketchum walks into a Pokémon Center and asks Nurse Joy, “What’s the Wifi password here?” Nurse Joy replies, “Pikachu, Pikachu.” Ash says, “Okay, thank you!” and walks away. A minute later, Misty walks in and asks Nurse Joy, “Hi, what’s the wifi password here?” Nurse Joy answers, “Pikachu, Pikachu.” Misty says “Okay, got it” and walks away. Then Brock enters and asks Nurse Joy “Excuse me, could I get the wifi password please?” Nurse Joy smiles and says “Pikachu, Pikachu.” Brock nods and says “Thank you Nurse Joy!” After he leaves, Nurse Joy mutters to herself, “Geez, you’d think by now they’d know the wifi password is Jigglypuff.”

22. Why did Ash Ketchum name his son Django? Because Django-Unchained.

23. What do you call a disappointment from Professor Oak’s lab? A Charmandern’t.

24. Why don’t Pokémon ever win hide and seek? Because Pikachu is always hiding in Ash’s backpack!

25. Why did Ash rush Pikachu to the Pokémon Center? Because it was having a shocking experience!

26. What do you call a lonely Arbok? An Arbroke!

27. Why couldn’t Gengar go to prom? It had no body to go with!

28. What do you call a psychic flying Pokémon? A farfetch’d idea!

29. Why was Bulbasaur so relaxed? Because it was taking a chlorophyll nap!

30. What kind of shoes do Pokémon wear? Pokéshoes!

31. Why did Ash put a lightning rod on top of his house? He was trying to catch Pikachu!

32. What do you call a Water Pokémon that runs on electricity? A Voltorb!

33. Why did Psyduck constantly have a headache? Because it was a bit Farfetch’d!

34. Which Pokémon does Drake love the most? Dragonite of course!

35. What do you call a happy Gloom? A glee-loom!

36. What’s a fireman’s favorite Pokémon? Squirtle!

37. Why did Ash take Pikachu to see an action movie? Because he knew Pikachu would love all the shocking scenes!

38. What do you call a icy cool Pokémon party? A Jynx jam!

39. Why was Charmander sad after evolving? Because its Charmeleon now!

40. How does Snorlax keep its breath fresh? With its Snorlaxatives of course!

41. What do you call a lazy shiny Dratini? A slacknini!

42. What did Brock say when he saw Nurse Joy? “Nurse Joy, my cœur es tu!”

More Pokémon Puns (12)

43. I made a playlist of emotional Pokémon songs. You could say it’s a Mew-sic compilation!

44. What do you call a Water Pokémon that’s also a grammar expert? A Poliwhirl!

45. I wanted to make a Dark Pokémon joke but couldn’t think of anything. What a Krookodile dilemma!

46. Why was Diglett so good at hide and seek? Because it was an expert at diguising itself!

47. What do you call a Rock Pokémon that works in an office? A Graveler!

48. Which Pokémon is the best public speaker? Loudred of course!

49. What do you call a happy Bellsprout? A jollysprout!

50. Why was Machamp voted most likely to succeed? Because it has four arms to get ahead!

51. What do you call a soft and cuddly Electric Pokémon? A Jolteon plushie!

52. Which Pokémon is the most stylish? It’s gotta be Furfrou!

53. What do you call a sleepy Abra? A napra!

54. Why was Bulbasaur voted “Most Likely to Relax”? It was a shoe-in for chlorophyllin’ all day!

More Pokémon One-Liners (10)

55. What’s a Charizard’s favorite food? Anything flambéed!

56. How does Squirtle travel on water? With its Squirtlecraft!

57. What’s a Water Pokémon’s favorite exercise? Waterobics!

58. Why do electric Pokémon make bad singers? They’re always going off-pitch!

59. How does Geodude get in shape? By rock climbing of course!

60. Why do fish Pokémon make the best jewelers? Because they know Waterstones to pick!

61. What’s a Grass Pokémon’s favorite music? Heavy metal!

62. How does Onix get around? It rides the subway!

63. What’s a Ghost Pokémon’s favorite dessert? I scream!

64. What do you call a Bug Pokémon who loves hugs? A Caterpie!